Slavic Magic. Are There Pagan Medicine Men And Healers Now? - Alternative View

Slavic Magic. Are There Pagan Medicine Men And Healers Now? - Alternative View
Slavic Magic. Are There Pagan Medicine Men And Healers Now? - Alternative View

Video: Slavic Magic. Are There Pagan Medicine Men And Healers Now? - Alternative View

Video: Slavic Magic. Are There Pagan Medicine Men And Healers Now? - Alternative View
Video: Slavic Shamans, Wizards and Witches, Healing With Magic 2024, October

They say that magic lives in the blood of every nation, and each nation has its own. So, Slavic witchcraft is considered one of the most ancient and powerful magical arts, capable of influencing the fate of people, controlling the forces of nature, and changing the course of future events.

Magicians, sorcerers, sorcerers and sorceresses were surrounded by an aura of mystery and superstitious fear, but at the same time they were highly respected and revered by common people in small villages and towns long before Russia became a Christian state. Legends composed by the people about the amazing abilities and skills of Slavic sorcerers formed the basis of many fairy tales, many of which have survived almost unchanged to our days.

So, for example, one of the key characters in many fairy tales is Baba Yaga, an old and mischievous old woman who lives in the thicket of a dense forest and sends all kinds of spells on an honest people. But was she really an evil witch? Her name itself has a very ancient origin. According to some culturologists, the word "Yaga" is consonant with the word "yagya", which in translation from Sanskrit means "sacrifice", and "baba" with an emphasis on the last syllable is translated as "hermit".

That is, "Baba Yaga" literally means a hermit who, possessing special knowledge and skills, performs certain rituals, making sacrifices to the gods. Mentions of this character are found in ancient texts not only in the central part of Russia, but also in Transcarpathia and Siberia, which suggests that once Slavic hermit magicians were not such a rare phenomenon and were found in almost every locality. Contrary to stories from fairy tales, they were not ugly, mischievous old women who devoured children. They received this unpleasant image during the Christianization of Russia, when the church did everything possible so that the pagan gods and people who worship them and the forces of nature (magicians and witches) were associated only with stupid and evil forces.

In some regions of Russia (Kostroma, Novgorod) people for several centuries did not want to accept the Christian faith, secretly continuing to worship not the Christian God, but the forces of nature. This is reflected in the wooden architecture and the peculiarities of the village. To this day, you can find a settlement in which there is no temple, but there are ancient temples, and each hut is decorated with many protective Slavic symbols and solar signs. It is in such places that you are most likely to meet a real Slavic healer.

In addition to the well-known witches and magicians who work wonders and conjure the forces of nature, whose image is found in various sources in all corners of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, there were also priests, known for their skills and abilities only in the territory of Transcarpathia. So, among the Hutsul peoples, molfars enjoyed special respect.

Molfars are healers and sorcerers living in the Carpathians who have special supernatural abilities, understand the language of animals and possess ancient magic techniques and spells. These sorcerers master the so-called Hutsul magic, a very ancient magic art that has no analogues.

Molfar healers are in harmony with natural forces, knowing about the unique properties of each plant, they create very effective herbal preparations that can restore strength and health to a person, relieve him of pain and disease for a long time, and give beauty and youth. Understanding the language of animals, these magicians can ask them for strength and protection, therefore, very often in the appearance and behavior of a molfar, the image of a forest animal (bear, wolf, fox) can be guessed.

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Unlike other Slavic priests, whose magic sank into oblivion with the adoption of Christianity in Russia, the Molfars managed to preserve their identity and carry it through the millennia into modern life. Even now, in some Carpathian villages you can find a person who understands the language of animals and knows how to control the forces of nature.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Nechai is considered one of the most famous molfars of the 20th century. This healer was born in 1930 in Ivano-Frankivsk region (Ukraine). From the age of eight, he felt an extraordinary miraculous power in himself, which helped him to heal diseases and stop bleeding in people. The fame of Nechay's unique abilities spread not only on the territory of Ukraine, but also far beyond its borders.

Mykhailo Nechai was a guest of honor at many festivals dedicated to the culture of the Ukrainian people, he contributed a lot to the preservation and popularization of Hutsul traditions and customs. In addition, the healer inspired the director Sergei Parajanov to create the film "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors", to which the whole originality of the people living in the Carpathians was revealed very talentedly and colorfully.

Unfortunately, the life of Mikhail Nechai ended very tragically. At the age of 81, he was killed by a schizophrenic man. The offender claimed that the Lord God ordered him to deprive the healer of life, since the molfars are sinners and pagans.

Healers and healers who managed to preserve ancient pagan secrets and knowledge are becoming less and less. The realities of modern life leave their mark on their lives, forcing them to stop observing age-old traditions, subjecting magicians to dry social rules and norms. However, magic still lives in their blood, and probably, traveling through remote Siberian villages or visiting Transcarpathia, it is still possible to meet someone who will heal the body from the soul using the forces of nature.
