A New Arms Race Has Taken Over The Planet. Fight For Supremacy In The Possession Of Hypersonic Weapons! - Alternative View

A New Arms Race Has Taken Over The Planet. Fight For Supremacy In The Possession Of Hypersonic Weapons! - Alternative View
A New Arms Race Has Taken Over The Planet. Fight For Supremacy In The Possession Of Hypersonic Weapons! - Alternative View

Video: A New Arms Race Has Taken Over The Planet. Fight For Supremacy In The Possession Of Hypersonic Weapons! - Alternative View

Video: A New Arms Race Has Taken Over The Planet. Fight For Supremacy In The Possession Of Hypersonic Weapons! - Alternative View
Video: How will Russia's new hypersonic missile affect global arms race? | Inside Story 2024, June

According to historians, the current situation resembles the time of the creation of the atomic bomb. Then the rulers of the world powers believed that the owner of nuclear technology could become the most invincible state on the planet.

The new key to omnipotence may be the development of the future - a supersonic rocket. The fact is that, according to experts, this type of weapon is virtually invulnerable to the enemy. Flying at high speed, capable of hitting any target on the globe within an hour, capable of maneuvering and correcting course, such missiles remain virtually inaccessible to any existing anti-missile defense system in the world. Who will be the first to create the perfect weapon? Where is Russia in the arms race?

So far, none of the world's armies have hypersonic weapons, but it is Russia that has every chance of becoming the first in this area. The strike missiles, codenamed "Zircon", will be able to fly at speeds 10 times the speed of sound.

No anti-missile defense system is capable of shooting down a rocket that travels 3 km in 1 second.

By the way, the speed of the fastest American analogue is almost 40% less (Boeing X-51) - 6400 km / h
By the way, the speed of the fastest American analogue is almost 40% less (Boeing X-51) - 6400 km / h

By the way, the speed of the fastest American analogue is almost 40% less (Boeing X-51) - 6400 km / h.

Western journalists have already called "Zircon" "terror in the plasma." When flying at maximum speed, the head of the projectile is so hot that it forms a plasma cloud, it turns the "Zircon" into invisibility, making it difficult for the radars to work.

Promotional video:

The Russian rocket is also unique in that it can be launched both from the ground and from the sea (and even from under water)
The Russian rocket is also unique in that it can be launched both from the ground and from the sea (and even from under water)

The Russian rocket is also unique in that it can be launched both from the ground and from the sea (and even from under water).

Hypersonic weapons are not only missile systems, they can also be used in electronic warfare.

Hypersound can also affect a person. Such weapons are capable of suppressing the will, causing panic and killing by provoking strokes.

First of all, it is planned to equip our submarines and nuclear cruisers "Orlan", "Peter the Great" and "Admiral Nakhimov" with a missile system.