Riddles Of The Human Psyche: Zombie Pity Do Not Know - Alternative View

Riddles Of The Human Psyche: Zombie Pity Do Not Know - Alternative View
Riddles Of The Human Psyche: Zombie Pity Do Not Know - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of The Human Psyche: Zombie Pity Do Not Know - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of The Human Psyche: Zombie Pity Do Not Know - Alternative View
Video: Can you solve the bridge riddle? - Alex Gendler 2024, October

Almost every day there are reports of suicide bombers who blow themselves up, claiming dozens of innocent lives. Most of the "living mines" are Islamic fanatics. The question inevitably arises: where does such a huge number of suicide bombers come from, who do not value their own or someone else's life?

Politicians and journalists blame everything on religious fanaticism, which cripples the psyche. But religious authorities - both Muslim and Christian - do not agree with this, since any religion teaches that human life is a gift from the Most High, which no one has the right to encroach on. But experts in the field of psychology are convinced that all fanatical killers are pre-zombified, undergo special hypnotic treatment.

It is known that Haiti is considered the birthplace of zombies or "living dead", where local sorcerers brought from Africa the voodoo art of reviving the dead, turning them into mindless robots. But various magicians and sorcerers who knew the technique of hypnotic suggestion were able to turn people into "living dolls". Those who are exposed to it perceive the world in a completely different way.

They cease to be guided by universal human moral values and laws, lose their sense of self-preservation and pity for other people, cease to be afraid of death.

The reality of this destructive processing is confirmed by such a prominent specialist as Igor Razygraev, a leading researcher at the Brain Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. When asked if hypnosis could make a person completely controllable, something like a zombie, he replied: “Yes. And not only one person, but also a group of people, and even entire nations."

Here is what the doctor of medical sciences, professor Leonid Pavlovich Grimak, a hypnologist with 40 years of experience, tells about such programming of the psyche:

- Zombie in the modern scientific sense is a post-hypnotic effect on the human psyche. After the appropriate sessions of hypnosis, he begins to perform any programs of action laid down in him during the procedure. Moreover, if he is asked why he performs certain actions, the subject will not be able to clearly and specifically explain the reason for his behavior.

Such programming is done not only under hypnosis, but also with the help of strong drugs. The mechanism "wound up" in a person works like a clock. Moreover, the number of programs, or, in other words, legends that can be placed in one person, is practically unlimited. It is extremely difficult to find them, let alone clear the consciousness of them. To do this, you need to know not only passwords or code words that "launch" various programs, but also the principles by which the zombie was carried out. Therefore, the way back is possible only through one door. The one that the hypnologist who processed the person closed with his own hand.

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This also applies to zombie "live mines". On those rare occasions when they manage to be delayed before the explosion thundered, they mechanically repeat the primitive slogans of revenge that they themselves do not understand. And this is what is characteristic of this. When suicide zombies utter words of revenge, they show no emotion, the same burning hatred or anger that one would expect. Or pity for those innocent people who are about to die. Their faces remain impassive, like those of the African and Haitian "living dead".

The most knowledgeable Russian "zombie" is considered to be Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Konstantin Korotkov.

- It was not an abstract interest that made me professionally deal with the problem of zombies, people-robots - cognition for the sake of cognition. This is a purely practical work: the study of a new phenomenon that threatens our civilization.

If we do not identify the mechanism of purposeful change in consciousness that forces a normal person to perform actions that are incompatible with his nature, we will be under constant threat. After all, terrorist attacks, in which, contrary to the instinct of self-preservation, performers go to certain death, spread across the planet like a contagious disease. And to say that this is the work of individual fanatics is impossible. Such actions are performed by specially processed people with appropriately "rebuilt" brains.

In the course of my work, I had to visit different continents, in remote areas of which there are still ancient religions and castes of priests who possess magical rituals. Of course, zombie masters are very reluctant to let strangers into their sessions. Nevertheless, in Mexico, Australia, Peru, I was able to observe how sorcerers turn a guilty person into a "living dead". First, he is intoxicated with an infusion of certain plants and flowers to submerge him into unconsciousness, and then, by hypnotic influence, the brain is rebuilt to sequentially execute various commands. The last command, as a rule, is to stop the work of the heart at exactly the appointed day and hour.

But this is already yesterday. Today, sorcerers have been replaced by specialists well-versed in psychology, who immediately prepare groups of obedient robots. How zombies are "made" using modern technologies, the scientist saw in one of the religious sects in Brazil. Moreover, this did not happen in the wilderness of the wild selva, but quite legally in an ordinary house on the outskirts of a small town. True, it was not terrorists who were trained there, but the performers of the hard and unpleasant work necessary for the tribe, which biorobots should consider the main business of their lives. But the zombie mechanism does not change from this.

- The first thing that caught my eye when I was led into a small hall was a wooden idol with typical rough features. It turned out that before each ceremony, according to the ancient pagan tradition, a sacrificial animal is slaughtered and the idol is smeared with its blood, which already gives a certain psychological mood to those who are going to be zombified. In this case, a chicken was slaughtered, - says Korotkov.

Exactly at midnight, the drums beat behind the curtain, and a group of dancers entered the hall, led by a priest - an elderly man in bright clothes and a very definite sexual orientation. The dress he wore was a woman's, his fingers were studded with rings, his legs were covered with bright varnish, and there was a mass of makeup on his face. In contrast, the dancing boys and girls wore modest white clothes without any adornments. For several hours they circled around the priest to the incessant drum beat.

Suddenly, one girl suddenly whirled around and fell in convulsions. As I was told, the spirit of Uzhushu descended upon her, one of the ancient spirits who, according to their religion, take possession of man. That is, she was introduced into an altered state of consciousness. They did not hide from me that when the spirit takes possession of a person, he turns into a weak-willed slave. The girl was taken to the next room, where another master, with the help of hypnotic suggestion, put the desired idea into her brain. The dance continued until all the others, one by one, followed her.

Of course, what Professor Korotkov has witnessed is only one of the variants of modern methods of programming human consciousness. Now, according to him, more modern technologies are used. They use not a primitive drumbeat or even potent chemicals, but irradiation of the brain with certain frequencies in order to enter into an altered state of consciousness.


But the main goal remains the same - splitting the psyche and laying down two-layer information. A categorical setting is introduced into the subconscious: the enemy must be destroyed, this is the main and only goal of life. It can be supplemented by a program, what exactly needs to be done.

The zombie lives without suspecting that he carries a time bomb that will explode upon receipt of a certain order or at a strictly defined time, which the biological clock in each person counts. Then the installation inherent in the zombie takes over his entire being, and he turns into a robot, mindlessly doing what he was programmed to do. But if the program embedded in it failed, say, the terrorist was captured before he had time to make an explosion, the subconscious is blocked. During interrogations, a zombie will sincerely assert that he had nothing criminal in his thoughts.

An example can be given. A few years ago, the Philippine National Bureau of Investigation arrested a suspicious Latin American who had traveled to Manila from Mexico with a passport in the name of Antonio Reyes Eloriaga. During a medical examination, he was found to have scars on his chest, abdomen and toes. According to him, he received them as a result of a car accident in the United States, when he was carrying important documents and some people were following him. How it all happened, Eloriaga did not know, since he woke up already in the hospital. From whom and to whom the documents were intended, he allegedly did not remember. When it happened, too. He could not say anything about a tiny piece of paper with 12 letters, which was found during the search.

His confused and contradictory story alarmed the investigator, and he decided to invite a psychologist for help, who began to conduct hypnosis sessions with the arrested person. During one of them, he read him the letters XBgumiDutyBx written on a piece of paper. But he did not react in any way. The hypnotist decided to repeat them again in slow motion. And then an amazing thing happened: as soon as he pronounced the first two letters X and B with arrangement, Antonio seemed to burst out.

First, he said his name was Luis Angelo Castillo. And secondly, that four years earlier he really took part in the murder, but not in Mexico, but in the United States. Then he had to shoot a man sitting in an open car. At the Dallas airport, he was greeted by a tall, black-haired man named Lake, who spoke English with a heavy accent. They arrived at a building and went up to the third floor. Lake opened the black case containing the telescopic rifle and gave it to Castillo.


He said that his target would be the man in the back seat of the car, driving in the middle of the motorcade, which should appear any minute. After that, Castillo took a comfortable position at the open window, and Lake went out. But then he ran back and shouted: “They have already kicked him! We get out of here! When they got into the car, Lek gave him some kind of injection, and Castillo fell asleep. He came to himself only the next day in a room in a Chicago hotel. And on the same day I learned that President Kennedy had been killed the day before.

After this confession, Castillo said that he could now consider himself a dead man, and asked to be granted political asylum.

However, the surprises did not end there. During the next session of hypnosis, the doctor began to randomly read the arrested other letters that were in the note. After g, u, m and i, the suspect spoke again. This time, he announced that his real name is Manuel Angelo Ramirez, he is 29 years old, was born in the New York Bronx. He recalled that he was trained in a special CIA camp, where he was trained in murder and sabotage. He is sent to the Philippines with the task of establishing contact with the rebels who are preparing an assassination attempt on the Philippine President Marcos. However, no matter how much he looked for accomplices, he never found them.

Four successive letters forced Ramirez to bring an imaginary pistol to his temple and say: "I myself!" pull the trigger. It would seem that the investigation could be considered complete: this time the zombie was caught and is trying to commit suicide.

The sensational results of the unusual investigation somehow leaked to the Manila newspapers. Journalists praised the skill of the Filipino forensic experts to the skies and branded the "cunning of the CIA," sending in "zombie killers." The American Embassy issued a categorical denial, calling all this "fantastic nonsense."

As for Ramirez, despite the sufficiently strong evidence, he was released from custody and sent to the United States. There he stated that he simply made up all his testimony. And then disappeared without a trace …


"Secret Power" 2014