About The Bright Image Of Russia - Alternative View

About The Bright Image Of Russia - Alternative View
About The Bright Image Of Russia - Alternative View

Video: About The Bright Image Of Russia - Alternative View

Video: About The Bright Image Of Russia - Alternative View
Video: 9 Secrets of the Statue of Liberty Most People Don't Know 2024, July

We have heard enough of pseudo-historical Russophobic myths of falsifiers of the history of “wild barbarians” allegedly “having neither writing nor statehood” before the arrival of “civilizers-enlighteners” to Russia, to whom we supposedly owe everything, and therefore must be loyal servants of the parasitic West with its predatory - the consumerist ideology of non-humans-degradants and secret satanic rituals, the origins of which can be found in the official religions of the "biblical project" of enslavement of mankind.

The inconsistency of all these myths invented by the enemies of the Russian people, on which the entire building of the falsified "official" history is based, has been repeatedly proved by the studies of independent scientists who have not sold themselves to the parasitic system, as well as by the amazing finds of all kinds of artifacts that are carefully hidden and hushed up by most of the "official" historians. And therefore, for an independently thinking person, to read all this lies, designed for gullible idiots, means simply to let down your time, which can be used to search for truth and genuine knowledge.

Therefore, it is very important to consider alternative versions of our history, about which the textbooks of official history do not write anything. Here, for example, what A. Savrasov writes about the pre-Christian and “pre-civilized” times of Vedic Russia in his book “Light Russia and a false image”:

As you can see, the system of upbringing and education in Vedic Russia was quite different from the modern parasitic Western civilization and its degrading "values". And, apparently, this is why Russophobes and other social parasites created their pseudo-historical myths so that modern people would lose their roots, their true history and began to blindly worship Western “civilizational values”, turning into voluntary slaves of the parasitic satanic system. But for me personally, the worldview and values of Vedic Russia are much closer to the predatory-consumerist ideology and satanic "values" of the parasitic West.

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