Contact With "Nordic Aliens" In Brazil - Alternative View

Contact With "Nordic Aliens" In Brazil - Alternative View
Contact With "Nordic Aliens" In Brazil - Alternative View

Video: Contact With "Nordic Aliens" In Brazil - Alternative View

Video: Contact With
Video: In The 1950s Aliens Took These Americans For A Ride 2024, September

Brazil, 1977, the city of Rio de Janeiro.

In the evening, on the outskirts of the city, a local resident, Moasir, was 53 years old in the courtyard of his house, when a man, almost three meters tall, with blond hair approached him and invited him to talk. He spoke Portuguese very well. The witness was frightened, but nevertheless agreed to go with him. They walked together for a long time towards the desert. Suddenly, he noticed a large disc-shaped ship standing on the ground. There were several other similar creatures near him, they greeted him and all went up inside the ship. What they talked about on the ship, Moasir remembers with difficulty. He remembers how he was again near the house.

The next morning the eyewitness was very surprised when this tall white man came to their house. His wife and children saw him too. He wore a dazzlingly bright silver suit that exuded a glow with a wide belt with a metal buckle about 20cm in diameter. This made him lower his eyes, and he saw the metallic-colored boots.

Moasir looked up and looked at his face, the stranger smiled. He was like those creatures up to 3 meters tall. This man was muscular, like a weightlifter. On the face, the giant looked very young. His skin was waxy white.

This man again asked Moasir to follow him. They went to those deserted fields. They stopped near a hill with sparse vegetation. And 10-15 meters away from the sky, a ship similar to a metal saucer landed. It was matte aluminum in color, about 20 meters in diameter. Several legs moved out and he landed.

The ship was 7 meters high with a dome. Moasir was invited on board. They went through the stairs at the bottom of the ship. It was cold inside. They entered a round room. There were large windows 3 by 1.5 meters around the perimeter. Light filtered through these windows, which dimly illuminated the darkened interior of the ship. Moasir's head barely reached the bottom frame, as everything on the ship was the size of the giants. In place of one of the windows there was a semblance of a panel with multicolored buttons and levers. Moasir looked out the window and saw a starry sky and a celestial body resembling Saturn.

One of the giants invited him to visit the "secret room". They went into the corridor and entered a very cold room. There, he saw numerous shelves along the walls, on which stood transparent containers filled with green liquid. In the center of the room was a table that looked like an operating theater. The alien immediately gave a telepathic answer to all Moasir's questions. He asked why he was chosen for the study. The newcomer said that he has good physical and mental abilities.

He doesn't remember what happened next. He came to when he was lowered into the desert, not far from the road, where he calmly got home.

Promotional video:

Moasir recalls the strange features of the tall alien people: very large eyes that seemed to glow blue; the teeth appeared to be one solid white plate, without any separate teeth. The giant's hair was very light, almost white. He also noticed that they possessed telepathic powers.
