Dreaming Is Not Harmful - Alternative View

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Dreaming Is Not Harmful - Alternative View
Dreaming Is Not Harmful - Alternative View

Video: Dreaming Is Not Harmful - Alternative View

Video: Dreaming Is Not Harmful - Alternative View
Video: 13 Dream Signs You Must Not Overlook - Listen to the Universe Use the Law of Attraction 2024, September

On the contrary, it is very useful. Psychologists say that by dreaming of our own happiness, success, well-being, we program ourselves to be positive. But life shows that "programmers" are different: some lucky ones have any wishes come true, as if by magic. Well, the majority is constantly convinced of the validity of the phrase: "I wanted the best, but it turned out, as always." Why is fate so unfair?


Stop! First, fate is fair by definition. And secondly, if you allow such thoughts (or say something like that out loud), then with your own hands you attract the appropriate situations into your life - when people will act dishonestly towards you, or circumstances will start working against you, and so on. You yourself said (or thought) that the world is cruel and unfair - well, in that case, as they say, get it and sign it. What you ordered, now you have it. So the most important thing is a positive outlook on the world. Moreover, not only at the moment when you make a wish, but in general, in life.

I suspect that many may have difficulties here. Since it is important not just to mechanically repeat the learned attitudes - you must sincerely believe in what you say. Suppose a person consciously programs himself for mutual love or success in his career, but at the subconscious level he is sure that life is hard labor, and he himself is a 100% failure. In this case, all efforts will be in vain: the desire will not come true again, and the person will be even more disappointed in life and in himself.

How to be? In an amicable way, you need to work with subconscious attitudes under the guidance of a specialist, but you can do something yourself. Try to convince your own subconscious mind that life is beautiful and amazing, and you are a real lucky, darling of fate. To do this, you need to remember as many pleasant moments as possible, situations when you achieved success, when you were admired, when you yourself were happy with yourself and your life. Place special emphasis on those cases when your desires were fulfilled, moreover, without much effort on your part. For example, you wanted to go to university, and on the exam you pulled out a ticket that you knew better than everyone else. Or, as a child, they dreamed of a bicycle - and soon found it “under the tree”. It does not matter at all that the parents tried, and not you. The main thing is different: the desire came true,fate has found the resources to implement it, therefore, you have no reason to think that you are a failure.

I recommend writing down your success story on paper. First, it helps to structure thoughts, not to lose sight of anything. And secondly, it gives you the opportunity to see the full picture of your victories: big and small, random and natural. I am sure that if you delve into your memory properly, everyone will have many reasons to be proud of themselves, consider themselves lucky, smart, happy, successful. Surely you will write many pages, and, rereading them, you simply will not be able to complain about fate anymore.

How to understand that the subconscious has been "reformatted"? You will feel it. Feel lightness, positive attitude, self-confidence. In this state, make wishes.

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Another important point that is rarely paid attention to. It is important to determine your priorities, understand what is really important to you, and what can wait. It's not hard: just be honest with yourself. Let me give you a fairly common example. A young, attractive girl dreams of getting married. She meets young people, goes on dates, but as soon as the prospect of a wedding or at least a life together arises, the relationship collapses. Formally - for various reasons: the groom disappears in English, or turns out to be the “wrong” guy, or it turns out that he is married … But in reality, the problem is different: the young lady doesn't really want to get married. That is, theoretically, she is not against it, but she also has other desires that, from the point of view of her subconscious, are not compatible with marriage. For example, a girl, in addition to a wedding, dreams of a successful career. Do you think one does not interfere with the other? Agree. But not everyone thinks so. And on a subconscious level, the family can be opposed to a career. And if the desire to make a career is stronger than the dream of a happy family, you can go on dates as much as you like, but never get married. Moreover, such behavior will not be reflected in the best way on career development: after all, the forces and time that could be used for self-realization, learning, work are, in fact, wasted. Naturally, there may be other reasons. For example, a girl is afraid to start an independent life or does not want to leave her elderly parents, and so on, so on. Here is the subconscious and does not let her marry. And if the desire to make a career is stronger than the dream of a happy family, you can go on dates as much as you like, but never get married. Moreover, such behavior will not be reflected in the best way on career development: after all, the forces and time that could be used for self-realization, learning, work are, in fact, wasted. Naturally, there may be other reasons. For example, a girl is afraid to start an independent life or does not want to leave her elderly parents, and so on, so on. Here is the subconscious and does not let her marry. And if the desire to make a career is stronger than the dream of a happy family, you can go on dates as much as you like, but never get married. Moreover, such behavior will not be reflected in the best way on career development: after all, the forces and time that could be used for self-realization, learning, work are, in fact, wasted. Naturally, there may be other reasons. For example, a girl is afraid to start an independent life or does not want to leave her elderly parents, and so on, so on. Here is the subconscious and does not let her marry.the girl is afraid to start an independent life or does not want to leave her elderly parents and so on, so on. Here is the subconscious and does not let her marry.the girl is afraid to start an independent life or does not want to leave her elderly parents and so on, so on. Here is the subconscious and does not let her marry.

So before making a wish, understand what you want the most. Make a register of your desires and fulfill them gradually, one by one. Do you think your career is more important than your family? It is your will: make a career. And when you consider that this dream has been fulfilled, move on to the next item. And keep in mind: there are no incompatible desires and needs. Everyone is capable of becoming rich, loved, and successful. And if your subconscious mind thinks differently, and you cannot convince it in any way, contact a specialist.


So, you sincerely believe that you deserve the best, you know exactly what you want - then it's time to clearly articulate your desire. Clear - not necessarily short. Let's take the same example with marriage. "I want to get married!" - simple and clear, isn't it? The desire may well come true, but it is far from the fact that the woman will be happy. Since it is highly likely that she will connect life with a man who has nothing to do with the hero of her novel. After all, the desire does not say anything about the character and personal qualities of the future spouse … However, even if you name the full name of the person who at the moment evokes the most tender feelings in you, this does not guarantee that the result will satisfy you. Because a loved one may turn out to be a lazy person, a loser, or you simply won't suit each other.

The wording “I want to get married successfully” is already better, but only if you know exactly what meanings you put into the word “successful”. It's the same with the dream of getting a good job. What does "good" mean? In a prosperous company with high salaries, career prospects, understanding bosses, a pleasant team? Are you sure that all of this is strongly associated with "good work"? If not, it is better to play it safe and write down everything point by point - otherwise you may end up in a great team, do what you love and … get pennies for it. Or vice versa - to work for wear, to earn a lot of money, but in the terrarium of like-minded people, where man is a wolf to man.

When formulating your desire, make sure that the detailed description of the dream does not limit your possibilities. For example, you want to improve your financial situation. You can make a request like this: "I want to make a lot of money." It is quite a normal desire if it is important for you to make money. But keep in mind: this way you are giving up many other chances: winning the lottery, inheriting, and so on. And do not think that such stories only happen in fairy tales and movies: this can very well happen to you - if you allow it.

Another important point. When making a wish, avoid any negative constructs. Simply put, no denials - only positive statements. Instead of “I don’t want to get sick” - “I want to be healthy”, instead of “I don’t want to quarrel with my family” - “I want to live in peace and harmony with my loved ones” and so on. It is also better to refuse words that in your understanding have a negative connotation. For example, the desire to get even with debts is better formulated as follows: "I want to be a successful, wealthy person" or: "I want to live in abundance." Such attitudes already imply that you do not need anything and do not owe anything to anyone. By the way, in everyday conversations it is advisable not to touch on unpleasant topics. For example, you dream of getting rich, you have clearly and clearly expressed your intention and even wrote it down on paper. But at the same time, you continue to complain about the lack of money, complain,that there is nothing to pay the bills with, that you cannot make ends meet and carve out funds for rest. Well, consider that you are crossing out your dream with such statements. The lonely “I want to get rich” is simply lost against the background of numerous discussions about need and lack of money. Your subconscious mind just won't let you get rich! No, it is not an enemy at all. But you talked so much about financial difficulties that the subconscious mind concluded: money problems for you are a natural, habitual state. We can say a comfort zone, from which it is impractical to get out. So if you really want to get rid of your monetary difficulties, forget about them. More often than not, imagine that you are already rich, start thinking and behaving like a rich person: this will speed up the fulfillment of desire. Well, consider that you are crossing out your dream with such statements. The lonely “I want to get rich” is simply lost against the background of numerous discussions about need and lack of money. Your subconscious mind just won't let you get rich! No, it is not an enemy at all. But you talked so much about financial difficulties that the subconscious mind concluded: money problems for you are a natural, habitual state. We can say a comfort zone, from which it is impractical to get out. So if you really want to get rid of your monetary difficulties, forget about them. More often than not, imagine that you are already rich, start thinking and behaving like a rich person: this will speed up the fulfillment of desire. Well, consider that you are crossing out your dream with such statements. The lonely “I want to get rich” is simply lost against the background of numerous discussions about need and lack of money. Your subconscious mind just won't let you get rich! No, it is not an enemy at all. But you talked so much about financial difficulties that the subconscious mind concluded: money problems for you are a natural, habitual state. We can say a comfort zone, from which it is impractical to get out. So if you really want to get rid of your monetary difficulties, forget about them. More often than not, imagine that you are already rich, start thinking and behaving like a rich person: this will speed up the fulfillment of desire. Your subconscious mind just won't let you get rich! No, it is not an enemy at all. But you talked so much about financial difficulties that the subconscious mind concluded: money problems for you are a natural, habitual state. We can say a comfort zone, from which it is impractical to get out. So if you really want to get rid of your monetary difficulties, forget about them. More often than not, imagine that you are already rich, start thinking and behaving like a rich person: this will speed up the fulfillment of desire. Your subconscious mind just won't let you get rich! No, it is not an enemy at all. But you talked so much about financial difficulties that the subconscious mind concluded: money problems for you are a natural, habitual state. We can say a comfort zone, from which it is impractical to get out. So if you really want to get rid of your monetary difficulties, forget about them. More often than not, imagine that you are already rich, start thinking and behaving like a rich person: this will speed up the fulfillment of desire.forget about them. More often than not, imagine that you are already rich, start thinking and behaving like a rich person: this will speed up the fulfillment of desire.forget about them. More often than not, imagine that you are already rich, start thinking and behaving like a rich person: this will speed up the fulfillment of desire.


There is one more secret. The desire will be fulfilled only if it is beneficial to everyone. Not only to you, but also to your loved ones, friends, acquaintances, colleagues. At the very least, no one should get hurt for making your dream come true. Suppose you want to become the CEO of a company, deep down hoping that your success will take revenge on the boss who oppressed you. I hasten to disappoint you: nothing will come of it. Even if you sincerely think that it is high time to put the chief in his place. Remember: you must think exclusively positively! How will your promotion affect you, your family, your well-being? The feelings of a boss, essentially an outsider, you just shouldn't care! When you manage to forget about personal grievances and settling scores, concentrate on the bonuses that your career growth promises, your dream will come true.

Perhaps someone will argue that you cannot please everyone. It’s not, and you don’t have to please anyone. Even the closest ones. For example, a girl is sure that if she gets married and leaves a single mother, she will hurt her. Such a train of thought suggests that the young lady has a hypertrophied sense of duty, which at any moment threatens to turn into a feeling of guilt. So, before dreaming of a happy marriage, she needs to understand the parent-child relationship, free herself from co-dependence. In a word, to do some serious work. When a girl realizes that she does not have to please her mother and live with her until the end of the century, that she has the right to a personal life, that she chooses her husband for herself, and not for her mother, the thought that her dream will make her mother unhappy will simply not come to her to the head. As for the mother, she has the right to react in any way:may consider himself humiliated and insulted, or may be sincerely happy for his beloved daughter. Either way, she has a choice. The main thing is that the girl did not plan to hurt her mother's feelings at all, she did not even allow this in her thoughts - which means that her dream will be fulfilled.

These are, perhaps, the main points to consider when making wishes. There are many more nuances, but it is unrealistic to talk about everything in one article. I hope, friends, you understood the main thing: any dream can be fulfilled. Of course, you have to work hard: get rid of fears and complexes, stereotypes and false attitudes, learn how to correctly formulate goals and think positively. Of course, not everyone has the time and internal resources for such serious work. But this does not mean that you have to give up your dream: you can always turn to the help of a magician. For thousands of years, sorcerers have helped people to fulfill any desires, so do not hesitate, they will help you too.