The Terrible Gaze Of The Basilisk - Alternative View

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The Terrible Gaze Of The Basilisk - Alternative View
The Terrible Gaze Of The Basilisk - Alternative View

Video: The Terrible Gaze Of The Basilisk - Alternative View

Video: The Terrible Gaze Of The Basilisk - Alternative View
Video: Babylon 5. Supernova. Fan audio series 2024, July

An unusual phenomenon was demonstrated to scientists by a young Spanish woman Monica Tejada. With her blue eyes staring at bending metal objects, the Researchers placed steel wire in a sealed glass jar. But this did not prevent Monica from bending a solid thread into a silhouette of a dinosaur with an open mouth. At the moment of such work, the devices recorded an increase in body temperature and a decrease in blood pressure in the test girl. This combination puzzled doctors. Besides? the device showed the biocurrents of the brain, typical days of a sleeping person.

Death eye

It is known that some magicians and sorcerers are capable of causing harm to human health if they look at him with unkind thoughts. However, looking can not only damage, but also kill.

In the century of our era, the Roman scientist Pliny the Elder in his "Natural History", setting out the knowledge accumulated in antiquity, described the "king of snakes Basilisk", who has the ability to kill not only with poison, but also with a look. Subsequently, biologists named him a genus of lizards from the family of iguanas living in South America. They, like the mythical snake, have a crest on their back. As for the expression "Basilisk look", in the sense of "murderous", then, although it entered many languages of the world, it is just a fabulous fiction, scientists say; no living creature can cause death with a glance.

With all due respect to science, we will not jump to conclusions. For many peoples, the symbol of death is a skull with empty eye sockets. Moreover, this image has a hidden meaning: it warns that the eyes of a living person can evoke the "bony" one. The founder of medical science, the famous Ibn Sina, aka Avicenna, wrote about this back in the 11th century; "Often the soul influences someone else's body, for example, when exposed to the evil eye." And the philosopher Thomas Aquinas, numbered among the saints, came to the conclusion that due to strong mental stress, changes occur in the elements of the human body. Moreover, they are mainly associated with the eyes, which, with a special radiation, seem to charge the air at a distance.

And in 1553 the famous European scientist Cornelius Agrippa wrote in his work "Occult Philosophy": “In Illyria and the Tariballs there are women who kill all those they look at in anger. Also, the women inhabiting the Greek island of Rhodes, through their eyes, change everything for the worse."

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Strength in the eyes of the natives

Once a high-ranking English official, Carsten, told his family a curious story before his death. He served in the colonial administration in India. When the rainy season ended, Karsten and his friends went hunting, in which he killed the elephant, and found that he had not taken a special knife for carving tusks with him. Leaving the servants to guard the trophy, the British headed for the plantation. When the hunters returned three hours later, their frightened servants were hiding in the bushes, and a few dirty little savages carved the tusks of the elephant. An outraged Karsten ordered the dwarf natives to get away. But they only laughed insolently in response. The servants flatly refused to drive them away. “These are mullukurumbas. They cannot be offended. Otherwise they will send death,”the Indian servants, trembling with fear, persuaded. The ridiculous explanation drove Carsten into a rage. He, a tall man,in his prime, in a rage he grabbed the leader of the kurumba by the hair, threw him to the ground and hit him several times with a bamboo stick.

- The dwarf jumped to his feet, but, to my great surprise, he did not rush away, but began to look at me without stopping, - said Carsten on his deathbed. - I felt nauseous from his look. Such disgust swept over me that I kicked it aside.

The strange condition, which the Englishman did not attach importance to, quickly passed. He ridiculed the absurd fears of the servants who carried some nonsense about the "snake's eye", in the evening he lamented to his friends how difficult it was to rule "this stupid and superstitious people." And the next day, Karsten, who usually got up very early, barely woke up by noon. Towards evening, his right hand, with which he had "thrashed the" disgusting dwarf "the day before, became very painful. On the third day the Englishman took to his bed altogether: a terrible weakness seized him. The official was rushed to Delhi. But the doctors could not find any disease. “I feel like lead was injected instead of blood,” Karsten complained.

The condition worsened rapidly: appetite disappeared, insomnia and severe pain began. A healthy, athletic person turned into a skeleton in four days. On the ninth day he lost his tongue, and on the thirteenth he died.

There is a story about a European businessman who tried to take possession of an Indian girl by force. She did not fight back, but only looked at the rapist so that he lost consciousness. When he was brought to his senses, it turned out that his leg was paralyzed, moreover, he became impotent. Scientists explain such cases by feelings of guilt and self-hypnosis, which for some reason take possession of the rapists.

The Canadian newspaper The Canadien Tribune described a hunting incident in which 55-year-old Steve McKellan was attacked by a grizzly bear. Lying on the ground, he instinctively put out his hand with a knife, and he himself, with a look full of rage and despair, rested into the eyes of the beast. The bear froze. The hunter continued to stare into her eyes, as if into the pupils. He knew - to do so - only to incite an aggressive animal. But he couldn't help it. And suddenly the bear let out a loud roar and fell to the ground. It turned out that she was dead. Later, when examining the bear, they did not even find a scratch on it. The researchers suggested that the cause of death was a powerful bioenergetic impulse from the human eyes that destroyed the nerve cells in the animal's brain.

Fatal aria

In addition to general statements about the terrible effects of the eyes, there is also specific evidence of eyewitnesses of this phenomenon. In the 80s of the XIX century, on the island of Sicily, they talked about a resident of the city of Messina, whose eyes had deadly power. With an accidental, without any intent, a cast glance, he could kill a person. One day he stared at himself for a long time in the mirror of a shop window. And soon after that he fell ill and died: the mirror reflected and returned him his own "killer" look.

And here is the case of the death of several people in the theater described by the English magazine "Light" in 1890: “At that time, on the stage of the Imperial Opera in Paris, the audience's favorite was the singer Massol. In private life, this man was distinguished by a gloomy character, he also had a repulsive appearance. Especially everyone was struck by the unpleasant sparkle of his eyes. His mental faculties were very limited, but his voice was extremely musical, so that Massol enjoyed success; many French aristocrats found in his singing an almost demonic charm.

In the premiere performance of Gayaevi's opera, King Charles the Sixth, Massol played the part. Especially impressively, he performed the aria "The Curse" in such a way that the audience often demanded a repetition. Once a strange and inexplicable incident occurred at a performance. Massol sang "The Curse" with his eyes raised to the ceiling, and before the applause died down, the worker, who had moved the scenery above during the aria, fell. When they rushed to help him, he was already dead. This had such a painful effect on the artists and the audience that the opera was not given for a long time.

After some time, it was resumed, and Massol had to take part in the play again. The recollection of the unexpected death of an involuntary listener, apparently, was still too fresh, and this time, singing the aria, the singer did not dare to raise his eyes. But at some point his gaze accidentally lingered on the conductor - the latter almost immediately felt unwell and on the third day died of an unusual nervous attack.

Several months passed before the Parisian public could hear opera again; when the fatal aria was announced, everyone in fear awaited another misfortune.

Massol was advised to sing while looking at the previously outlined empty box. He agreed. Later it turned out that the box was occupied by a visiting merchant from Marseilles, who was late for the beginning of the performance and appeared just in time for The Curse. Once again, Paris was shocked by the news of another sudden death. After that, the opera was permanently removed from the repertoire, and Massol left the stage in 1858”.

Special energy or "mark of the devil"?

Scientists from the American University of Quiz decided to conduct an experiment to see how often there are people who, in accordance with this conventional wisdom, are able to feel hostile eyes on themselves. More than a hundred volunteers took part in the experiment. Each of them was seated in the middle of the room. At some point, a man with "piercing" eyes was staring at the back of his head. As soon as the subject sensed a gaze, he immediately let the researchers know about it. When the results of the experiment were summed up, it turned out that 95 percent of the people who took part in the experiment almost immediately felt the characteristic pressure on the back of the head.

Doctor of Medical Sciences Viktor Yakovlev believes that there is a special form of energy attack - a remote eye strike. It is popularly called the "black eye". True, according to the scientist's observations, the prevailing opinion about the magical power of people with a dark iris of the eyes is not substantiated. Both dark-eyed and light-eyed strikes are equally good. The effect depends only on the degree of mastery of the energy impact technique and the emotional state of the person.

Belief in the "evil eye"

In the history of the existence of human society, a certain kind of attitude has been formed towards those who are able to jinx. But what are the circumstances and reasons that give rise to a person with the "evil eye"?

There are several assumptions on this score. The main cause is believed to be heredity. In the event that one of the relatives of the newborn had an "evil" eye, it must have been inherited. Another reason may be a strong curse on the person. And such a situation is also possible. If the mother weaned her child from the breast, and then takes pity on her child and again feeds it with breast milk, then he will become the owner of the "evil" eye.

It is a widespread belief that not everyone "marked" by the devil can intentionally cause misfortune with their gaze. For individuals, this happens even against their will. And from this there is a special report.

How to determine if a person has a "black" eye? The experience accumulated by people over many centuries testifies that such people have something strange in their appearance or character. Often they are endowed with large eyes and a steady, unblinking gaze.

Meanwhile, absolutely healthy persons are afraid of the "evil eye". The famous researcher of Slavic folklore A. N. Afanasyev wrote: “Unkind. black and brown eyes were always considered lazy.

But the most dangerous were the slanting eyes. So, such a person cannot look directly into the eyes of the interlocutor, they believed that he was looking at the devil. Therefore, the word "oblique" is used in the sense of "devil", by the way, death was also called "oblique old woman."

There are many ways to protect yourself from the "evil eye". However, the main preventive moment was the desire to avoid someone's envy. Therefore, vigilant people have always tried not to stand out from the crowd and not to attract the attention of others with their appearance.

By the way, the poor among many peoples of the world were considered very capable of the evil eye.

Deadly Impulse

It is impossible to recognize by external signs a person who has the ability to make energy attacks. It can be almost any. Indicative is the case of Vladimir Toktarov - the owner of unusual strength in his eyes.

One summer, uninvited guests came to his farm near Samara, where he raises gobies. The shaven-headed guys entered Toktarov's house like a business and began to offer him an expensive “roof”. The non-local “brothers” did not assume that the owner was only pretending to be calm, but in fact, his angry “gift” was already seething in him. About twenty minutes later the racketeers began to "switch off" and fall to the floor. After a while, the farmer woke up and sent the dumbfounded guys off and advised them not to come back here again.

In the village they say that evil spirits will wind up the farmer. He laughs: “No, evil spirits have nothing to do with it. She does not like me, because I am an atheist and I do not believe in her, - and already seriously explained: - I do not manifest this at my will, but I am in critical situations.

Usually, with his gaze, Toktarov kills only Colorado beetles: they are not on his site, and there is darkness on the neighboring ones, no chemicals help.

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In terms of energy-informational impact, there is no fundamental difference between the "gaze of the Basilisk", damage and the evil eye. The whole point is what frequency spectrum is present in the "lines of sight" that strike a person. Depending on this, they disrupt the normal functioning of certain organs and systems. Fortunately, not every person can cause damage, not to mention the killer "Basilisk gaze" that sends a deadly impulse to the heart. This is as rare as the gift of true bioenergetic healing.

A. Belsky