Italian surgeon Sergio Canavero conducted an experiment on mice and a dog before head transplant to a human.
Italian neurosurgeon Sergio Canavero, who intends to perform the world's first human head transplant, has successfully tested a similar operation on animals by Gizmodo. It is reported that the doctor did not perform a complete transplant of the mouse and dog heads, but limited himself to operating the spine. Since the transplantation of a part of the spine with a spinal cord is the most difficult for scientists.
According to Canavero, he was able to restore the connection between the nerve endings with the help of a special gel - polyethylene glycol, which he injected into the cut sections of the spinal cord.
Recall that the main candidate for a head transplant is the Russian programmer Valery Spiridonov, who suffers from an incurable disease - Werdnig-Hoffman syndrome (muscle atrophy, with which people rarely live up to 30 years old. - Ed.). The operation is expected to take place no earlier than the end of 2017.