At least several million bees died in the past week for no apparent reason in the Brevard County, Florida area. Many beekeepers have lost nearly all of their colonies and are desperate to complain to state officials
Charles Smith, owner of the Smith Family Honey Company, told local news on Thursday that he had lost about 400 hives. He does not know why his bees died and the only thing that can suggest that they were poisoned by something.
“No compensation will give me back what I have lost,” Smith complained in front of the cameras. “They were excellent healthy and efficient individuals. The losses have already amounted to more than 150 thousand dollars.
At the moment, special people are checking dead bees to find out the cause of their death. Perhaps it was some new pesticide. The authorities exclude the likelihood of an infectious disease, since the bees died very quickly, in one day and in a sharply defined area. There was no repeated case.
Based on materials from