Russia Organizes 5 Scientific Missions On The Moon Until 2025 - Alternative View

Russia Organizes 5 Scientific Missions On The Moon Until 2025 - Alternative View
Russia Organizes 5 Scientific Missions On The Moon Until 2025 - Alternative View

Video: Russia Organizes 5 Scientific Missions On The Moon Until 2025 - Alternative View

Video: Russia Organizes 5 Scientific Missions On The Moon Until 2025 - Alternative View
Video: Russian Mars Colonization Program 2024, September

The final version of the draft of the Russian Federal Space Program for 2016-2025 involves five scientific missions on the Moon.

In the next decade, Russia is implementing a program for in-depth exploration of the Moon by contact and remote sensing methods.

This program will cost about 39 billion rubles. This amount will be spent on the creation of the system, the supply of spacecraft and launch vehicles, as well as the provision of launches of space objects to the moon.

In 2019, the Luna-Glob station will go to the Moon, which will study the surface of a natural satellite of the Earth in the South Pole region.

In 2020, it is planned to enter orbit the Luna-Resurs-1 spacecraft, which will perform communication and relay functions for subsequent lunar missions.

The main and backup landing research probes "Luna-Resurs-1" will land on the lunar surface in 2021. With their help, the tasks of creating a lunar base on the satellite will be solved.

Also, the "Luna-Grunt" station, which will have to deliver samples of lunar soil to Earth, will go to the Moon in 2024.

It should be added that it was previously reported that the dispatch and disembarkation of Russian cosmonauts on the moon will take place no earlier than 2029.

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