Simple Secrets Of Longevity - Alternative View

Simple Secrets Of Longevity - Alternative View
Simple Secrets Of Longevity - Alternative View

Video: Simple Secrets Of Longevity - Alternative View

Video: Simple Secrets Of Longevity - Alternative View
Video: The secret to living longer may be your social life | Susan Pinker 2024, September

A number of external and internal factors prevent a person from being forever healthy and young. So, one of such decisive factors is reduced physical activity. Modern society is absolutely not accustomed to regular physical activity. A sedentary and sedentary lifestyle leaves a negative imprint on the performance of the whole organism. At the same time, many people do not realize that they are personally guilty of many of their diseases. The disease of the twenty-first century, arthritis, affects even young people and children. The most interesting thing is that scientists have established a direct relationship between the presence of physical activity and the absence of arthritis. To normalize blood microcirculation in the body and strengthen it as a whole, doctors recommend daily active sports, or active practice of meditation using asanas.

In Eastern culture, there is a Taoist practice, thanks to which even the most serious diseases are cured. The practice of Tao consists in correct breathing, the Taoists believe that each organ breathes separately, and not only the lungs, Taoists use special sounds to normalize the breathing of each organ. Being in a meditative state, the Taoists include, in turn, each organ in the correct breathing. After that, the organs "smile" due to visualization. Indeed, if you imagine that your heart is smiling in your chest, then you yourself become easier. In addition, the Taoists practice special active movements, combined with special breathing, scientists have found that this practice can cure infertility.

Currently, in Europe there are whole Taoist schools and movements that offer everyone to learn the basics of Taoist breathing and physical culture for six months. In addition, you can learn Taoist acupressure. This is a specific practice that allows, due to the massage of certain points on the body, to activate the work of one or another organ, while this type of massage is patented by many doctors and healers.

The healing properties of massage have been known to people since ancient times. By normalizing blood microcirculation, many diseases can be cured. Today there are several dozen types of massage aimed at restoring lost body functions and preventing possible diseases.

Scientists have found that a healthy spine is the key to the health of the whole organism. Such a common disease as scoliosis can even paralyze limbs if it reaches a certain degree of development. Only a specially selected method of physical activity and acupressure can fight this disease. In order to prevent possible diseases of the spine, relieve muscle tension and restore nervous balance, a general therapeutic massage is used.

To restore the functioning of organs, a special massage is used, it is performed according to a specific technique that allows you to activate the microcirculation of blood in them. Of course, in one such procedure, the disease will not disappear from the body, but if you engage in complex therapy, even oncological diseases recede. In the treatment of dysfunctions of internal organs, massage is applied using aromatic oils and special stones. A stone such as jade heats up easily and keeps the temperature for a long time. If you use jade rollers for facial massage in the morning and in the evening, then after a few months fine wrinkles from the face disappear, the skin becomes more elastic and smooth.

For joint pain and damage to ligaments, it is also useful to use jade massagers, especially with special ointments and oils. Jade is able to take over the disease of internal organs, as our ancestors believed, this fact has not been scientifically established, but the fact that massage using this stone is more effective than simple massage is true. Among other things, through massage you can get the effect of skin rejuvenation and prolong life. The well-known honey massage allows not only to improve the appearance of the skin, but also to saturate it with important trace elements and minerals. This massage is shown to everyone who is not allergic to bee products, if there is one, then honey massage can be replaced with a massage with olive oil.

Of course, massage can help in curing many diseases of the spine and skin, but what to do with viral and fungal diseases? Doctors have found that antibiotics treat bacteria and fungi, but they do not have a destructive effect on viruses. Ordinary laundry soap can defeat harmful viruses and bacteria. Its healing properties have been known for a long time, but few people use this soap for medicinal purposes. Conjunctivitis, a common disease among children, can be easily treated with laundry soap. It is enough to rinse the child's eyes with a strong solution of laundry soap only a few times and the disease will recede. If you wash your nasal passages with household soap after visiting crowded places in the midst of the flu, then it is practically impossible to get infected with it.

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So, in India, laundry soap is used everywhere, having a problem with clean water, Indians wash all food products using laundry soap. At the same time, the level of E. coli disease in the country is minimal. For therapeutic purposes, it is necessary to use exactly dark laundry soap with a percentage of sixty-seven percent. White laundry soap will not give a therapeutic effect, it is made from chemical components, while brown laundry soap is made exclusively from natural ingredients and does not contain fragrances and dyes.

Laundry soap can destroy most viruses and bacteria, while not harming human health. Even with the problem of oily scalp and face, laundry soap will help to cope, but it should be used with caution so that the skin does not dry out. Many doctors even recommend washing dishes using laundry soap, since dishwashing detergents are not completely washed off, but remain on the surface and then enter the esophagus with food. And using laundry soap for these purposes is absolutely harmless.

The limitless possibilities of traditional medicine smolder before the possibilities of folk methods and methods that were known to people many centuries ago. Plants and stones are used to treat many diseases, but seemingly simple chemicals can be used for many different purposes. So, baking soda is not used by humans as a medicine, although in fact, many viruses simply do not survive in a soda environment. The alkaline environment that soda creates in combination with water does not allow disease-causing organisms to multiply, they simply die in it. Of course, you should not use soda uncontrollably, because an excessive amount of it can harm the body as a whole. In order to normalize the acid-base balance of the body, it is worth using a soda solution on an empty stomach in the morning,so that the soda does not enter into a chemical reaction with gastric juice.

Health and longevity directly depends on a person's lifestyle, and only he can decide to be healthy or not.