Virtual Archaeologists Continue To Amaze The World With Their Findings - Alternative View

Virtual Archaeologists Continue To Amaze The World With Their Findings - Alternative View
Virtual Archaeologists Continue To Amaze The World With Their Findings - Alternative View

Video: Virtual Archaeologists Continue To Amaze The World With Their Findings - Alternative View

Video: Virtual Archaeologists Continue To Amaze The World With Their Findings - Alternative View
Video: Learn English Through Story ★ Lisa in China 2024, October

Ufologists, online archaeologists and other enthusiastic researchers studying Mars based on photographs sent from this planet by the Curiosity rover, again and again find on them confirmation of one of the most daring theory about the once existence of a highly developed civilization here.

Now virtual archaeologists will find a concrete cube or, if not concrete, then made of a similar artificial material. The cube is, of course, dilapidated, but it is difficult to confuse it with the natural stones that surround it.

Another no less interesting find was a part of some ancient building. Of course, over the years it has turned into a kind of cave, however, looking closely, you can distinguish its man-made details. Recall that last year, Mars explorers also found here bunkers, a kind of entrances to underground structures. The current find, as it were, complements the previous one, confirming that yes, there was a Martian civilization, and perhaps it still exists: the entrances lead deep into the planet.

The explorers of Mars, the so-called companions of Rhodoves, went even further, who believe that the Vedic scriptures directly indicate that our ancestors, the Gods, inhabited the Red Planet long before intelligent life arose on Earth. In confirmation of this, they recently found on Mars a half of the face of a stone sculpture of those times, since, they assure, there were many such statues. The second half of the giant head, according to the researchers, is buried in the ground, but it is easy to "finish painting" - and before us is the face of the ancient God, from those who later colonized our planet.

And finally, on Mars, online archaeologists have found a certain metal detail that illustrates their opinion that all kinds of equipment once stood and moved on this planet, from which traces simply could not but remain - and now they are there.

NASA employees have not commented or even exposed such finds for a long time, believing that this only fuels public interest in them. However, they are deeply mistaken, since virtual archaeologists not only "dig" something fantastic in the images of the rover, they continue on the basis of this to convict the American space agency of concealing the main information about Mars. Indeed, why does NASA correct the color in the photo, making, for example, the Martian sky a frightening yellow-brown, when in fact it is as blue as ours?..