Moon - The Mysterious Celestial Body Of The Solar System - Alternative View

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Moon - The Mysterious Celestial Body Of The Solar System - Alternative View
Moon - The Mysterious Celestial Body Of The Solar System - Alternative View

Video: Moon - The Mysterious Celestial Body Of The Solar System - Alternative View

Video: Moon - The Mysterious Celestial Body Of The Solar System - Alternative View
Video: NASA takes a Image of Mysterious Object that arrived from another Solar System! 2024, October

The first and last time a man walked on the moon in the Apollo 17 spacecraft was about 35 years ago. To date, the night star is the only object in the solar system, which has been visited by man. According to scientists, over the years, the satellite of the Earth, constantly being in the field of visibility of terrestrial and space telescopes, only raises more questions. Mysteries and mysterious events surrounding the "Queen of the Night" grow exponentially, baffling the scientific world.

Versions of the appearance of the heavenly body

In many nations, there are legends about the birth of the moon, telling about two periods: before and after its appearance. Scientists of our time are inclined to the version that man appeared just after the formation of an unusual "neighbor" at the Earth.

In the 1960s, employees of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Alexander Shcherbakov and Mikhail Vasin, made an assumption: the Moon is an artificial space body or an alien ship that was transported to our planet. Under the surface of the mysterious object is a void of impressive size with its own "atmosphere" and technical devices. American astrophysicist, cosmologist and science fiction writer Carl Sagan also stated that the voids under the satellite's surface are huge, over 100 cubic meters km. According to him, they all have the appropriate conditions for the normal existence of living organisms.

It is not known for certain how the moon appeared. But, only two versions are considered, recognized among scientists around the world.

The first assumes that a huge space object crashed into our planet. Its explosion led to natural disasters: supervolcanic eruptions and powerful tsunamis. This rebuilt the daily cycle. The force of gravity changed, and a large chunk of the object remained to revolve around the Earth, acting as a satellite. Prior to this, the earth's daily period was only 10 hours. The conditions of life before the collision were the best option for the existence of giants, whose remains are now found by anthropologists around the world. Numerous frescoes of the giant man and ancient literary sources also confirm this fact.

The second version assumes the artificial appearance of the moon. This object is possibly an alien spacecraft that was malfunctioning after an accident. And the force of gravity of the Earth made it its companion. Now the celestial body, which the earthly observer is used to admire every night, is a habitable base for aliens and a beacon for galactic flights.

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Scientists have determined that huge reserves of "helium 3" are concentrated here, on the Earth's satellite. This substance deserves to be called "the fuel of the future". However, how it appeared on the moon - no one can say. Therefore, the fantastic version really takes place. Perhaps our satellite is used as a space fueling station for extraterrestrial vehicles.

The theory of an interstellar craft “parked” on Earth for major repairs could explain many of the phenomena that occur on the Moon. For example, huge staircases descending into the depths of giant lunar craters, domed structures and unidentified objects flying over the lunar surface. All these oddities cannot be explained by modern scientists. In addition, the lighting and color of our satellite also present a mystery. Why is the dark side of the moon turquoise? What makes her like that?

Among space explorers, there is another unusual version: the entire solar system is of artificial origin, and was created by some Higher worlds. It's hard to believe, but a number of famous scientists around the world are seriously considering this theory.

Once upon a time, no one could have imagined that the moon could have its own secrets and be able to confuse scientists. For many, the satellite of the Earth was considered a lifeless space body covered only with craters. Today, ancient mysterious buildings, mechanisms unknown to science, and possibly UFO bases have been discovered on this territory.

Unexpected finds

The Lunar Orbiter-3 spacecraft has discovered an unknown object 4x4 kilometers on the Moon. It was found near the "Crater of Hortensia", and then named Jericho, because in shape it strongly resembled the ruins of a biblical city. The fact that destroyed structures were found on the moon, which are very similar to the ancient cities of the Earth, may be evidence of the presence of unknown extraterrestrial civilizations.

If the "Queen of the Night" is inhabited by intelligent life, then why was she forgotten for 35 years? Perhaps those who live there did not meet the messengers from Earth very friendly. This is probably why the American space project Apollo was canceled prematurely. The three ships that were ready for flight were never used.

The American writer Richard Hoagland has in his archives space images, where in the lunar "Sea of Crises" the outline of the city with towers and bridges was visible. The city itself is covered with a transparent dome, which is damaged in places. The dome resembles crystal or fiberglass in appearance, which shines in the sun. According to NASA secret data, the material of the dome is similar in composition to steel, but its strength is amazing. There is no such material on Earth.

Scientists using space probes have discovered another strange find on the moon. In some parts of the satellite, giant images of humanoid creatures are visible, heavily covered with lunar soil. The length of these figures is several hundred meters, and they are located in one line at a distance of 35 kilometers. What did the creators of these monuments want to say to their descendants? Or maybe a hint?

Who created these structures: towers, viaducts and pyramids, reaching a height of hundreds of meters? The study of lunar cities by earthly archaeologists could answer many questions of modern science. Perhaps scientists would be able to find out the secrets of high technologies of extraterrestrial inhabitants. However, whether the territory of the Moon will be accessible to terrestrial archaeologists is up to its "current inhabitants".

Today, we can most likely say that the Moon is an inhabited space object, on which there is a technologically advanced civilization. But for some reason she does not want to make contact with earthlings, preferring to remain mysterious. How long will an alien spacecraft in the form of an Earth satellite stay in place? Perhaps we have yet to find out the answers to these questions …