Greetings From Morpheus - Alternative View

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Greetings From Morpheus - Alternative View
Greetings From Morpheus - Alternative View

Video: Greetings From Morpheus - Alternative View

Video: Greetings From Morpheus - Alternative View
Video: The Matrix Oracle Scene 2024, June

What could be more familiar to a person than the change of winter and summer, day and night, wakefulness and sleep? Meanwhile, sleep is one of the most amazing human states, because during sleep, the work of our consciousness partially or completely stops, which gives us a feeling of peace and relaxation. At the same time, we see dreams - bright and not very, chaotic and clear, but sometimes even prophetic …

The brain is the universe

A world-renowned neurophysiologist, academician, former head of the St. Petersburg Institute of the Brain, Natalya Petrovna Bekhtereva, over the years of her medical career, has developed a surprisingly accurate formula: "The brain is the universe in the cranium." A hereditary scientist, she perfectly understood how far modern science is from a comprehensive understanding of the processes that occur in the brain during sleep. Natalya Petrovna could analyze its amazing and sometimes inexplicable properties based on her own experience.

At the beginning of the 20th century, esotericists and parapsychologists understood that sleep is not an ordinary inhibition of the physiological processes of the body. In humans, they believed, the onset of sleep is of a more complex nature and is caused by the depletion of the sensitive nerve centers of the brain, which refuse to work on the material plane and are forced to restore their strength on other, unknown to the physical person, planes.

Parapsychologists classify dreams as prophetic, allegorical, retrospective, warning dreams, dreams sent by adepts or mesmerisers, and physiological dreams.

So, according to E. Blavatsky. the state of sleep is inherent in any creature with a physical brain. At the same time, in animals, dreams have only a physiological character and are similar to "the last coals of a dying fire with its sharp and random flashes" and are scenes created by the fading imagination during sleep. For a person, everything is different.

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Escaping visions

According to many researchers studying the paranormal features of sleep, there are no people in the world who would not have been visited by dreams. However, upon awakening, the experience in a dream for many instantly disappears from memory. Only a spiritually developed person can often "keep" sleep, the sensitivity of the nerve centers of his brain plays a big role here. A person who has stopped in spiritual development, engaged in monotonous physical labor, but not strenuous mental work, rarely sees coherent dreams. Often, chaotic dreams in a person occur after excessively plentiful food at night or hard physical exertion. The most severe forms of sleep, devoid of any esoteric value, are noted in people under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Such a dream, called physiological, rather resembles numbness,during which a kaleidoscope of horrible and grotesque images often turns in the brain, becoming nightmares. So, one of the patients of the Kemerovo Regional Narcological Dispensary, who was undergoing treatment for alcohol addiction, had the same dream every night for three weeks in the clinic: a terrible snake crawls out from under the pillow and crawls into his mouth, after which the patient suffered from suffocation. This obsessive vision was so hard on the patient that one day, waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, he tried to commit suicide by hanging himself on a trouser belt …who was undergoing treatment for alcohol addiction, for three weeks in the clinic, every night he saw the same dream: a terrible snake crawls out from under the pillow and crawls into his mouth, after which the patient suffers from suffocation. This obsessive vision was so hard on the patient that one day, waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, he tried to commit suicide by hanging himself on a trouser belt …who was undergoing treatment for alcohol addiction, for three weeks in the clinic, every night he saw the same dream: a terrible snake crawls out from under the pillow and crawls into his mouth, after which the patient suffers from suffocation. This obsessive vision was so hard on the patient that one day, waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, he tried to commit suicide by hanging himself on a trouser belt …

Sleep-numbness not only does not give physical rest, but also poses a huge danger to humans. Occultists believe that during such a dream the astral "I" of the personality is most vulnerable to sorcerers and black magicians who want to harm her, as well as a tasty prey for lower dark entities who are constantly looking for a victim for their parasitic existence.

Dreams about the past and the future

Prophetic and flashback dreams are most common in humans. possessing a subtle spiritual organization. According to esotericists, those who see truly prophetic dreams have a physical brain and memory in a closer relationship with their higher self than everyone else. Known as the "sleeping" or "dormant prophet," the American Edgar Cayce, sinking into a state of doze, predicted events with amazing accuracy. helped to discover treasures and mineral deposits. E. Casey's prophecies covered the period from 1936 to 1998 (he himself lived in the second half of the 19th - the first half of the 20th centuries) and, as it turned out over time, almost all of them came true.

In addition to E. Casey, hundreds of thousands of people on Earth have the ability to see prophetic dreams to one degree or another. For example, in 2002, in the small village of Pokrovka, in the Kemerovo region, 80-year-old Anna Prokopyevna Smirnova died, to whom even law enforcement officers turned for help. Usually A. P. Smirnova listened to several questions during the day - as a rule, no more than five, after which she went to bed. In her dreams, she received short and precise answers, accompanied by vivid pictures of dreams, which she retold to interested parties the next morning.

The most common form of prophetic dreams is allegorical dreams. in which what is to happen is predicted allegorically. People say about such dreams: sleep in hand. So, according to signs, to see flour in a dream means that in the near future you will have to experience physical suffering. A dreaming stove promises a quick sadness, and a baby - amazing news …

Sometimes in dreams people see extraordinary creatures or pictures of incredible worlds. According to parapsychologists, such dreams return a person's consciousness to its previous incarnations - either in the earthly past, or alien, or alien and alien material.

Dream directors

Among occultists, as well as followers of eastern religious and mystical practices, it is believed that the secret countries of Shambhala and Agharti still exist in Tibet, where the Lords of the World live. These superhuman entities govern our society by influencing its representatives during sleep, helping to make outstanding scientific discoveries and inventions that move our civilization forward. It is well known, for example, that the famous Periodic Table of Chemical Elements by D. I. Mendeleev had a dream. In a dream came the musical idea of the opera "Prince Igor" to A. Borodin and the plot of the famous picture "The Appearance of Christ to the People" - to A. Ivanov.

However, not always occult influence on the higher "I" of a sleeping person affects him positively. Let's say. representatives of some tribes of the aborigines of Australia and South Africa. going to bed, they put a hair band on their heads, which, according to legends, was supposed to protect them from black spirits. For a similar reason, in the countries of medieval Europe, they slept in nightcaps. This was due to superstition dating back to pagan times, when it was believed that sorcerers and witches could read a person's mind during a person's sleep, control his feelings and harm his health.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, the sorcerers of Central Russia considered it a great success to get the sleeping hair that fell on the pillow. With the help of this "trophy" the victim could be provoked to certain actions, which she soon did against her will. In the southern regions of Russia, witchers used the water left over from washing their hair.

Two and a half thousand years ago, the Chinese philosopher Shan Tzu, having seen a dream in which he was a butterfly, asked himself: who am I - Shan, who dreams that he is a butterfly, or a butterfly that dreams. what is she Shan? And here's what's interesting - even today, scientists, philosophers and thinkers do not stop asking themselves: maybe our life is just a dream, and dreams are a reality that is unconscious by us, but the real reality?

Sergey Kozhushko. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" № 40 2010