Why Are Mills Destroyed? The First Part - Alternative View

Why Are Mills Destroyed? The First Part - Alternative View
Why Are Mills Destroyed? The First Part - Alternative View

Video: Why Are Mills Destroyed? The First Part - Alternative View

Video: Why Are Mills Destroyed? The First Part - Alternative View
Video: I promise this story about microwaves is interesting. 2024, October

Mill. From this word alone, how much warmth of Russia, nature, vastness and even some kind of mystery already blows. Guys, your intuition has never deceived you at all and it makes more sense than in all the literature that is fed to us and which is rewritten at the root every ten years. The parasites are trying not only to bend us, but to fill our whole life with something extraneous, devoid of meaning, art and architecture.


Also with the mill itself. With every fiber of our soul, we feel a craving for it, that something in it is more real and simple, practical, culture, and this is not easy. But let's first catch ourselves thinking, what do most of us know about them? Most often, the picture in my head pops up villages, beautiful girls with braids running around sheaves of wheat, these wooden miracles, grinding exclusively grain into flour, flimsy and falling apart by themselves … right? In fact, by themselves, they could not fall apart, at least by the example, as we see from the towers and old looms, where there is ancient wood. After all, the tree is perfectly preserved! But a modern tree, in comparison with an old one, after ten or fifteen years comes into a wretched state. It is impossible to hammer a nail into the old tower and the drill fails,if you try to drill a hole!

That is, the mills could not have collapsed on their own. They were purposefully destroyed. And you don't have to take my word for it. It is enough to drive into the search engine the keywords “destroyed the old mill”, “burned down in a strange fire”, “demolished the mill”, “dismantled” and you will be given a lot of material with indignation of people. But what is the purpose of this sabotage? Probably not because they are so simple and primitive as they are imposed on us, and from them you can understand many things, and therefore return to the cultural heritage of the past.


Secondly, what is your desire when you see an old mill? That's right, to be inside it! Some kind of passion to see that there and in this they did not lose at all, because the older the mill, the more it exceeds all expectations, and even for those people who are attentive to trifles.


For example, we can even get to the bottom of weights:

Promotional video:


After all, this is a museum in Holland, which is housed in a real mill, which was built already in 1743.


It is clear that there were no factory technologies at that time, as I assure us, and everything was done by the poor forges with sledgehammers, whom I already consider the great martyrs of the pen of official history, seeing what scale the writers piled on their shoulders from medieval trams with fine details, rails, bridges, steamers, tractors and even manholes from the sewer, which supposedly did not exist, but for some reason we see them on old engravings.

And here is the old wood:


Three hundred years and will stand the same amount if the parasites are not touched.


As one girl noticed, until you find yourself very close to the mill, you do not quite imagine its size. For the mid-18th century, the seven-story building is a real skyscraper! Windmills called "North" and "Svoboda" and generally more, their height exceeds 33 meters. And everything that is old is at least one and a half floors underground - they simply do not allow digging deeper. But mills in Holland were also used to dry up the territory, which for some reason ended up under water - that is, it is clear what happened. Also, in the second part, I will show that most of the mills, in terms of the scale of construction, seem to have been built not as a flour mill, but a nuclear power plant, which in fact is the case.

And this is already in Vinnitsa:


Are these details overlooking?


The official date is 1894.

Thirdly, what else can be done with mills besides flour? Remember our film "since Russia is wooden, it means high-tech"? Here you go - the mills were used as sawmills! For that, they persistently impose on us the saw "friendship" or whatever the grandmother from the trunk of a tree easily makes boards with an ax, wedges and other compositions, which sometimes marvel at how clumsy in the method of "giving the guard" our politicians in quotation marks to ridicule dialogues on the network.

Is it easy to build the mill itself just for grinding flour? This already speaks of the technical and technological level. And now we also see that sawmills also worked from the mills, which indicates even greater capabilities of our ancestors.


The mills also ground snuff and spices, and weaved linen. Used as an oil mill. Mills were used as paper mills, as some sources refer to as far back as 1500. A lot of production and industry is associated with mills. In fact, having mills, planetary Russia had autonomy, and this does not suit someone very much. Plus, there are a lot of technical and engineering techniques in them, which by no means fit into the dogma of official science. Plus, examining ancient mills, we see many prints of production that exceeds ours. Through one simple mill, we will find many markers that emphasize the distorted World we live in.

But apart from all the other delights, the mills still produced electricity.


For example, in July 1887, Scottish academician and professor James Blyth built a mill to generate electricity. Still, our modern academics were capable of this. In the winter of 1887 in the United States, Charles Brush built a wind turbine that powered his home and laboratory until 1900. In 1890, the Danish scientist and inventor Paul la Cour designed a wind turbine to produce hydrogen. Are our scientists and inventors capable of this? I don’t ask if they can or not. I ask if they can? There is a possibility? For some reason, in our 21st century, which is unfairly called developed, such a construction turns out to be unrealistic for a number of reasons. From the reason “I don’t sleep with my daughter of Gazprom” to “the fire brigade and the bureau of the dissatisfied are getting too sick of my hospitality with their crusades.”For that, the deeper into the centuries, the more opportunities a simple teacher, janitor or shoemaker has to build skyscrapers of 33 meters. Does this difference between the past and the present time bother you?

And finally, this part is a question: why were the mills placed on the very edges of the Star?


Of course, these are not generators for the city. How now "experts" will flock to freeze nonsense, who will tell us, they say, put it as a military trick, so that the enemy would be exhausted, rushing to this place, trying to leave the city without bread.

Continued here.