Willard Fuller: Psychic Dentist - Alternative View

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Willard Fuller: Psychic Dentist - Alternative View
Willard Fuller: Psychic Dentist - Alternative View

Video: Willard Fuller: Psychic Dentist - Alternative View

Video: Willard Fuller: Psychic Dentist - Alternative View
Video: Willard Fuller, Spiritual Healer - Part 1 2024, July

They are not afraid to go to these dentists to treat their teeth, because in their practice they do not use a drill or other instruments that frighten patients. Their dental treatment is like magic: fillings appear by themselves in diseased teeth without the use of any tools, powders and solutions.

Although modern dental equipment generally eliminates severe pain, almost everyone is afraid of dental treatment. But people go to a paranormal dentist with pleasure, and this is not surprising, because with his participation the filling in the tooth appears by itself, without a drill and other unpleasant manipulations.


Alas, there are very few paranormal dentists among healers, perhaps this is due to the fact that dental treatment practically excludes cheating: if there are no such abilities, no tricks will help.

The phenomenon of paranormal dentistry is considered the most mysterious and difficult to explain for science. Until now, scientists do not understand how gold, silver or porcelain fillings instantly appear in the sick teeth of people. Especially striking are the cases when new teeth suddenly grow in place of the half-rotted "hemp" in the mouth.

The most famous paranormal dentist was A. S. McCaig, as a result of his prayers for the "dental needs" of people, the holes in their teeth were instantly filled.


Rumors of such dental miracles interested the evangelist Willard Fuller, who practiced spiritual healing and healed the sick with the laying on of hands. Fuller attended McCaig's sermons in Shreveport, Louisiana.

Promotional video:

At first, McCaig healed a variety of diseases, miracles with teeth began only at the end of his speech. Among those present was a woman who was very afraid to go to the dentist and brought one of her teeth to a very deplorable state.

Fuller saw with his own eyes how the healer put his hands on the woman's head and began to ask God to help her. After praying, he gave her a mirror and a flashlight so that she could look at her tooth. After a moment, the woman cried out joyfully: "There is silver in it!"

Fuller did not hesitate to look into the mouth of McCaig's patient, he saw the seal shining "like a freshly minted silver coin." His amazement increased even more when McCaig himself unexpectedly addressed him. He pointed at Fuller and said, "Now I'm going to pray for you and ask God to bless you."

According to Willard, when the healer was reading his prayer, he heard the following words of God in his head: “Do not consider it strange, my son, all those deeds that, as you saw, I carry out through him, this servant of mine. Now I will carry them out through you; and … even greater than those that you have seen I bring through him."


So Fuller became a paranormal dentist. At first he did not dare to treat his teeth, he was afraid of failure, but when he finally tried it, he was gladly convinced that he really had a unique gift. For those who have ever filled their teeth (I am sure that the vast majority of those reading this article have experienced this procedure), it is difficult to imagine that a paranormal dentist can do this procedure so quickly, painlessly and easily.


For example, Fuller simply pats his patient lightly on both cheeks and says, "In the name of Jesus, be healthy." After that, fillings appear in the diseased teeth.

Eyewitnesses who observed the formation of such fillings said that at first a small bright speck appeared in the hole of the tooth, which quickly filled the entire cavity.

Usually, when scientists or dentists heard about Fuller's sessions, they perceived this information with irony, if not even with indignation. True, when skeptics attended sessions of a healer, not a trace of their irony remained.

Briton Matthew Manning did not believe in paranormal dentistry, but after attending Fuller's session, he fully believed in the reality of this phenomenon.

In the article, he wrote: “One woman's upper tooth rotted so much that it was completely blackened. I saw how it filled with something white that looked like some kind of ceramic substance. When it was over, the woman had a completely new white tooth. Several people looked into the woman's mouth. A substance emerged from her gums. I saw it myself."


It is curious that at sessions of a paranormal dentist, teeth were healed even in those who were simply present, but did not ask the healer for help.

For example, one man had a tingling sensation in his gums during a session, and then he was surprised to find that tartar, which is usually removed by a dentist, had completely separated from his teeth.

Like McCaig, Fuller prepared a successor and trained Paul Ash in paranormal dentistry. He also began to heal teeth, and in some ways even surpassed his teacher. During one of his sessions, the patient literally in front of eyewitnesses grew a new tooth instead of the previously lost one.

Although specialists from NASA, many journalists, doctors, as well as thousands of ordinary Americans and people from all over the world cured Fuller and Ash's teeth, the attitude towards this phenomenon in the scientific world is still extremely skeptical.

This is due to the fact that no one can offer any digestible explanation for such an amazing phenomenon. Paranormal dentists themselves say that a strong faith can lead to a kind of spiritual alchemy, in which the materialization of fillings made of precious metals and other dental miracles is possible.