How To Get Lucky? A Simple Technique For Success - Alternative View

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How To Get Lucky? A Simple Technique For Success - Alternative View
How To Get Lucky? A Simple Technique For Success - Alternative View

Video: How To Get Lucky? A Simple Technique For Success - Alternative View

Video: How To Get Lucky? A Simple Technique For Success - Alternative View
Video: How to Be Lucky (4 Ways to Improve your Luck in Life) 2024, July

If you are having trouble catching your luck by the tail and not letting it go, you probably are not using all the chances that life throws at you. How to learn to find hidden opportunities and achieve success? Even in very advanced cases (loss of a job, departure of a loved one, deterioration in health, etc.), you can become a successful person, lucky. True, you have to work on yourself to get lucky.

Narrow thinking is the main enemy of luck

If you sit within four walls and repeat to yourself: “I'm a loser,” “How unlucky I am!”, “This is a failure,” etc., nothing good can be expected. The most common mistake people who are unlucky make is narrow thinking. We ourselves drive ourselves into frames and do not try to see something behind them. And if you look at the situation from a different angle, everything can change. How it works?

Psychologist Richard Wiseman conducted an interesting experiment. He asked a group of people who consider themselves losers to count the number of photographs in the newspaper. They spent about 3 minutes on this task. A group of those who considered themselves lucky completed this task in 5-10 seconds, because on the second page of the newspaper it was written: “Stop counting! Here are 43 photos. " And on the third: "Tell the experimenter that you saw this inscription and you will receive a monetary reward." Not a single person from the group of losers read either the first or the second phrase, but simply continued to count the photo.

Luck is not supernatural. We create it ourselves, looking closely at life and taking away all the chances and opportunities that it offers us. What strategies will help broaden your thinking?

How to broaden your mindset to catch your luck

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Build new routes

Do you want to change your life for the better? We'll have to go beyond the circle: family - work - home - friends. Researchers of the phenomenon of luck have found that if a person often attends events where he does not know anyone, travels alone and talks with strangers, then he increases his chances of becoming lucky.

Listen to yourself and believe in yourself

Yes, we know that you are already tired of trainings in the spirit of: "Learn to think positively", "Affirmations to change your life", etc. But without faith in success, you really won't succeed. Listen to yourself and suppress any negative thoughts. Happy people believe in themselves, it is understandable when they say: "I am sure I will get this job!", "I bet I will find a solution to this problem!", "Today is the best day in my life!" Take an example from them.

For example, if you have a broken heel on your favorite shoes that you have been wearing for 5 years, this is not a reason to reproach yourself and think about how unlucky you are. Buy yourself new shoes (even better!). Focus on the fact that you pleased yourself with a great thing, rather than whine that you had to go to unplanned expenses.

Take breaks from "brain activity"

When you think about a problem for a long time and feel that you are at a dead end, give up the "brainstorming" that many gurus talk about. The best solution in this case is to take a break and rest. Have some tea, call a friend, read a chapter from an interesting book, or flip through your social media feed. 10-15 minutes of relaxation will help you "reboot", and a solution will be found much faster than you think.

Don't fuss and be calm

The more you fuss, the more likely you are to make some mistake and make the wrong decision. Anxiety is another enemy of luck. To be able to consider the opportunities that life offers us, you need to be internally collected, calm and confident person.

Remember, as Scarlett O'hara used to say, "I'll think about it tomorrow." Of course, this does not mean that absolutely everything should be postponed. But when you feel that you are tormented by anxiety and you cannot find a way out yet, take an example from the famous heroine. Luck will smile at you if you let her do it!