The Moon Is "watching" The Earth !? - Alternative View

The Moon Is "watching" The Earth !? - Alternative View
The Moon Is "watching" The Earth !? - Alternative View

Video: The Moon Is "watching" The Earth !? - Alternative View

Video: The Moon Is
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The results of studies carried out in recent decades by space agencies of various countries indicate a close interconnection of the planets of the solar system at the wave energy level.

For example, data obtained by the European Space Agency (ESA) and US NASA using the Ulysses spacecraft in 1990 showed that the sun interacts with the solar system more complex than previously thought. At the same time, it turned out that the waves originating in the bowels of the Sun make the Earth vibrate in unison. Such fluctuations have been found in geological structures, the atmosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth.

And what influence on the Earth, besides the known gravitational one, does our satellite Moon have?

Below is a hypothesis about the previously unknown purpose of the Moon, proposed by E. A. Bessonov in March 2012. The hypothesis is as follows:

The Moon is the Earth's natural diagnostician during periods of solar eclipses.

The hypothesis is based on the analysis and synthesis of facts known to science:

1. The moon is always turned to the Earth by only one side.

The side of the Moon constantly facing us is an ideal surface for diagnosing the Earth from space.

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2. Every point on the Earth is subject to a total solar eclipse once every 360 years.

For 360 years, a complete diagnosis of the Earth has been provided by scanning its areas, protected by the Moon from direct exposure to solar radiation, which can have a negative impact on the diagnostic results.

3. The length of the lunar shadow in periods of eclipses either exceeds the distance from the Moon to the Earth (Moon at perigee), or lacks it (Moon at apogee).

Alternating changes in the Moon's orbit make it possible to alternately diagnose not only the geosphere and atmosphere, but also the Earth's magnetosphere during periods of solar eclipses.


4. The side of the Moon facing the Earth contains rounded surface areas with anomalously high density - mascons.

Mascons can serve as a kind of natural scanners and receivers of "healthy" or "sick" energy emitted by the Earth.


The fact that the Sun can affect the Earth, at a wave energy level, has been previously confirmed by NASA and ESA. Moreover, it can be assumed that this effect can be constructive ("healing") or destructive. But how the Moon interacts with the Sun and transfers it "information" about the state of the Earth, science has yet to find out.
