Letters From Hyperborea - Alternative View

Letters From Hyperborea - Alternative View
Letters From Hyperborea - Alternative View

Video: Letters From Hyperborea - Alternative View

Video: Letters From Hyperborea - Alternative View
Video: Hyperborea (Hoi4 The New Order Timelapse) 2024, October

An inconspicuous-looking stone stands in the city park of Kovdor and rarely anyone will pay attention to it. Meanwhile, the silent witness of time keeps many secrets and is in no hurry to reveal them.

More than 20 years ago, Valentina Popova, the Kovdor researcher, head of the ecological club of the Center for Children's Creativity, was the first to draw attention to this stone. She saw on it an ancient runic inscription - signs and symbols on the body of a snake coiled into a ball. According to her assumptions, these runes date back to the VIII-IX centuries, as the ancient Scandinavians applied magic spells. The secret of the inscription was not solved, and the stone was forgotten for a long time.

With the start of the project "Kovdor - the capital of Hyperborea", Kovdor activists began to look for ancient artifacts, most of which are located many kilometers from the city in hard-to-reach forests. It was then that they remembered about the mysterious stone, and again went to him. At first glance, it is impossible to see anything on it. And a search engine with extensive experience, an employee of the Kovdorsky GOK, Sergey Popov, saw on it a whole topographic map of ancient Aryan runes, which are much older than the Scandinavian ones. And the Aryans, as you know, were the progenitors of Europeans, Iranians and Indians.


But the most amazing discovery lay ahead - the location of these runes corresponds to the current state of affairs: the rune of Fire and the rune of Stone on this "map" are located on the same side where the quarry of the "Iron" mine is located today, on the site of which there was a volcano in ancient times. The Rune of Water exactly matches the location of the city lake. The rune Kolo (Kolovorot) points to the east, where the sun rises. The rune of Odin is where the temple stands today.

According to the ancient belief of the Sami, the indigenous inhabitants of the North, who settled in these remote regions much later, but who knew about the giants who inhabited these lands before them, such stones are sacred. They do not reveal their secrets to everyone, not everyone will be able to discern what their distant ancestors left behind. Only a person with pure thoughts can find the key to unraveling the centuries-old mystery. In the meantime, the photographs of the runes will go to archaeologists who can help determine the age of the stone inscriptions.