Mysterious Code 239/923 - Alternative View

Mysterious Code 239/923 - Alternative View
Mysterious Code 239/923 - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Code 239/923 - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Code 239/923 - Alternative View

For a number of years, the world conspiracy community has been racking its brains to no avail over the so-called code 239 - a strange sequence of numbers that constantly appears in films, in advertisements, on the pages of magazines and even on price tags in stores:


There are a lot of articles and videos about codes 239/911 on the network and readers who are not familiar with the topic are advised to take a look at the new channel SHELTER 923. The channel is in Russian and the author has collected a lot of interesting material that was even viewed by American researchers who are on the topic of namba van, that is # 1.

Nobody knows for certain what this code means in each specific case, but, according to the general opinion, its mass appearance should be considered as the command “PREPARE!”.

But what should you prepare for? When this code appears on the TV, it is necessary to go down to the bomb shelter or hide behind the sofa - we do not know that, but we consider it our duty to the readers to warn:

Promotional video:


This is a message from the official account of the International Space Station, which, according to some data, is in orbit, according to others, it is floating somewhere in a pool with divers.

The message says that 239 people from (1) 19 countries have visited the ISS to date. There is a link to the NASA website, where the same is written, but with a listing of all the glorious names and surnames of the star heroes.

NASA published the list yesterday, but everyone to whom it was intended apparently did not see the valuable information, so @Space_Station duplicated the message on Twitter, where even we saw it.

How to interpret this information is difficult to say.

Perhaps this is just an on-duty message from NASA to its own, in which the taxpayer distribution bureau for the series about adventures in space greets the adepts on the topic.

On the other hand, the ISS is still not an advertisement for a watch, but a kind of hefty thing that dangles somewhere in orbit and, since the code 239 comes from there, maybe it warns of some important events.

For example, about the fact that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow the landing of aliens will begin. Or that tomorrow / the day after tomorrow they will turn on "BLUE BEAM" and start showing "battles in space" and this kind of "landing". Or is it a reference to some kind of broadcast on satellite TV, during which something important will be said.

In other words, we do not know how to interpret this ISS tweet, but we advise readers to be on the alert in the coming days, that is, to avoid any chemical factories and places of large gatherings of people, otherwise you never know - suddenly Rouen has a twin city or some kind of A brainwashed operator at an oil refinery will receive a target code on TV and decide that he is at Cape Canaveral or that he controls the Baikonur cosmodrome.

In general, now, after the presentation of the code 239, anything can happen from orbit, so we are following the development of events.