Was World War II Provoked By Great Britain? - Alternative View

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Was World War II Provoked By Great Britain? - Alternative View
Was World War II Provoked By Great Britain? - Alternative View

Video: Was World War II Provoked By Great Britain? - Alternative View

Video: Was World War II Provoked By Great Britain? - Alternative View
Video: 150 - Fall Blau - A Victim of Its Own Success? - WW2 - July 10, 1942 2024, October

After the capture of Berlin in 1945, when it became clear that the war was over, the planet, it turns out, was hanging by a thread from the Third World War. Its instigator (as in the case of the Second World War) was … Great Britain.

This is the opinion of Igor Panarin, professor of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry, academician of the Academy of Military Sciences.

- As a scientist I am not used to being unfounded, - Igor Nikolaevich argues. - Let me remind you that in October 1998, first in the British and then in the world press, the first reports about Churchill's military plans for the Soviet Union, developed in the spring of 1945, were published. The basis for these messages was the documents of the State Archives of Great Britain.

Recently, the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences received photocopies of these documents, which makes it possible to get acquainted with them in more detail. The key to them is the plan of Operation Unthinkable dated May 22, 1945, prepared by the Joint Planning Headquarters of the War Cabinet. The plan provides an assessment of the situation, formulates the objectives of the operation, determines the forces involved, the directions of strikes by the Western allies and their likely results. The appendices to the plan contain information about the deployment of the Soviet Army (in English documents, as a rule, the term "Russian army" is used) and Western allies, as well as cartographic material. Given the complexity of the preparation, the nature and volume of the documents themselves, there is every reason to assume that the prime minister gave the task to the planners in April 1945.

After the failure of Operation Valkyrie and attempts to conclude a separate peace with Reichsfuehrer Himmler, Winston Churchill issued a secret order to prepare a plan for an attack on the USSR. On May 22, such a plan was ready.

But after all, less than two weeks after the surrender of Germany, World War II continued, militaristic Japan had not yet been defeated. It is hard to believe that someone could make plans for the Third World …

- Unfortunately, not everything lends itself to logic, not only to the philistine, but even to politicians and historians. And yet. The blow was supposed to be delivered by a half-million group of Anglo-American troops through Northern Germany. Together with them, a 100,000-strong German army was to act, formed from the remnants of the Hitlerite Wehrmacht on the orders of Churchill. In Hitler's military uniform, with Hitler's weapons, under the command of the same officers. The third world war was supposed to begin on July 1, 1945, with the transition to a decisive offensive of 47 western divisions.

And what prevented this?

Promotional video:

- The fact that Stalin learned in advance from Soviet intelligence about the insidious plan of the former allies. On June 29, 1945, Soviet troops in Germany were unexpectedly redeployed to more advantageous positions. And the Soviet leader simultaneously organized a special information and propaganda operation, during which the whole world learned about Churchill's German army. He was forced to disband her. The plan of military aggression against the USSR failed. But the intention itself is indicative.

I have heard that even before the end of the war, when its outcome became obvious, England developed a secret propaganda plan, according to which it was she who should be named the winner …

- Yes, that was the most important goal of the information war. Let's turn to the top-secret Rankin plan, approved in Quebec and carefully concealed from the USSR. It turns out that the famous Operation Overlord - the landing of allied forces in northern France on June 6, 1944 - was coordinated by the British MI6 and the US Strategic Forces Office with the German generals as part of Operation Valkyrie. The basis was a conspiracy against Hitler, which was organized by the head of the OSS Donovan and the head of MI6 Menzies, using contacts in German army circles through the agent of influence, Admiral Canaris. According to the control centers of the British Empire (Committee of 300, Round Table, etc.), Hitler had already fulfilled all the tasks assigned to him and prevented the implementation of plans to establish a post-war world order and the maximum weakening of the USSR. Canaris,being a supporter of the ideas of the British Empire, he ensured contacts of the German generals with MI6. The key figure promoted by British intelligence within the Wehrmacht was Rommel, who was supposed to replace Hitler and continue the war in the east in alliance with the armed formations of the Polish émigré government in London.

If we talk about the Allied landing in Normandy, then pay attention to who commanded the German troops in the landing zone - Field Marshal Rommel, the most active participant in the conspiracy against Hitler, the future German Napoleon (according to MI-6). Based on the above facts, we can hypothesize that D-Day is one of the largest disinformation operations of the 20th century. D-Day is another Munich conspiracy (let me remind you that among other conspiracies - the rescue of British troops near Dunkern and the promise given to Hitler on May 10, 1941, not to open the Second Front in the event of his attack on the USSR on June 22, 1941).

Churchill, Truman and Stalin at the Potsdam Conference in July 1945. According to the plan of Operation Unthinkable, former allies could become enemies
Churchill, Truman and Stalin at the Potsdam Conference in July 1945. According to the plan of Operation Unthinkable, former allies could become enemies

Churchill, Truman and Stalin at the Potsdam Conference in July 1945. According to the plan of Operation Unthinkable, former allies could become enemies.

That is, disinformation … Who was it directed at?

- The main target was, of course, the USSR. But it concerned the whole world. Most likely, the Allied landing in Normandy on June 6, 1944 was a carefully prepared covert operation to simulate an invasion (a conspiracy between director Churchill and Field Marshal Rommel through intelligence channels).

Recently you expressed the idea that Great Britain and the United States also instigated Germany by the beginning of World War II, which is absolutely seditious for ordinary people …

- What is her sedition? I can confirm my words with facts. By 1933, key branches of German industry and large banks were under the control of American-British finance capital. At the same time, there was funding for the Nazi Party and Hitler personally, who was being prepared for an attack on the USSR.

In the fall of 1929, after the collapse of the American Stock Exchange, provoked by the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve System (FRS), the third stage of the strategy of the financial circles of the British Empire began to be implemented. The Fed and Morgan's banking house decide to end lending to Germany, prompting a banking crisis and economic depression in Europe. In September 1931, the British Empire abandoned the gold standard, deliberately destroying the international payment system and completely cutting off the financial oxygen of the Weimar Republic. The NSDAP, on the other hand, ranks second in the Reichstag, after which its funding from abroad is intensified. The main link between the largest German industrialists and foreign financiers is Schacht, President of the Reichsbank. On January 4, 1932, the head of the Bank of England, Norman, met with Hitler, at which a secret agreement was concluded on financing the NSDAP. The Dulles brothers, American politicians, also attended this meeting. Thus, back in 1932, the Dulles brothers were actively involved in the implementation of the global plans of the British Empire. A few months later, the political elite of Germany finally decided the issue of transferring power to the Nazis, and on January 30, 1933, Hitler became the Reich Chancellor. The implementation of the fourth stage of the strategy begins. A few months later, the political elite of Germany finally decided the issue of transferring power to the Nazis, and on January 30, 1933, Hitler became the Reich Chancellor. The implementation of the fourth stage of the strategy begins. A few months later, the political elite of Germany finally decided the issue of transferring power to the Nazis, and on January 30, 1933, Hitler became the Reich Chancellor. The implementation of the fourth stage of the strategy begins.

The attitude of the Anglo-American ruling circles towards the new government became extremely favorable. When Hitler refused to pay reparations, which naturally called into question the payment of war debts, neither the British Empire nor France made any claims to him about the payments. Moreover, after Schacht's trip to the United States in May 1933 and his meeting with the president and major Wall Street bankers, America provided Germany with new loans totaling $ 1 billion. And in June, during a trip to London and a meeting with Norman, Schacht seeks to provide a British loan of $ 2 billion, as well as to reduce and then stop payments on old loans. Thus, the Nazis got what the previous governments could not achieve.

In the summer of 1934, the British Empire entered into an Anglo-German transfer agreement, which became one of the foundations of British policy towards the Third Reich. By the end of the 30s, Germany became England's main trading partner. Schroeder Bank becomes Germany's main agent in the UK, and in 1936 its New York branch merges with the Rockefeller House to create the Schroeder, Rockefeller & K $ deg; investment bank.

From the point of view of information warfare, the Great Depression represented, in my opinion, a strategic information operation to preserve the world domination of the British Empire by organizing the world economic crisis and World War II.

“In that case, one can only be glad that Britain did not achieve these goals.

Andrey Knyazev