Gola And Maidan. Zoroastrian Rus - Alternative View

Gola And Maidan. Zoroastrian Rus - Alternative View
Gola And Maidan. Zoroastrian Rus - Alternative View

Video: Gola And Maidan. Zoroastrian Rus - Alternative View

Video: Gola And Maidan. Zoroastrian Rus - Alternative View
Video: Morgan Freeman and Zoroastrian Temple in US 2024, October

Burn, burn, Yasna,

In order not to go out.

Look at the sky:

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing!"

(Ancient Russian game "Burners")

Exactly. Not “clear”, but “clear”. It is very similar that the worldview of our ancestors was hidden in such a multi-layered "matryoshka" that you remove, remove layer by layer, and the end is not visible. As in that tale about the death of Koscheev, which is at the end of the needle, the needle is in the egg, etc.

They say and write so persistently that Orthodoxy is "the original Russian faith" that such pressure in itself becomes a signal for people to begin to doubt. Removing the first layer, we find the Old Believers under Orthodoxy. We look under this layer, as the features of early Islam begin to appear clearly in the most unexpected corners of Russia. I understand that this seems incredible to many, nevertheless, there is more than enough information about the widespread dissemination of Mohammedanism among Russians.

Promotional video:

Next in line is theology, faith in God the Word. Then, the so-called paganism, which, by all indications, was originally called Orthodoxy. This is a belief in the God of the Family, and his children Makosh, Svarog and all their descendants, who are the founders of the current Slavic and European clans, tribes and peoples.

And here a number of mysterious questions arise, the main of which is: - did Orthodoxy exist as an independent worldview, or is Zoroastrianism being successfully camouflaged under it?

In order to understand this issue, you need to master in detail such a subject as the history of religions and be an expert in the field of ethnography of the peoples of Russia. Therefore, I do not intend to draw conclusions, but I will point out some obvious points.

To begin with: - What do we know about Zoroastrianism? In the best case, someone will remember Ahura Mazda, Ishtar, and the book of Friedrich Nietzsche "Thus Spoke Zarathustra." Only a few will answer the question: “What is it about?” And few people think about why the Bible and the Koran can be found almost at the checkout of a supermarket, the Torah is a little more complicated, and no one has ever seen the holy book of the Zoroastrians in their eyes? Unless, of course, I was specifically looking for her …

But those who were interested in the world's oldest religion could not help but pay attention to the fact that the title of the book sounds too clear for the representatives of the Slavic language group - AVESTA. Everything is clear without translation, this is the same as the Gospel, the Avesta, means the Good News.



Further more. The very word "Zoroastrianism" (Pers. "بهدین" - behdin), translated into Russian means … "GOOD FAITH". There were no associations? And if you remember the "titles" of our princes, canonized?

The faithful Svyatoslav and Roman
The faithful Svyatoslav and Roman

The faithful Svyatoslav and Roman.

The faithful Alexander Nevsky and Vsevolod
The faithful Alexander Nevsky and Vsevolod

The faithful Alexander Nevsky and Vsevolod.

Now compare these icons with the early depiction of the prophet Zarathustra:

Prophet Zarathustra
Prophet Zarathustra

Prophet Zarathustra.

Doesn't it feel like déjà vu?

But this is just the beginning. With the most insignificant, superficial immersion in the essence of Zoroastrianism, as a worldview and teaching, many coincidences are found that cannot but be striking, which makes one think that Russian, Slavic paganism is either a forerunner or part of Zoroastrianism. And, looking ahead, it existed in latent forms up to modern times.

Like the Orthodox, the Zoroastrians did not have sacred temples. Rituals were performed in temples, where fire was the only shrine. When stone temples appeared, they, like the temples, were not consecrated, fire dominated in them, and only fire. In a special ritual vase.

Zoroastrian Temple of Fire
Zoroastrian Temple of Fire

Zoroastrian Temple of Fire.

In Zoroastrianism, there is one God - Ahura Mazda. Sometimes it is written with a hyphen, and in some cases, in one word - Ahuramazda. Again, it sounds like a native to the Russian ear. We discard the vowels, we get "HRM ASd" Temple, or "chorus (n)" asa. Translated into the modern one, it turns out "Keeper of the Aesir", or in the sense - Savior, or the savior of the inhabitants of the country of the Aesir - As (z) ii. However, this can be attributed to fantasies, but who will forbid fantasizing?

Sassanid coin with sacred fire in a ritual bowl
Sassanid coin with sacred fire in a ritual bowl

Sassanid coin with sacred fire in a ritual bowl.

Iranian emblem. It still depicts a sacred vase of fire
Iranian emblem. It still depicts a sacred vase of fire

Iranian emblem. It still depicts a sacred vase of fire.

One god has only one prophet - Zarathustra. And one shrine is fire. And this is a very significant circumstance, for all Slavic mythology is based on the elements of fire, light, and the Sun of Ra. Our ancestors were convinced that they themselves are part of the light, and fire is one of the incarnations of Ra on Earth.

The fire of Varakhran (Bahram) at the time of the Sassanids was considered a protector of everyday needs, a keeper of travelers. Bahram became a symbol of righteousness, a source of strength for people in the struggle against the forces of evil and darkness, led by the spirit-destroyer Anhra Mainyu.

Other fires were of a rank below the Bahram fire. The fire of the second degree was called Adaran, the fire of the third degree was called Dargah. From the fire of Bahram, fires of the second and third degrees were lit in cities, from them - fire altars in villages, small settlements and home altars in the dwellings of ordinary Zoroastrians.

Zoroastrian fire altars
Zoroastrian fire altars

Zoroastrian fire altars.

Later, according to tradition, Bahram's fire was made up of 16 types of fire taken from the hearths of representatives of different classes, including priests, soldiers, scribes, as well as merchants, artisans, farmers, etc.

1 - fire from funeral pyres;

2- fire used by the dyer;

3- fire from the houses of the ruler and the representative of authority;

4- fire used by the potter;

5- fire used by the brick manufacturer;

6-fire from the dwelling of a fakir (beggar) or ascetic;

7-fire used by a jeweler;

8-fire used in the mint;

9-fire used by the blacksmith, 10-fire used by the gunsmith;

11-fire used by the baker;

12-fire used by the brewer and distiller;

13- fire used by military or travelers, 14- fire used by the shepherd;

15-fire produced by natural lightning;

16 - home fire, or the fire of their house of any Zoroastrian.

Sixteen in total. Like a kilogram in a pood, but it could be a coincidence. I note that the fifteenth was considered the main fire. He was expected for years, until he deigns to descend to earth. And from him it will be possible to light a sacred vase, in which he was then supported around the clock, not allowing him to die.

This is how EA describes it in his book "Zoroastrians in Iran" Doroshenko: - “There was a strict rule - to renew all the lights after a certain period of time; there was a special ritual for purifying the fire and erecting a new fire on the altar in the temple.

The ritual procession of the erection of the purified fire on the temple throne (the altar where the fire should burn) was led by the high priest. Two or three priests solemnly carried a censer with fire, over which the priests supported the canopy. A guard of bodyguards armed with swords marched around the fire. Next came the representatives of religious and secular authorities. The clergy carried ritual weapons to fight the forces of evil and wands with pommels in the form of bulls' heads.

Some of these weapons were hung on the walls of the temple by the clergy as a reminder that the Zoroastrians are ready to protect the sacred fire from the encroachments of the wicked.

The incense burner with fire Bahram, ascended to the throne in the temple of fire, from that moment on becomes the symbolic leader of the spiritual life of the Zoroastrian community, during the Sassanid era, the patron of the state and, as it should be for the king, is crowned with a crown, which is a metal tray suspended high above the blazing fire.

Only a priest had the right to enter the sanctuary after undergoing a complex cleansing ritual that lasts several days.

The priest could touch the fire, observing certain procedures, putting on a white cap like a skullcap on his head, and gloves on his hands, covering his mouth and nose with a half mask so that his breath would not desecrate the fire. Then, with special tongs, he stirred the fire in the altar lamp so that the flame burned evenly. The firewood in the altar bowl was of valuable hardwood, including sandalwood; when they burned, the room was filled with a pleasant smell.

The fire was maintained by the priests around the clock. The day is divided into five periods, and at the beginning of each, the procedure of laying firewood was performed, lasting an hour, accompanied by the pronunciation of magic formulas (spells).

However, not a single holiday, ceremony or rite was complete without fire - the symbol of the main Zoroastrian god Ahura Mazda. The cult of fire was the embodiment of Arta. Fire (Atar) manifests itself in different forms: as a heavenly fire, as a fire hidden in a tree, a lightning fire, a fire that gives warmth and life to the human body, and, finally, a higher, sacred fire ("high utility"), which is kindled in temples. Every ninth day of the month and the entire ninth month - from November 16 to December 15, is dedicated to fire.

The main rite performed by the Zoroastrians at the sacred fire is "Yasna". Yasna means "veneration" or "sacred rite." One of the parts of the sacred book of the Zorastrians of the Avesta has the name "Yasna", it contains the Zoroastian sacred texts read during the divine services.

It is performed "clear" both by the individual order of the laity and (most often) on the occasion of one of the six "gakhanbars" - the traditional great Zoroastrian holidays.

“Yasna” is always performed at dawn by at least two priests. The service is held in a special room where a tablecloth is spread on the floor or there is a section of the floor covered with grass. During the service, various objects are involved that have their own symbolic meaning, first of all, fire (usually lit from a temple fire), fragrant wood for it, water, milk, pomegranate twigs, flowers, fruits, etc."

Here is "Burn, burn, Yasna, so that it does not go out". And again there are, already familiar to tartarologists, "Ra", "Art" and "Tar". Apparently not by chance.

And the first fire was considered the most problematic. For him it was necessary to go to the Hindus, who burned the corpses, and the Aryans and Persians themselves considered it a desecration of fire. Therefore, with their dead, they acted in a special way.


Great Gola on Maidan in Bankipor.

This is a painting by the artist Sita Ram, who accompanied Lord Hastings on his journey up the Ganges in 1814.

I believe that here we will have to make several explanations at once. First, about what the Maidan is, and then everything will become clear. Maidan is not just a square in Kiev, as some think. The most common meaning of this word is market square. But not every market was called Maidan, but the one where it was dangerous, where the tati were scurrying about in the crowd, striving to rob the pockets of the rotozeans, cheat, or even in the confusion to stick a knife between the ribs, who did not want to part with their wallet.

Therefore, the word "maidan" has always been considered synonymous with the territory of death. Hence the expression "Transfer through the Maidan", because there were special people who accompanied the townspeople for a reasonable fee when visiting the Maidan. They acted as such bodyguards - stalkers.

Now let's turn to Dahl's dictionary, which tells us that “Maidan is a mound, an ancient grave. maydanische Wed kind of settlement, esp. in the forest, or where there was a forest, and weekday, tar maidan. Maidan, referring to the Maidan. maidan mound, grave, dug, excavated from above, with a hollow. - a lift, a kind of chest, to drain the resin, under the poultry stove."

I hope now it is clear that Gola and Maidan are essentially the same thing. This is a collective sarcophagus. One grave for all, covered with a stone dome with a hole at the top.

True, there is one "but". They knew how to erect such domes, most likely before the flood, and then no longer. Why did I decide that? Let me explain. Here is a picture of the same Hindu, which depicts a mosque, and the ruins of an arch remaining from the entrance to the antediluvian structure:

Mosque and gate
Mosque and gate

Mosque and gate.

The plot is exactly the same as in the paintings of European artists "catastrophists". Let's just say … However! Where is India, and where is Canaletti with Piranesi.

Tomb of Cecilia Metella. J. B. Piranesi
Tomb of Cecilia Metella. J. B. Piranesi

Tomb of Cecilia Metella. J. B. Piranesi.

But here and there desolation, ruins, and ragamuffins, wandering aimlessly on the fragments of a past civilization. And the tradition of burying the dead, at the top of the goal, has survived to this day:

Modern Gola in India. Tower of Silence
Modern Gola in India. Tower of Silence

Modern Gola in India. Tower of Silence.

Tower of Silence
Tower of Silence

Tower of Silence.

As we can see, domes are no longer being built. Why was it built before? What resources and capabilities did you need to have in order to build structures so complex in engineering terms? Suppose they knew something that we do not know, and it was time for them to create such a dome of stone, but what caused its unusual shape?

Probably, the answer is in the name of the building. Gola, it's a "head"! And then the well-known version comes to mind that initially, the descendants of the first man Adam, who was a giant, were buried in the skull of Adam himself! After all, according to legend, even Jesus and other condemned were taken to the mountain, which was the petrified HEAD of Adam - the GOLHO. And Jesus shed blood exactly on the LOBE of Adam.

Calvary in Jerusalem
Calvary in Jerusalem

Calvary in Jerusalem.

Beikos. Istanbul Golgotha, on which the Prophet Isa was crucified, according to the Turkish comrades
Beikos. Istanbul Golgotha, on which the Prophet Isa was crucified, according to the Turkish comrades

Beikos. Istanbul Golgotha, on which the Prophet Isa was crucified, according to the Turkish comrades.

The Tower of Silence in Mumbai. India
The Tower of Silence in Mumbai. India

The Tower of Silence in Mumbai. India.

Those. The train of thought is clear. Golgotha is the skull (LOB) of Adam, which, according to legend, the angels carried from one place to another all over the world, and even in Moscow, Gola visited Red Square. Some are even sure that the Place of the Execution is frontal because there protruded from the ground the frontal bone of the giant's skull, whose skull Muscovites considered the skull of Adam himself.

Legends are legends, but the interconnection of traditions, in my opinion, is obvious. In each country, they tried to follow a single rule - to bury in, or on, or near Gola-Calvary-Execution Ground. Someone chose a mountain suitable in shape and size, and someone created it from scratch. I admit, even, that the skulls of giants at that time were still enough for each city to have its own miraculous Gola. Perhaps there was such a thing in Yaroslavl, because Tugova Mountain is called Golgotha there, although no one remembers why.

Tugova mountain Yaroslavl
Tugova mountain Yaroslavl

Tugova mountain Yaroslavl.

So golgotha, calvary, and the place of execution are all the same: - the place of execution, and the place of rest. It is inextricably linked with death. Why is it that we are so persistently told that the Execution Ground on Red Square in Moscow is a place for addressing the people of Tsars and clergy? Historians don't know, or are they lying?

Place of execution 1600
Place of execution 1600

Place of execution 1600.

Now let's look at the post-flood tower of silence from above:

Tower of Silence. India
Tower of Silence. India

Tower of Silence. India.

Accidental similarity? Let's say … But what about personal Zoroastrian tombs? This is the Mausoleum of Cyrus II:

Mausoleum of Cyrus II
Mausoleum of Cyrus II

Mausoleum of Cyrus II.

And this is Lenin's mausoleum:

Lenin's Mausoleum is Zoroastrian
Lenin's Mausoleum is Zoroastrian

Lenin's Mausoleum is Zoroastrian.

And if we walk a few steps to the north-west from Lenin's mausoleum, we will see …

Ts Okhotny Ryad
Ts Okhotny Ryad

Ts Okhotny Ryad.

What … Coincidence again? Let's admit. There are also some other subtle similarities. Fire worshipers had two main symbols, as we are convinced. The first is the faravahar:



The bird-man is a popular character, was present in many myths and religions, including our native Horse, who is one of the incarnations of the Sun, was half a falcon. But how the Aryans portrayed him! Isn't that the cap that our boryars borrowed to emphasize their divinity, in the form of kinship with Yar, the sun god? Actually, the very word BO (ha) YARA (sons), this is the boyars:

Russian Faravahar
Russian Faravahar

Russian Faravahar.

But let's say this is just another coincidence. To complete the picture, at least the second main symbol of fire worshipers is not enough - the Aryans of the sacred vase of fire. So? Since we started our search from Moscow, we will continue there:

Vessels with fire on buildings in Moscow
Vessels with fire on buildings in Moscow

Vessels with fire on buildings in Moscow.

Previously, similar elements were found on the roofs of all cities throughout Russia. We perceived them as simple decorations, thinking that they were something like goblets or flower vases. However, it is not. A cup is not a wine glass, as is commonly believed. The goblet is a small ritual vessel with sacred fire, which was presented to the winner. And the vases on the roofs of buildings are not at all floral, it is also a container of sacred fire, which the Slavs worshiped just like the Aryans. Is this why a merciless war is going on with these vessels? Notice that the vases from the rooftops have started to disappear?

Fire vases. They disappear
Fire vases. They disappear

Fire vases. They disappear.

These vases, obviously, were also used for street lighting, therefore, I will assume that they belonged to the first class of Bahram fire. The fire of the second degree was called Adaran, and here are some other vessels, we saw earlier on the roofs of buildings:

Vases of adaran
Vases of adaran

Vases of adaran.

Here we see that the bahram vases are adjacent to the adaran vases, which probably indicates the status of the building. Before us is not a simple dwelling, but one that has a certain rank of manager. Are there any high-class lamps - dargakh?

There is. The tip exists in the same India, in Mumbai. There is a temple named Dargah. One glance at its architecture is enough to understand that all of today's cult buildings with a main dome surrounded by four small ones are the Aryan - Avestan high-level buildings with fire of the highest level - dargakh.

Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Ahura Mazda?
Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Ahura Mazda?

Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Ahura Mazda?

Of course, these are all only assumptions based on observations, comparisons, and attempts to rethink the known facts. If we abstract from the existing knowledge, which are considered axioms, an involuntary conclusion suggests itself that Zoroastrianism is present in our life to this day. As if the hidden priests of the cult of fire, to this day, invisibly do their job. But quite recently, when the world was still global, the fragments of which are now called "antiquity", Zoroastrianism was dominant on the planet. And all the mythologies, now called Slavic, Ancient Greek, Scandinavian and Ancient Roman, are they artificially broken up according to an artificially created national division, Zoroastrianism?

Vase with bahram fire. St. Petersburg
Vase with bahram fire. St. Petersburg

Vase with bahram fire. St. Petersburg.

AND? Russians!

Author: kadykchanskiy
