An Abnormal Place In The Urals, Where Compasses "go Crazy" And People Panic - Alternative View

An Abnormal Place In The Urals, Where Compasses "go Crazy" And People Panic - Alternative View
An Abnormal Place In The Urals, Where Compasses "go Crazy" And People Panic - Alternative View

Video: An Abnormal Place In The Urals, Where Compasses "go Crazy" And People Panic - Alternative View

Video: An Abnormal Place In The Urals, Where Compasses
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This story was told by a certain E. Yakimov. Once he heard from a local hunter that there is a certain area in the Ural taiga, where occasionally something strange happens with a compass. The arrow suddenly begins to run in a circle or generally sticks.

This does not last long, but it is quite enough to lose orientation and get lost. The hunter showed on the map where this place is.

In August 1965, E. Yakimov, traveling for pleasure with friends in the Ural taiga wilds, found himself in this very place. Yakimov suddenly saw that his compass was out of order.

“The needle spun like mad, at times it tended to take a vertical position,” he reported. - This orgy lasted more than three hours, there was some confusion in my head, a state of mind close to panic … We rushed to the plateau, trying to find a way out of the "magnetic trap", but our brains refused to think logically. It was here that one could make such mistakes, for which one would have to pay a very high price.

In the end, people managed to escape from the mysterious "magnetic trap".

And eight years later - in April 1973 - E. Yakimov, together with his friends, went on a hike in about the same places. The travelers were skiing along the hollow between two ridges.

- I was closing, - E. Yakimov recalled. - One of our companions fired a gun at the wood grouse. After the shot, all my companions in front of me scattered in different directions. It was not a funny sight - people running from each other. What force drove them away?

When they got together again, I began to find out what prompted them to such strange and incomprehensible behavior. Each answered that he went where the compass showed, although in any case he had to follow the leader. We checked all the compasses - the picture is familiar, the arrows spin like mad, sometimes they stick.

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Only an hour later the compasses calmed down.

E. Yakimov also specified the following detail:

- We all had an unreasonable fear, the psyche was tense to the limit, it felt like our brains were about to boil with tension. On the same day in the evening, trying to fan the fire in the fire, I leaned my knees and elbows on the ground and at that time felt a pulsation emanating from the bowels of the earth. The throbbing was in the rhythm of the heart.

The impression was as if a huge heart was beating. At first it seemed to me that I began to hallucinate, then I got to my feet, and then again dropped to my knees - everything repeated, as the first time. I did this several times, and each time this phenomenon was repeated.

In the morning of the next day we left this dangerous place and the further we moved away from it, the better we felt. The tension in the brain began to subside.
