Scientists Have Learned What Happened Before The Creation Of The World - Alternative View

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Scientists Have Learned What Happened Before The Creation Of The World - Alternative View
Scientists Have Learned What Happened Before The Creation Of The World - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Learned What Happened Before The Creation Of The World - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Learned What Happened Before The Creation Of The World - Alternative View
Video: Real Life Robot Planet | Are We Doomed? 2024, October

Photo: Roger Penrose (right) and Vahan Gurzadyan

In the protracted and so far equal dispute between creationists and evolutionists, there has been a serious preponderance. Some, as you know, adhere to the theory of supernatural interference in the processes of the universe. They believe that the universe is the work of God. Others take the position of materialism. And they prove that there is no God, and the Universe appeared by itself as a result of the so-called Big Bang

Creationists say that in the beginning was the Word. Evolutionists have an incredibly dense point called the singularity. Like, the Universe arose from it and expanded to its current size.

Both ideas are absolutely equal in the strength of their argumentation. Neither side has yet found one hundred percent convincing arguments. Unless evolutionists are slightly ahead of their opponents. Because if you believe the observations and interpret them accordingly, the universe is still expanding. Which indirectly confirms materialistic ideas.

When they want to take away the idealist creationists, they build a simple logical chain. “Well,” they say, “God created everything around. And who created God?"

Creationists get angry and lost. But the most advanced and educated find something to cover. And they ask their opponents a "symmetrical" question: "What happened before the Big Bang?"

The standard answer, which had to be given a couple of weeks ago, - they say, there was nothing: no space, no time - naturally did not suit the disputants.

And then it happened. The godless evolutionists seem to have beaten the creationists. Some still do not know who created God. Others have already understood what happened before the Big Bang.

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Before our universe, there was another. Previous. This is the conclusion reached by Roger Penrose from Oxford and Vahan Gurzadyan from the Yerevan Physics Institute. Both are not some kind of dreamer homeworkers, but world-famous scientists. They investigated the so-called relict radiation - the microwave background left after the Big Bang and preserving information about the origin of the Universe and its development. And against this background, strange discontinuities were discovered that looked like concentric circles.

Penrose and Gurzadyan believe that circles are not from our space-time. These are the gravitational trails of the collision of colossal, supermassive black holes that formed in the previous universe at the end of its existence. That is, before "our" Big Bang.

According to scientists, universes arise in succession - one after another. And the end of the previous one becomes the beginning of the next.

The main conclusion: the universe is cyclical.

“In the future, our universe will return to the state in which it was at the time of the Big Bang,” says Penrose. - It will become homogeneous. And from the infinitely large it will again turn into the infinitely small. And black holes will evaporate.

By the way, astrophysicists Paul Steinhardt from Princeton and Neil Turok from Cambridge have a similar opinion. And they prove that the universe first expands and then contracts. And the problem of the beginning simply does not exist. Because the universe goes through the same cycle. Collapses and recovers immediately.

Who knows, maybe God is also cyclical? One, for example, ends its existence, the other - immediately begins together with the universe he created. Then the traces found by Penrose and Gurzadyan are the imprints of events that happened with the previous God?

According to astrophysicists, the circles in the picture of the distribution of the relic radiation indicate events that preceded the end of the previous Universe.



But what if the universes are not just taking turns, one replacing the other? And do they appear and disappear en masse, like bubbles in boiling water? And such suspicions arise. At least in the fact that next to our Universe there is some other one.

Two years ago, a group of NASA specialists led by astrophysicist Alexander Kashlinsky, studying microwave and X-ray radiation, discovered strange behavior in about 800 distant galaxy clusters. It turned out that they all fly in the same direction - to a certain part of space - at a speed of 1000 kilometers per second. This universal movement was called the "dark stream".

Recently, it was revealed that the "dark stream" covers as many as 1400 galaxy clusters. And it carries them to an area located at the foreseeable borders of our Universe.

According to one of the assumptions, somewhere out there - beyond the limits, inaccessible to observations - there is a huge mass. Which attracts matter. But this contradicts the existing theory, according to which the substance after the Big Bang, which gave birth to our Universe, was distributed more or less evenly. This means that there can be no concentration of masses with such a fantastic force. Then what is there?

An amazing hypothesis was proposed by Laura Mersini-Houghton of the University of North Carolina. According to her calculations, it turns out that our galaxies are sucked in by another universe located nearby.

Interestingly, Laura came up with her ideas back in 2006 - before the "dark stream" was discovered. In fact, she predicted it. But if there are several universes, then what about God in this case? Is it in each of them? Or is it one for everything?

The galaxy, which astronomers dubbed the "Hand of God" for its obvious similarity.



Martin RIES, President of the Royal Society of London:

"We will never understand how the universe works"

The leader of British scientists, astrophysicist and Astronomer Royal, questioned the intellectual abilities of human civilization. Like, we do not understand the laws of the universe. And you will never know how the Universe appeared and what awaits it. And hypotheses, for example, about the Big Bang, which allegedly gave birth to the world around us, or that many others may exist in parallel with our Universe, will remain unproven assumptions.

“Surely there are explanations for everything,” says Lord Rhys, “but there are no geniuses who could understand them. The human mind is limited. And he reached his limit.

Indeed, physicists and cosmologists have been trying in vain for several decades to create a Theory of Everything. Or the so-called Unified Theory. Albert Einstein worked on it. But I didn’t finish it. Punished to finish the next generations. But they pass.

The generally accepted so-called Standard Model of the Universe implies that there are four fundamental forces in it: electromagnetic, the strong interaction that exists in the atomic nucleus, the weak one that drives radioactive decay, and gravity. Today's scientists have managed to link the first three forces. And the fourth - gravity - cannot be added to the theory. As well as understanding its nature.

“We are just as far from understanding the microstructure of a vacuum as the fish in an aquarium, who have absolutely no idea how the environment in which they live works,” the royal astronomer figuratively conveys the bitter truth.

“For example, I have reason to suspect that space has a cellular structure,” continues Lord Rhys. “And each cell is trillions of trillions of times smaller than an atom. But we cannot prove or disprove this or understand how such a construction works. The task is too difficult, beyond the human mind. Like Einstein's theory of relativity - for a monkey.

As a result, the Lord concludes: they say, I believe that the Unified Theory exists in principle. But to create it, no human mind is enough. Moreover, all applicants for such authorship are likely to be mistaken.