Good And Bad People On Earth. Intergalactic Prison - Alternative View

Good And Bad People On Earth. Intergalactic Prison - Alternative View
Good And Bad People On Earth. Intergalactic Prison - Alternative View

Video: Good And Bad People On Earth. Intergalactic Prison - Alternative View

Video: Good And Bad People On Earth. Intergalactic Prison - Alternative View
Video: Why Earth Is A Prison and How To Escape It 2024, July

Many people believe in this, and I probably do. The Internet has given us a lot of knowledge and interesting guesses with clues in many things in our world …

Here's the weird:

- Why are there kind and sincere people, and there are many aggressors among us in the truest sense of the word?

Sometimes you can think and answer to yourself that you could never have done what these inhabitants of our planet …


There are many maniacs, aggressors and generally nervous and inadequate people. It's hard to even imagine - how you can be like that at all …

A real thought begins to come to mind that our Earth may indeed be a kind of galactic prison of souls. Somewhere we all did something not according to the rules and the whole mass from different worlds are sent here to correct themselves and follow us …

Only some for minor offenses, and aggressive races along with normal ones …

Promotional video:

Our physical bodies themselves, which were created by a certain creator, in a sense keep our true essence (souls), but it is difficult to restrain the aggressors and they also create misfortunes here …

Therefore, there are probably constant wars in every era. A person cannot live without it …

Note yourself - the aggressors start the war first, and the friendly try to delay the beginning of terrible events …

It feels like distant prisoners live in these bodies, who were pests of the common world and destroyed most of the worlds in different galaxies …


How can you be so angry?

That's for sure - they are not from the world of our Milky …

Maybe someone will laugh in the comments, but you already start to believe a lot, especially when you watch the news about the world around us and if the other countries are blind in truth, but the aggression comes from outside in our direction …

Only the meaning of this Earth-Prison, if there is still no correction in the minds of many …
