You Are Here To Make Your Own Darkness Light - Alternative View

You Are Here To Make Your Own Darkness Light - Alternative View
You Are Here To Make Your Own Darkness Light - Alternative View

Video: You Are Here To Make Your Own Darkness Light - Alternative View

Video: You Are Here To Make Your Own Darkness Light - Alternative View
Video: SHOOTING BRITAIN'S HIGHEST MOUNTAIN, seabirds, speed editing, and how to photograph old things. 2024, September

When a person rests against his ceiling, he prays God to give him more, and, of course, his request is fulfilled. The ceiling becomes the floor. That is, to make it clear to the reader, I will say more simply, the human world is turning upside down.

Is man ready for shape-shifting? Did I ask for this? - every petitioner wonders. But God is silent and waits for a person to get comfortable with what he previously considered unacceptable, although he himself asked for this.

You say, I invent and generalize? Do you think that if they give you, you will be delighted and take?

They give it every day, but you can't take it, because it's scary. You need to have titanium eggs to take, because the unwritten rule of existence on Earth is:


And only one's own darkness does not allow one to take or even discern what they give. Everything around consists of the darkness of itself and looks like a struggle for survival, for its place in the sun.

A rare specimen of us, towards his gray hair, begins to vaguely understand that darkness is wood for light, and by throwing them into the fire of your heart, you can turn yourself into the sun.

As the Cosmos gathers clusters of stars through the Ether invisible to the eye, so man creates his light only from his own darkness. Any film, any book, all the news in all media are about this.

Promotional video:

But what is in front of your eyes is difficult to see. And, perhaps, many do not even understand what is written here. Then I'll say it again. First, you ask for something necessary: money, love, health, career, creativity, happiness.

Then suffering begins. It comes not because the request is not being fulfilled, but because the previous circumstances change for new ones under the request. Circumstances come into the world from within. Your darkness rebuilds and says:

- Enter me.

“I'm afraid of you,” you answer.

- Then why did you call?

- I didn't call you, but happiness.

- Happiness is unity with your parts. We are your happiness. We are in your darkness - love us.

- Get out! Darkness cannot be happiness. I do not believe in this! God is good!

- Everything is from God. Even your darker parts. Make them light.

- How?

- Realize them!

- It's hard! I just wanted more happiness.

- Well, take it!

- Why are you kidding me so? Let it be simple, and do not demand to think about what I do not understand.

- Good. Come again when you are ready.

This conversation happens to everyone. Many times. Most to the last breath. People are not ready to go into the light of their darkness. Not ready.

But there are still brave guys among us. Not because they are special. They just became brave because they were tired of being afraid. How can you be afraid of who you are? How can you run from your destination?

The purpose is to turn darkness into light. Fear is love. Anxiety is peace. Longing is an inspiration. Weakness is acceptance. And dullness is an insight. And the ceiling will become the floor. From which, through the new darkness, the light, still unknown in itself, will expand.

If you still don't understand anything, don't worry - you just want to suffer more. Indeed, the sweetest thing in darkness is self-pity and the exaltation of one's own suffering.

Enjoy and do not worry, your darkness will not escape anywhere and will wait when you decide to dive into it and be in the glow of light. Darkness is always waiting for light. Even if she has to wait for your several incarnations.

Mark Ifraimov