The Opinion Of Astrophysicists: Aliens Betrayed Their Existence - Alternative View

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The Opinion Of Astrophysicists: Aliens Betrayed Their Existence - Alternative View
The Opinion Of Astrophysicists: Aliens Betrayed Their Existence - Alternative View

Video: The Opinion Of Astrophysicists: Aliens Betrayed Their Existence - Alternative View

Video: The Opinion Of Astrophysicists: Aliens Betrayed Their Existence - Alternative View
Video: Was Earth visited by intelligent life? Astrophysicist Avi Loeb believes it was 2024, September

Mysterious energy bursts - the so-called "fast radio pulses" coming from other galaxies, testify to the activities of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations.

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Astronomers and astrophysicists have been racking their brains for the tenth year over these same “Fast Radio Bursts” (FRB) - mysterious signals coming from the depths of the Universe. The duration of each signal is exactly 5 milliseconds. The range is very narrow. The power is colossal. It is equivalent to the energy that our Sun has emitted over thousands of years.

For the first time and purely by accident, the astronomer Duncan Lorimer from West Virginia University in Morgantown stumbled upon FRB in 2007. Found in 2001 observation records.

It took five years to realize that FRB is not a hardware glitch, not a hindrance, but something real. In 2012, British scientist Dan Thornton of the University of Manchester in England discovered four more such signals. Since then, they began to catch several of them a year. By now, the recorded FRBs are in the tens.

Recently, several radio telescopes, including a giant antenna array in New Mexico (Karl Jansky Very Large Array in New Mexico) and a dish in Puerto Rico (Arecibo radio dish in Puerto Rico), captured 9 pulses at once. This made it possible to track their source. It sits at the center of a dwarf and very distant spiral galaxy about 3 billion light years away. From Earth, it is visible in the constellation Auriga.

Fast radio pulses reach the Earth in dozens
Fast radio pulses reach the Earth in dozens

Fast radio pulses reach the Earth in dozens

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An attempt to link "fast radio pulses" with the activities of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations may seem strange to serious scientists. But so far it has not been possible to abandon such a hypothesis. After all, there are no other - less fantastic explanations - for the observed phenomena.

At one time, it was assumed that black holes become sources of "fast radio pulses" - either by themselves or in the process of interaction with neutron stars. But the nature of the captured radiation does not correspond to what is known about the behavior of such objects.

There are no candidates for sources of "fast radio pulses" among pulsars or quasars - even some anomalous ones.

Scientists have tracked one of the FRB sources in the constellation Auriga - 3 billion light years from Earth
Scientists have tracked one of the FRB sources in the constellation Auriga - 3 billion light years from Earth

Scientists have tracked one of the FRB sources in the constellation Auriga - 3 billion light years from Earth.

Brothers in mind launch starships

If FRBs are of artificial origin, then they can be generated by highly developed civilizations - type II or even III.

Back in the 60s, when mankind first aimed radio telescopes to search for signals from brothers in mind, the rating of extraterrestrial civilizations was made by the Soviet astrophysicist - academician Nikolai Kardashev. Its classification, which is based on the level of energy consumption, is still in use.

According to Kardashev, type I civilizations are those that fully use the resources of their planet - all possible sources of energy. By the way, we do not yet reach them. Our level is just above zero. After all, we use only a tiny fraction of the energy resources of our planet. And they have not yet mastered, for example, thermonuclear sources.

Type II civilizations have the energy of local luminaries at their disposal, which makes them 10 billion times more powerful than Type I civilizations.

Type III civilizations are omnipotent. They found ways to tap the resources of an entire galaxy, including the energy of black holes. Which makes them 10 billion times more powerful than Type II civilizations, allows them to colonize neighboring star systems.

The advanced brothers will have enough energy for FRB of any capacity. But for what purpose are they spending it? This question was recently answered by researchers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, led by Avi Loeb. The answer was published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.

The hypothesis of astrophysicists is that "fast radio pulses" are generated by an artificial transmitter the size of our Earth or even larger. The power of the transmitter is enormous - since it is capable of "hitting" for billions of light years. Energy is supplied by a local star, even representatives of a type II civilization can serve it. Their technological level is high enough to build and operate such installations. Not to mention a Type III civilization.

Are clever men honking someone? Maybe us? Not at all. In short but powerful pulses, they transmit energy to their starships, which are equipped with appropriate receivers.

Milner and Hawking will send a sailboat to a nearby star. Should fly in 20 years
Milner and Hawking will send a sailboat to a nearby star. Should fly in 20 years

Milner and Hawking will send a sailboat to a nearby star. Should fly in 20 years

By the way, the simplest device of this type is a space sail. They will, for example, be equipped with a tiny pea starship by Yuri Milner and Stephen Hawking, which they intend to send to the nearby star system Alpha Centauri. They intend to push the sail by means of laser pulses sent from power plants - they will be placed in the Earth's orbit and will be powered by large area solar panels. Fundamentally, our - human - scheme differs little from the one that Loeb and his colleagues came up with for the aliens of type II civilization. The levels of transmitted energy are only different - FRB is incomparably more powerful. And their starships are obviously larger. Where are they flying to? Who knows? Probably colonize other worlds.

Scientists believe that “ fast radio pulses ” fill the sails of starships with aliens
Scientists believe that “ fast radio pulses ” fill the sails of starships with aliens

Scientists believe that “ fast radio pulses ” fill the sails of starships with aliens