Mines Of King Suleiman. All Honestly, Without Cheating - Alternative View

Mines Of King Suleiman. All Honestly, Without Cheating - Alternative View
Mines Of King Suleiman. All Honestly, Without Cheating - Alternative View

Video: Mines Of King Suleiman. All Honestly, Without Cheating - Alternative View

Video: Mines Of King Suleiman. All Honestly, Without Cheating - Alternative View
Video: King solomons mines 2024, October

“The Arabs say:“Salam Alleykum”!

Jews say: “Shalom Aleichem”!

Conclusion: - Jews are lisping Arabs.

- (Old, not funny anecdote)

Even people who are not burdened with religious knowledge can easily tell you about who King Solomon is - there are so many different parables, legends and myths about him. For example, who does not know about the Solomon court, when the Tsar, in order to resolve the dispute between two women about which of them is the real mother of the child, ordered the baby to be cut in half, and ruled in favor of the woman who abandoned the claim to motherhood?


And then follow the legends about the ring with the inscription "This too will pass", about the construction of the Jerusalem temple, about the mines (mines) that provided the kingdom of Solomon with untold riches, etc. All this leaves no doubt that the real prototype of this mythical character existed in reality. Such a person really existed, and possessed remarkable abilities, wealth and influence. But is it true that he was the third king of the Jewish state in the tenth century before "their" era?

King Solomon. Icon
King Solomon. Icon

King Solomon. Icon.

Promotional video:

This is how King Solomon was depicted in the 18th century. Then they already believed that he was a Jewish king, and they wrote him the appropriate appearance.

The first thing that does not fit in my head is the name. According to historians, linguists and philologists, the name comes from Shlomo - in Hebrew it comes from the root "שלו (" (shalom - "peace", meaning "not war"), as well as "שלם" (shalem - "perfect", " whole"). But we know that Hebrew is one of the "youngest" languages on earth. This means that there is every reason for mistrust.

Let's try to figure it out, remembering that the "frame" of all words in any language is formed by consonant letters. This simple rule helps Russian speakers understand foreign words. A simple example: MILK - MLK, MILK - MLK. Try to parse other words yourself in this way, and see that the method works 90% of the time.

Allegedly the sword of King Solomon
Allegedly the sword of King Solomon

Allegedly the sword of King Solomon.

It is clear that it was made quite recently, and it cannot have anything to do with historical exhibits. However, you should pay attention to it, to its symbolism. On the hilt of the sword of King Solomon is the Star of David. Allegedly David, of course. It is also present on the decorative element of the guard - the trefoil that wraps around the blade. Where did we see this symbol?

Merovingian shamrock
Merovingian shamrock

Merovingian shamrock.

Yes. This is the royal Masonic symbol. Lily of the Merovingians. They also marked prostitutes, burning a lily on the shoulder with a red-hot brand. This was exactly what was on the shoulder of the heroine of Alexandre Dumas - Lady Winter. It's funny, but in our time, girls themselves wear this symbol with pleasure in the form of tattoos.

So: SOLOMON - SLMN. SOLOMAN? It is very likely that the word is compound, consisting of two. The ending is "MN", most likely - "MAN". And this is logical. In most languages, including in Slavic languages, Manom was designated as a person, as a creature, an individual. VedaMAN, shaMAN, etc. This rule is very strongly ingrained in younger European languages, including Yiddish. It is from here that most of the Jewish surnames are: - ZuckerMAN (sugar man - Sakharov), GoldMAN (gold man - Zolotukhin), etc. In German, Dutch, Scandinavian languages, this rule exists everywhere. There are two main endings of surnames - "man" and "sleep" ("sen").

Man is still a man, Bergman (a man from the shore - Brezhnev, Beregovoi), and sleep and sen are a prefix denoting that he is the Son of someone. Erickson is the son of Eric (Ericov), Andersen is the son of Ander (Andreev), Nicholson is the son of Nikola (Nikolaev). Practically the same as in Russia: Ivanovs, Sidorovs, Petrovs, etc. Means: Solomon, this is definitely SoloMAN. What, then, does "SOLO" mean?

Let's apply the well-known vowel exclusion rule. What associations arise when the letters "SL" are combined? I will hardly be mistaken if I assume that there will be two versions: - SOLAR (Sun) and Sol (b). "Man of the Sun" sounds attractive if Solomon were a sun worshiper, but the point is that Arabs and Jews are people of the Moon, not the Sun.

But if you remember about the mines of King Solomon, which made his wealth immeasurable, history begins to play with other facets. Why not? Everyone thinks that we are talking about gold mines, in search of which the adventurers have spent millions of states, but have not found anything. Why? Because they were looking in the wrong place - once, they were looking for the wrong thing - two. Searching on the African continent is pointless, because the Torah writers placed Solomon on the lands of Palestine, and in reality, there was never a Jewish state there until 1947.

And if we assume that it was SALT that became the source of Solomon's wealth, then this will explain a lot! Then you need to look for salt mines, and somewhere nearby, Solomon hail.

Now let's look at the coats of arms of European cities. Don't you find it strange such frequent use of three symbols at the same time: the star of David, the crescent and the cross?

Old coats of arms of European cities
Old coats of arms of European cities

Old coats of arms of European cities.

Now let's take a closer look at this engraving:

Cossack circle
Cossack circle

Cossack circle.

How do you like the Cossack banner?

A fresco from a medieval castle in Switzerland
A fresco from a medieval castle in Switzerland

A fresco from a medieval castle in Switzerland.

How can one intelligibly explain the presence of a Cossack with a Star of David and a crescent on a medieval depiction in Europe?

Tatars in Europe
Tatars in Europe

Tatars in Europe.

Tartars in the engraving are very similar to the Cossacks. The faces are quite European, and on the rider's shield on the left is the wheel of Kolyada, or Chislobog. Armament and equipment are also quite Russian. So what kind of "Tatars" ruined the European princes in the Middle Ages?

And here's another interesting image:

Battle of the Mongols with the Hungarians. Fresco
Battle of the Mongols with the Hungarians. Fresco

Battle of the Mongols with the Hungarians. Fresco.

For some reason, nobody is confused by the absurdity of this name. The guide says the sightseers believe. They don't even ask questions about why the Hungarians are performing under the Turkish banner, and the "Mongols" with the Russian red flag. And they look like Russians, or Byzantines, who were indistinguishable from each other.

But if we assume that these "Mongols" are not from Mongolia, but quite from a nearby country, with the capital Constantinople, then everything falls into place.

Miniature "Mongols in Western Europe"
Miniature "Mongols in Western Europe"

Miniature "Mongols in Western Europe".

Again, white European faces, characteristic Russian helmets and Cossack hats. The conclusion suggests itself: Tatars in Europe were called the inhabitants of the country whose capital was Constantinople - Constantinople - Istanbul. And the Saracens were not Turks, but quite themselves persons of European nationality.

And then, probably, it's time to make a digression in order to once again apply the “rule of consonants” and look for another famous character, whose name also contains C, L, M and N. Easy! Only one king is suitable for such a role, and this is Suleiman I the Magnificent (Qanuni; osm. سليمانا اول - Süleymân-ı evvel, tour Birinci Süleyman, Kanuni Sultan Süleyman; (November 6, 1494 - November 5/6, 1566) - the tenth sultan Empire, who ruled from September 22, 1520, Caliph from 1538.

Suleiman I the Magnificent
Suleiman I the Magnificent

Suleiman I the Magnificent.

And then I remembered one study that I had met for a very long time, and I cannot refer to it, but its meaning was that Suleiman the Magnificent is Sultan Selim not his own son, but his adopted one. And Suleiman's real father was … Daud Pasha, who died when Suleiman was only two years old. By a strange coincidence, the father of the biblical Solomon was even called Daud, i.e. David. And David, according to the Koran, is Daoud.

By the way, one should also remember about such a tradition as the adoption of a new name simultaneously with the accession to the throne, which was widespread in Great Tartary. All the great Khans and Princes went down in history precisely under their royal names, and the named names of many figures in history have not survived. Therefore, it is not surprising that we now call Suleiman from birth, but no one will tell you what his name was in fact.

But if Suleiman lived in the sixteenth century, and Solomon lived twenty-six centuries earlier, then how can they be the same person? Yes, easily! Knowing now about the true history of the writing of the Bible, which was also written in the sixteenth century, it is not difficult to assume that some of the famous contemporaries could easily become the prototype of Solomon, and Suleiman fits this role like no other.

Let us now see how the Russians were portrayed at the same time.

Russian Tsar receives ambassadors. Engraving from the book of Z. Herberstein. 1576
Russian Tsar receives ambassadors. Engraving from the book of Z. Herberstein. 1576

Russian Tsar receives ambassadors. Engraving from the book of Z. Herberstein. 1576

Russian Tsar. Engraving from the book of Z. Herberstein. 1576
Russian Tsar. Engraving from the book of Z. Herberstein. 1576

Russian Tsar. Engraving from the book of Z. Herberstein. 1576

Portrait of a noble Slav. Rembrandt
Portrait of a noble Slav. Rembrandt

Portrait of a noble Slav. Rembrandt.

Are there many differences from "Turkish citizens"? And no wonder. Constantinople paid tribute to the Great Tartary, and this is a fact. This can be considered one of its provinces. And if so, it is not surprising that there is such an interpenetration of cultures, Slavic and, conditionally, Turkic.

And here's another medieval engraving (fragment):

The Turks are storming Vienna
The Turks are storming Vienna

The Turks are storming Vienna.

Here it is worth paying attention not only to the Turks - the Cossacks, but also to the "European" architecture of Vienna. Doesn't it look like anything?

Bell tower of the Novodevichy Convent. Moscow XVI century
Bell tower of the Novodevichy Convent. Moscow XVI century

Bell tower of the Novodevichy Convent. Moscow XVI century.

It turns out that Vienna in the Middle Ages was not much different from Moscow, or Vladimir. But back to Suleiman. He, as it turns out, is the son of Daoud. And he is most likely Solomon, the son of David. Really born at the end of the fifteenth century, ruled the Ottoman Empire, and at the same time had almost all of Europe.

Territories owned by Suleiman the Magnificent
Territories owned by Suleiman the Magnificent

Territories owned by Suleiman the Magnificent.

In fact, this is the real Roman Empire, more precisely the Roman Empire. Only without the western colonies in the Pyrenees and Apennines, where historians have transferred the metropolis, and called Roma Rome "Eternal City".

An indirect confirmation of the version under consideration is this fresco:

Fresco of the Ottoman period in Turkey. Istanbul
Fresco of the Ottoman period in Turkey. Istanbul

Fresco of the Ottoman period in Turkey. Istanbul.

Meeting of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. Well, why suddenly, the artist of the XVI century. Would you remember this Old Testament story? But everything becomes clear and simple if we assume that the artist was a witness to this event. What I see is what I write.

Scientists are looking for traces of the kingdom of Sheba already in Ethiopia. And it is not clear what their motives are. Suffice it to recall that the Queen of Sheba was called Balkida in Arab sources, and Makeda in Ethiopian sources. Here is the answer to the question of who she was and where is her kingdom. In the Balkans, of course, in Macedonia, next to Constantinople. And she was of Sheba, not because she owned the Kingdom of Sheba, but because she was the daughter of a certain Sava, for example.

But if Suleiman is Solomon, and he received the Queen in his palace, then it turns out that the legendary temple of Solomon should also have existed not in Palestinian Jerusalem, but in Constantinople. This is how it exists …

Sultan Suleiman Mosque. Istanbul. Turkey
Sultan Suleiman Mosque. Istanbul. Turkey

Sultan Suleiman Mosque. Istanbul. Turkey.

And there is no need to "fence a garden", try to reconstruct the appearance of the "Temple of Solomon", here it is … Look, and rejoice. By the way, here is buried Suleiman - Solomon, with his beloved wife Roksolana.

And then a big frustration awaits those who believe in the existence of the legendary "mines of King Solomon" He did not have any mines and silver mines. He had mines that brought fabulous income, but not gold, but salt mines.

Salt is so important that it was once the equivalent of money. Hence the etymology of the words "Soldo", "Sale" and all their derivatives. The one who owned the salt owned the world, but if so, what kind of salt could there be in Turkey? Answer on the surface: - Roksolana.

Suleiman and Roksolana
Suleiman and Roksolana

Suleiman and Roksolana.

Roksolana, Russian girl, originally from Little Russia Anastasia Gavrilovna Lisovskaya from the city of Rogatin (Ivano-Frankivsk). The official history made her a slave, a priest's daughter, etc. This technique is very popular with counterfeiters, let me remind you: a similar story was written about Catherine the Great. In fact, everything is very simple. The story about "My grandfather was selling pies on this corner" is intended for ordinary people.

So that everyone has the opportunity to believe in the possibility of transforming from Cinderella into a Princess. An analysis of the origin of all the famous rich people shows that strangers are never allowed to the trough. The same Dupont, like a self-taught chemist, the poor unfortunate man became a rich man in America, thanks to diligence and talent. This is all a lie. It doesn't happen like this in life. Dupont is from an ancient family, representatives of which from time immemorial belonged to secret societies, Templars, Illuminati, Freemasons, and at the same time they were always at the helm and at the sails. They are managers.

Roksolana. Titian
Roksolana. Titian

Roksolana. Titian.

It is hard to believe that the Sultan would be allowed to marry a rootless girl. And it was completely different if she was his equal. For example, a princely daughter. Even from the province that was in his possession. In addition, it may well be that the homeland of Roksolana joined the Ottman Empire on a voluntary basis. This is a common practice. He took the princess as his wife, at the same time and the principality in the form of a dowry. The monarchs were united in marriage, and it is natural that their possessions also merged. Then it turns out that the biblical Queen of Sheba is Roksolana!

Now, let's play with the European nickname Roksolana. Rock - rock, stone. SOLANA - SALT + ANAstasia. It turns out "ANAastasia Kamennosolnaya".

Today in Ukraine only memories of the former "salt industry" remain. Excursions to restaurants located deep underground in places where rock salt was previously mined are in great demand among tourists:

Former salt mines
Former salt mines

Former salt mines.

Former salt mines
Former salt mines

Former salt mines.


And now only a couple of coats of arms of Little Russian cities:

The city of Berezna
The city of Berezna

The city of Berezna.

The city of Konotop
The city of Konotop

The city of Konotop.

The obvious similarity of symbolism with European cities. The cross, the crescent and the star exist in a trinity. Most likely, these symbols cannot belong to David and his descendants. But they may well get it in memory from Daud, and lived at the end of the fifteenth century in Constantinople, and his son Suleiman, who, having married the Queen of Sheba, annexed some areas of modern Ukraine to his possessions. And then it is clear where the settlers "grew" from the lads, and harem pants and crooked sabers appeared. Recruits returned after serving in the metropolis to their homeland, and brought with them the adopted customs.

And if these reflections are correct, then they confirm the voiced conclusion: - Marriage on Roksolan is a beneficial party for the Sultan. Without a doubt, this woman is an equal to the Sultan, of royal blood, I think that most likely she is from the clan of the Romodanovsky princes, and maybe Kalita himself. So just love? And here is the time to remember where we had the main deposits of table salt!

I suppose there is no need to remind about folklore Chumaks, etc. Without a doubt - it was Little Russia that was a monopoly on the European market of table salt. This is a source of inexhaustible wealth and economic power, and Suleiman, having married Princess Lisovskaya, laid his paw on all salt exports. That's all "love", here is the "mines of King Solomon."

Burning of the 'heretical' books. medieval engraving
Burning of the 'heretical' books. medieval engraving

Burning of the 'heretical' books. medieval engraving.

And to write a story, you first had to get rid of the previous version. Similar processes continue to this day.

So the conclusions:

1) Biblical Solomon did not exist. There was a king (khan) of Istanbul - Suleiman, and it is not a fact that this Arabic nickname is his true name. It is possible that it is formed from the words "Salt" and "Man". In modern terms, it is a salt magnate.

2) Suleiman was not necessarily a Muslim if he allowed himself to marry a pagan Anastasia. There are many images of the Ottomans with crosses on their banners. On medieval frescoes and engravings there is a lot of evidence that the "Mongol-Tatars", who conquered half of Europe, also fought under the crosses and the Stars of David.

3) The Mongol-Tatar horde and the army of Suleiman are one and the same. European princes were not crazy when they trembled at the word "Horde". Yes, the horde, only not Mongol, but Ottoman, and the Ottomans (Ottomans), these are not Muslim Turks, but one of the Cossack hordes.

4) Religions most likely did not exist at all. Suleiman's campaigns in Europe were operations "to restore constitutional order." An attempt to return to a single legal and economic space the separate princes - separatists.

5) The Ottoman Empire was not such in essence. She was either part of Tartary, or the closest ally, until the moment when Tartary itself collapsed. The Russo-Turkish wars became, in practice, a reflection of the legitimate claims to the Russian throne, the last legal heiress.

6) The Ottoman Empire turned into an Arab in a natural way. Bloodless absorption by the Semitic majority. How could this happen?

London. Feb 2016
London. Feb 2016

London. Feb 2016

As they say, there is nothing to comment on. This is the answer to the question of how Turkey turned into a country of dark-skinned Muslims. Have arrived!

Author: kadykchanskiy