New Martian Ravine: Private Version - Alternative View

New Martian Ravine: Private Version - Alternative View
New Martian Ravine: Private Version - Alternative View

Video: New Martian Ravine: Private Version - Alternative View

Video: New Martian Ravine: Private Version - Alternative View
Video: NASA's Mars Perseverance Rover Captured Moving UFO Over Martian Hill || UFO Exposed On Mars 2024, September

This news appeared in the media a month ago: Scientists discovered in the images of the Martian orbiter MRO the formation of a new, previously unknown ravine in the area of the Land of Sirens. Photos and descriptions posted on the California Institute of Technology JPL website.

The new ravine is located in the inner part of one of the craters of the southern Martian hemisphere. In the picture taken on November 5, 2010, this ravine is not. In the next photograph of the same area (it was taken on May 25, 2013), the silhouette of the new ravine is clearly visible. It adjoins a larger erosive formation and is its offshoot. Both photographs were taken with a HiRISE camera on board the MRO.

The exact reasons for the appearance of a ravine in the Land of Sirens are not yet clear. Most likely, it could arise as a result of condensation of carbon dioxide vapor in the Martian soil. Examples of similar erosion on Mars are fairly well known. The significant time interval between the images does not allow us to establish at what time of the Martian year the soil fell off. However, it is known that most often such phenomena occur during the Martian winter.

“There is room for thoughts,” writes user Damkin from the site based on this publication. “However, NASA researchers have one-sided thoughts, I think so. Rationally thinking scientists are trying to pull on an incomprehensible phenomenon, a natural version of the "channel": the researchers believe that the crevice could have arisen due to the impact of an avalanche of ice moving from the tops of the crater. The stream of ice breaks up large natural materials in the form of trenches.

Sometimes I have the assumption that “NASA researchers, to explain incomprehensible pictures to journalists, carry nonsense that first comes to their minds, and then sitting in their“smoking room”mock how the“People”eats another portion of the narrator’s invention from NASA.

That's right, then I will express my version, since I do not understand how a groove can occur across the movement of an avalanche.

Enlarged and highlighted zone "A"


Promotional video:

If you look more closely at the image on the right, there can be two equal versions:

1. A stream of something is digging gutters around the heavier rock of the massif.

2. An artificially created moat around the “fortified area”, creating an island surrounded by an obstacle in the form of “channels”.

In addition, he "saw" not only a moat, but also a fortress wall around the island.

I will give one more photo, which is not directly related to the first ones, but if you look closely and think about it … then not to see the rectangular structures located in a semicircle means not just being blind, but stubborn not seeing, the obvious … However, if you saw, then the Martian Arkaim is another drop in the version of the existence of a civilization on Mars."