How To Understand That You Have Schizophrenia - Alternative View

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How To Understand That You Have Schizophrenia - Alternative View
How To Understand That You Have Schizophrenia - Alternative View

Video: How To Understand That You Have Schizophrenia - Alternative View

Video: How To Understand That You Have Schizophrenia - Alternative View
Video: The 4 Schizophrenia Symptoms You Need to Know 2024, July

People with schizophrenia are rarely able to adequately assess their condition. But there are, on the contrary, those who are not sure whether they have a mental illness or not. For this case, psychiatrists have developed special tests. So, check yourself for the following symptoms.

Delusions and hallucinations

If you see what others do not see, or hear what others do not hear, this is the first sign that something is wrong with the psyche. An even more alarming symptom is when “voices in your head” order you to do something, sometimes to commit absurd or dangerous actions to others. Sometimes a person thinks that he hears the thoughts of other people, even if they are not nearby. He may also be convinced that others can read his mind and even erase his memory by putting their own ideas into his head.

You often talk to yourself, animals, and inanimate objects

Each of us has happened to do this at times. But if it seems to you that you are conducting a full-fledged dialogue with someone or with something, who or what cannot answer you by definition, is an alarming sign.

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Persecution mania

Schizophrenics often think that someone is pursuing them - these can be neighbors, work colleagues, sometimes completely unfamiliar people, or even mythical intelligence officers and aliens. Alternatively, it can be demons, demons, mysterious "people in black" … Some complain that they are being irradiated with something right in their own apartment. If you have such thoughts and at the same time you are not some celebrity and your occupation may not be of interest to the "organs", then most likely you are sick.

You have lost the desire to communicate with others

In schizophrenics, this can happen for the reason that they see enemies and conspirators who wish them harm, even in relatives and friends. As a result, the patient moves away from other people, reduces contacts to a minimum. It happens that he does not even have the desire to leave the house.

You have frequent bouts of aggression

Even some little thing can make you mad. If you find yourself annoyed by people and circumstances every now and then, that doesn't necessarily indicate schizophrenia. But if there are other signs, then this may be another symptom.

You have obsessive thoughts and phobias

For example, you are constantly thinking about something that is not really important at all. Or you experience unreasonable fear for far-fetched reasons. True, this may be a sign of other neurotic disorders.

You are convinced of your chosenness

Many schizophrenics are sure that they are special people, that they were chosen by some higher powers or aliens in order for them to fulfill an important mission for humanity. If you have thoughts about your chosenness, that you are a messenger of God, Satan or aliens, then there is practically no reason to doubt your mental illness.

You are no longer interested in what was of interest before

For example, you have lost interest in your favorite job, in a hobby that you have been doing for many years. On the contrary, schizophrenics often develop new hobbies. Many of them suddenly become interested in mysticism, religion, science, philosophy, and they literally get hung up on this. True, a change of interests can occur in a completely normal person, but if this happened too quickly, then there is a reason to be wary.

Your tastes have changed

What brought you joy no longer brings you. The schizophrenic ceases to like the dishes that he liked before, he begins to dress differently, sometimes strange for others, his preferences in literature, painting, music may change …

Taking aimless actions

A schizophrenic can sit or lie for hours, staring at one point, or wander about without any purpose, or perform meaningless actions, for example, twirl something on a finger, click a television remote … If you catch yourself doing this for too long, this alarming symptom.

You don't share emotions with other people

For example, you cannot understand what everyone is laughing at. And you are not sad in such situations when others feel sad. But you can laugh or cry for no apparent reason.

Other people don't understand what you are telling them

This can mean that either you are mumbling something incoherent, or the content of your speeches is incomprehensible to others, since this is a stream of delirium. If such situations occur often, then it looks like schizophrenia.

Your handwriting has changed or is less legible

Of course, this can be due to other reasons as well. But if there are other symptoms, it is most likely one of them.

You have severe headaches from time to time

For schizophrenia, migraines are quite a characteristic phenomenon. However, headache can also be a symptom of other diseases, such as a brain tumor. This can indicate schizophrenia only in conjunction with other symptoms.

Are you having memory problems

Let's say you remember what was long ago, but you completely forget about recent events, even very important ones, do not recognize your acquaintances … If you are not yet in old age, when sclerosis is natural, this may be a sign of a mental disorder.

You forget to take action

For example, you cannot remember the last time you ate, washed, changed clothes, cleaned the apartment. Schizophrenics often become haggard, scruffy, and unkempt because they no longer consider things like food, washing, washing or cleaning a necessity.

Difficulty concentrating

One of the typical symptoms. A person begins to think about something - and immediately switches to something else. It is difficult for him to focus on any one problem, even if it is important. Scraps of thoughts, confusion - if you have noticed this in yourself, it's time to see a psychiatrist!

Irina Shlionskaya