Moon - Close And Mysterious - Alternative View

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Moon - Close And Mysterious - Alternative View
Moon - Close And Mysterious - Alternative View

Video: Moon - Close And Mysterious - Alternative View

Video: Moon - Close And Mysterious - Alternative View
Video: China's Weird Moon Discovery Baffles Scientists 2024, October

The only natural satellite of the Earth is the Moon, it is seen by us as the largest object in the night sky. Almost every nation had legends about the Moon, in mythologies it was personified, endowed with the most extraordinary properties, and poets dedicated poems.

What is this celestial body? The moon is less than 400,000 km from Earth, very close by astronomical standards. An interesting pattern: the distance from the Earth to the Sun is 400 times greater, and the size of the Moon is 400 times smaller than the Sun.

This is the only cosmic body that a person has stepped on. It seems that everything is known about our satellite. In fact, the moon holds many more secrets.

The generally accepted hypothesis is that the Moon was formed more than four and a half billion years ago. This happened as a result of the collision of the Earth with a large object equal in size to Mars. The impact was so powerful that a colossal volume of the earth's rock and debris of the celestial body, which collided with, was thrown into near-earth space. Later, a cosmic body was formed from them - a natural satellite.

But this version is not the only one, there are supporters of another, no less exciting. They believe that our satellite of artificial origin, allegedly under a crust of tens of kilometers, consisting of nickel, tungsten and other metals, is a cavity of 70 million cubic meters. km! This hollow structure once served as a base for representatives of a highly developed extraterrestrial civilization. It contains devices and devices for controlling this huge structure.

According to other assumptions, the Moon is of natural origin, but was used by aliens for some purpose, possibly observing earthlings. Whatever version of the origin of the moon people adhere to, everyone is absolutely sure of one thing - this object is inhabited. Where such confidence?

Conquest of the satellite

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As you know, the first people set foot on the moon on July 20, 1969, when the lander of an American spacecraft landed in the Sea of Tranquility. These were astronauts Neil Alden Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, the third astronaut, Michael Collins did not leave the orbital module.

The oddities began even during undocking - the astronauts heard unusual music, a bit like a whistle, but could not determine where it was coming from. They did not report this to management, believing that the sounds might have been due to normal communication interference.

The sensational event was broadcast live. Astronauts, having landed, planted the flag of their country, carried out the planned technical work, took the lunar soil, talking about all their actions and feelings. But suddenly the broadcast was interrupted for two whole minutes. What was happening at that time, ordinary citizens did not know for 20 years. Only then did the world learn about the incidents that took place during the first expedition to the moon.

An audio recording was found, after its decryption it became clear that these are negotiations between the astronaut Armstrong and the flight directors. He very emotionally reported that he sees many alien spaceships that are watching them. The fact that this recording is not falsification has been proven by experts, all voices correspond to the voices of the astronauts.

Why wasn't it heard by ordinary people watching the moon landing? The fact is that for communication NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has established two frequencies, including a secret, closed line for emergency situations. It was during these two minutes that Neil Armstrong reported to NASA on an alternate line that they were observing cigar-shaped ships in the crater region, as well as spherical luminous objects accompanying the Earth's lander.

There was also information from the employee of the NASA darkroom Johnston. He claimed that the satellite was inhabited and provided photographs as evidence that came to him after the flight to the moon in 1971. There were hundreds of photographs of the Moon, where cities, towers, tunnels going deep into craters, and other structures were clearly visible. NASA officials, to whom Johnston provided the photographs, ordered their destruction and took a nondisclosure agreement. The person was forced to be silent for many years, otherwise he could go to jail for 10 years.

The scandalous incident that happened in 1971 speaks in favor of the theory of extraterrestrial civilizations. A book was released that talked about supposedly fictional flights to the moon. Interestingly, there was no reaction from either government officials or NASA staff. As it turned out later, NASA itself was the initiator of writing the scandalous book. It went to this in order to divert the attention of citizens from the real events on the moon.

Why is the development program curtailed?

Obviously, the Americans hurt someone's interests, because the satellite exploration program was curtailed too quickly. After all, it was reported about upcoming flights to "Apollo - 13", up to "Apollo - 20". Billions of dollars have been spent on the program. And suddenly, without explaining the reasons to the public, a complete rejection of further exploration of the moon!

Perhaps someone really did not want the celestial body to be mastered by people, so that they could see the opposite side of the moon. Anything could be there. Military bases preparing an invasion of Earth, or a graveyard of obsolete spaceships?

Or maybe, as some legends say, offended gods found refuge there, who did not want to live with people mired in sins. And in Russia in ancient times it was thought that the Selenites, the inhabitants of the legendary Hyperborea, lived on the dark side of the moon. They flew there, as they learned about the upcoming catastrophe on their home planet. How much truth in these legends is still unknown.

Another sensation that is hard to believe. According to some reports, one of the former NASA employees claimed that there were still subsequent flights, and he himself participated in them. As a result of these expeditions, astronauts discovered a space object almost five kilometers long on the Moon. The object contained strange plants unknown to humans, and the remains of two humanoids. Both the plants and the remains are well preserved. They were brought to Earth for study, information about this, of course, is classified.

How much conflicting information about our satellite is reliable, we will probably find out in the near future. According to some reports, humanity is being prepared to meet aliens. We will wait for the meeting and hope for their friendliness.
