Flight From The Planet. Why Would Humanity Have To Leave Earth Or Disappear Forever? - Alternative View

Flight From The Planet. Why Would Humanity Have To Leave Earth Or Disappear Forever? - Alternative View
Flight From The Planet. Why Would Humanity Have To Leave Earth Or Disappear Forever? - Alternative View

Video: Flight From The Planet. Why Would Humanity Have To Leave Earth Or Disappear Forever? - Alternative View

Video: Flight From The Planet. Why Would Humanity Have To Leave Earth Or Disappear Forever? - Alternative View
Video: Aftermath: Population Zero - The World without Humans | Free Documentary 2024, September

Scientists have been unable to explain the nature and source of the mysterious radio signal that has been coming from space for more than two years.

Astrophysicists at Swinburne University of Technology (Australia) admitted their impotence to find a simple and understandable explanation for the signal under the code name FRB 150215. Emily Petroff, the researcher in charge of this study, bluntly stated:

“We spent a huge amount of time and used many telescopes, but we could not find anything that could be associated with this signal.”

Scientists all over the world observed the mysterious radio wave: 11 telescopes of various types, tuned to search not only for optical and radio signals, but also for gamma and X-rays and neutrinos, tried to find the original source of FRB 150215 and recognize its nature.

The signal surge was first recorded on February 15, 2015 in Australia. Since then, scientists have not learned much about him. According to the researchers, a short, repetitive radio signal comes from the depths of space very far for us - its source is located outside the Milky Way. In addition, it is clearly very strong - otherwise the wave would hardly have been able to overcome the galaxy full of obstacles and reach us in this form.

Emily Petroff. Photo: twitter.com
Emily Petroff. Photo: twitter.com

Emily Petroff. Photo: twitter.com

FRB 150215 is not the only signal. Scientists have recorded the same short flashes over the past ten years, since 2007. In total, 22 FRB signals have been observed and investigated over the past decade. Scientists cannot determine the nature of these outbreaks and at least somehow come closer to understanding their primary source.

Andrew Simion, director of the SETI Research Center at the University of California at Berkeley, does not exclude the possibility that the FRB-class signals are associated with the vital activity of an alien race. Emily Petroff, on the other hand, is inclined to believe that the nature of incomprehensible cosmic flares is explained by not yet studied natural processes occurring in the Universe. However, she herself does not deny the possibility of the existence of "signals of another civilization."

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Photo: flickr.com
Photo: flickr.com

Photo: flickr.com

Such findings of scientists can be considered a much more serious confirmation of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligent races (or simply the deep and absolute unknown of the Universe) than the endless eyewitness accounts of "green men" in silvery nylon suits. Obviously, if there is still life somewhere in space, it has not yet reached Earth.

Photo: flickr.com
Photo: flickr.com

Photo: flickr.com

However, some finds of enthusiasts speak in favor of the fact that extraterrestrial civilizations in the solar system already existed. So, on May 9 this year on the popular American channel Secureteam10, created by UFO seekers, a video appeared with amazing images of the lunar surface. According to the authors of the video, an object very similar to a tank is clearly visible in the photographs taken by the satellite.

Photo: youtube.com
Photo: youtube.com

Photo: youtube.com

Ufologists from Cleveland (this is where the headquarters of the channel is located) are sure that many artifacts can be found on the Moon, indicating that the Earth's satellite was once inhabited by a highly developed intelligent race. The remains of technology, in their opinion, directly confirm this theory. But NASA employees are hiding the truth from mere mortals, ufologists are sure.

oto: flickr.com
oto: flickr.com

oto: flickr.com

Seekers of contact with aliens find many similar artifacts on the surface of Mars. True, more often than not, amazing finds, shot from a different angle, turn out to be natural objects. But some pictures still leave questions. So, on June 21, 2016, the general public was presented with very interesting photos taken by the Curiosity rover on the surface of the red planet. Despite the low quality of the frame, enthusiasts noticed that one photo contains an object of clearly artificial origin.


The smooth and even cylinder with a protruding branch pipe reminded ufologists of a mine from the Second World War. However, enthusiasts do not exclude that the object may be an element of extraterrestrial technology. And this again brings us back to the thought of the remains of an extinct civilization. But it is difficult to give an accurate assessment of the nature of such finds - NASA is in no hurry to share good quality images taken on Mars.


Proponents of the world conspiracy theory are sure: those close to the authorities and possessing information the powers that be of this world know much more ordinary citizens. More recently, on April 22 of this year, the most daring fantasies of lovers of such theories were unexpectedly reinforced by the head of NASA, Charles Bolden. A former astronaut with more than 680 hours of experience in space, a participant in space flights on shuttles "Discovery", "Atlantis" and "Columbia" said that in the coming years - and maybe already months - our planet will be invaded by alien invaders.

Charles Bolden. Photo: flickr.com
Charles Bolden. Photo: flickr.com

Charles Bolden. Photo: flickr.com

“There are many scary things in space, and some of them have probably already noticed our existence. We have calculated that there are at least 30,000 alien civilizations in the universe. We have been active in outer space for decades, and therefore have surely caught the attention of at least one. We can be captured at any moment!”Bolden said at a conference in Houston.

However, Bolden was not allowed to tell about the details of the upcoming conquest. After this shocking tirade, two colleagues of the former astronaut from NASA immediately climbed onto the stage and took their boss by the arms. Later it became known that Bolden "went on vacation for six months due to illness." The head of NASA flatly refused all offers to give an interview.

Charles Bolden. Photo: flickr.com
Charles Bolden. Photo: flickr.com

Charles Bolden. Photo: flickr.com

This is not the first statement by the director of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States about the existence of alien life - but for the first time he gave a real date. According to Bolden, it is possible to wait for aliens on the planet now - the invasion will take place until 2025.

If the loud statements of information so close to the original sources and information closed to the general public have at least some basis, it means that it is time for humanity to seriously think about ways of retreating. Let's be honest with ourselves: to resist alien races, which, according to the director of the immortal "Alien" Ridley Scott, should significantly surpass earthlings in terms of technical development, will be pointless.

Ridley Scott. Photo: flickr.com
Ridley Scott. Photo: flickr.com

Ridley Scott. Photo: flickr.com

Of course, people can try to crush aliens with spiritual values and humanistic ideals (this is perhaps one of the most beloved plots of science fiction writers), but pushing their values through the language barrier is a doomed undertaking. So, you have to flee to another planet.

A man whose authority is trusted by the whole world has already spoken out for the colonization of new worlds. Stephen Hawking, a renowned British physicist and popularizer of science, said that humanity has only a hundred years left to "pack things." After a century, the scientist believes, it will become impossible to live on Earth.

Stephen Hawking. Photo: flickr.com
Stephen Hawking. Photo: flickr.com

Stephen Hawking. Photo: flickr.com

Hawking firmly believes that in about a hundred years, the human race will be overtaken by the apocalypse. It is not known for certain what kind it will be. It can be a nuclear war, a pandemic of an artificially created virus, or another man-made disaster. In addition, the physicist does not exclude the possibility of a global natural disaster that will simply wipe a person off the face of the Earth.

"I think the human race has no future if it does not go into space," - said the scientist in the afterword to Julian Guthrie's book "How to Build a Spaceship."

Hawking is promoting the same idea in the documentary Expedition New Earth, which is being set to air on the BBC. By the way, the scientist himself is ready to be at the forefront of the pioneers. And even a serious illness, which in his youth deprived him of the ability to move, does not seem to be an obstacle to a world-renowned physicist. Stephen Hawking is pinning his hopes on the private space company Virgin Galactic, whose founder Richard Branson has already offered the scientist a place on board SpaceShipTwo, a suborbital spacecraft, which, according to the creators, will send six tourists from among ordinary mortals into space.

Photo: flickr.com
Photo: flickr.com

Photo: flickr.com

The British scientist, who spent most of his life in a wheelchair, is sure that now space should be open to anyone. Otherwise, a person whose gaze is not directed into the depths of the Universe will have no chance of survival in the future.

Margarita Zvyagintseva