How To Catch A Bird Of Luck? - Alternative View

How To Catch A Bird Of Luck? - Alternative View
How To Catch A Bird Of Luck? - Alternative View

Video: How To Catch A Bird Of Luck? - Alternative View

Video: How To Catch A Bird Of Luck? - Alternative View
Video: Awesome! 3 Easy bird trap 2024, July

Probably, there is no person in the world who would not like to be lucky in everything. But very often, unfortunately, to achieve success you have to put a lot of effort, moreover, they do not always help. In such cases, you can turn to magic. There are many rituals designed to bring good luck to life.

If it happens that a runaway of bad luck has come in life, luck has turned away and nothing happens, you can use one of the rituals to attract good luck, which can be carried out almost daily. One of these rituals requires almost no additional attributes. If a person eats vegetables for breakfast, he just needs to utter the words of a conspiracy while cleaning them. Then the peeled and charmed vegetable should be eaten all at once. Such a ritual will help you avoid trouble, protect yourself from illness and bring happiness into life.

The most appropriate time for good luck rituals is before breakfast. Many people use eggs as their first meal of the day. The shells from them do not need to be thrown away. After the egg is eaten, you need to hit the shell with a spoon several times and say the words of the conspiracy.

Even the most common sandwiches can happen to attract good luck. To carry out the ritual, you just need to anoint the bread with butter and draw a cross on it, or lay it out with green onions or any vegetables. For such purposes, you should not use meat, cutlets and sausage are also not suitable. Laying out or drawing a cross, you should simultaneously focus on your desires and goals and utter the words of the conspiracy, after which you need to eat such a "magic" sandwich.

There are conspiracies that should be pronounced when leaving the house. They help to meet only good people and good roads. You need to put your left hand on the door and say certain words. After that, you can go about your business. But it must be remembered that after such a conspiracy, in no case should you turn back. In the event that a person has forgotten something at home and is forced to return, then he should perform the ritual again.

There is a ritual that must be performed immediately upon waking up in the morning, while still in bed. It will help not only attract good luck and luck, but also protect against troubles, in particular, accidents and theft. The words of the conspiracy during the ritual should be repeated three times.

The world famous clairvoyant Vanga also knew morning good luck plots. To carry out such a ritual, you should take a glass or a cup, pour water into it and say the words of the conspiracy three times. Then the water should be drunk. To attract luck, so-called knot magic is used. You need to take a brown leather cord and tie three knots on it. Tying each of them, you should pronounce certain words. Then this lace must be hidden in a wallet and always carried with you, but not shown to anyone.

Another ritual for attracting good luck is the coin ritual. It is best to carry out the ritual in the morning, in sunny weather and on an empty stomach. In your left hand, you must put a five-kopeck coin, placing it in such a way that the sun's rays fall on it, and read the plot three times. The first time you need to speak in a whisper, the second time - a little louder, and the third time - very loudly and very expressively. A charmed coin can be kept as a good luck talisman throughout life. The coin will not only help solve problems, but also preserve the home and save you from troubles.

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Another ritual for attracting good luck is strong enough. It helps to protect oneself from envy, failure, anger and fill life with positive energy. And this, in turn, will have a positive effect on luck. The ritual should be performed on the Tuesday before sunrise. The person must face east. For the ritual, you need to light three white candles and read the plot seven times. Then the used candles should be extinguished. They can be used only for carrying out the same ritual, which is desirable to be carried out every Tuesday.

To attract good luck to the house, you can also perform a ritual with a stone. You can use an ordinary stone found during rest, or buy some semi-precious stone specifically for the ritual (which is even better and more effective).

First, the stone must be well rinsed and fumigated with verbena smoke, while pronouncing certain words. Then it should be put in a sugar bowl that is used regularly. It must be remembered that there must always be sugar in it.

If luck has turned away from a person, if a black streak has come in life, you can use one of the rituals for bad luck. As a rule, such rituals need to be performed daily for some time (most often seven or thirteen days). To carry out a ritual to get rid of bad luck, you need to purchase 21 consecrated candles. Candles that burn out quickly are best. The ceremony should begin during the waning moon, on Friday, before sunrise. First you need to light three candles and read the plot six times. While the candles are burning, you cannot leave the room. The same steps must be repeated for the next five days. On Thursday, the seventh day, you need to light candles, but not say anything. Just look at the flame of candles and imagine that all the failures will go away as soon as the candles burn out.

Not everything in life depends on a person's abilities. That is why rituals for attracting good luck and luck can help not only change life for the better and achieve success in business. The most important condition is that the gifts of fortune must be treated with great respect.