Luck And Luck - Accident Or Pattern? - Alternative View

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Luck And Luck - Accident Or Pattern? - Alternative View
Luck And Luck - Accident Or Pattern? - Alternative View

Video: Luck And Luck - Accident Or Pattern? - Alternative View

Video: Luck And Luck - Accident Or Pattern? - Alternative View
Video: Linux/Mac Terminal Tutorial: The Grep Command - Search Files and Directories for Patterns of Text 2024, July

There is nothing more surprising in the world than stories in which luck appears - “a lucky break”. They invariably boggle the imagination, creating the impression that in reality there are some higher forces in the world that are vigilantly watching us, coming to our aid at a difficult moment, if asked for it.

And this is exactly how Ellis Morrow, a resident of Cleveland (Ohio, USA), perceived the “smile of fate” when she suddenly became one of the richest women in the city.

The entire Morrow family decided to spend a vacation in the Caribbean on the island of Cayo Grande (Venezuela). But after a few days there, Ellis's husband fled, leaving her with her 6-year-old son Tommy without a single dollar in his pocket. It's a good thing that the rent for the house was paid in advance.

On the day the lease ended, Ellis sat by the seashore and prayed to God to help her and her son return to their native Cleveland. Tommy was building a fortress of sand nearby. And then suddenly he shouted: “Mom! Look what I found! A corner of a wrought-iron chest was visible from the sand. When the mother opened the lid, she gasped - precious stones and gold coins were lying there in bulk.

The police arrived and took the treasure. But according to Venezuelan law, 40% of the total value of the find belonged to Ellis and her son. After the last official procedures were completed, they received about three million US dollars and soon flew home in first class …

Later, experts determined that the found chest belonged to the famous pirate Bill Blake in the 17th century. The fact that this treasure ended up on the island is not surprising: Cayo Grande once served as a secret refuge for pirate ships. Another thing is surprising, how such a rather voluminous thing for such a long time remained unnoticed on a crowded beach, where, moreover, the sand was regularly cleaned.

At the everyday level, stories of this kind are perceived as strong evidence of the existence of some kind of “higher justice”. And as the analysis carried out on the basis of letters coming to the “Phenomenon” association has shown, the overwhelming majority of people are sure of this.

Irina Khokhrina (Krasnoturyinsk, Sverdlovsk region) says:

Promotional video:

“One summer we went out of town to weed turnips. Having finished the work, we sat down to rest on the bank of the mountain river Turya. I stumbled on a boulder, and the slipper on my left foot fell into the water, quickly floating away with the current. We returned home along the coast to the central road where buses run. At one point, I slipped again and fell on all fours into the water. What was my surprise when with one hand I hit the “run away” sneaker, which, having swum about half a kilometer, sank”.

A few more examples of her extraordinary luck

“I was doing repairs in the apartment. I really wanted to find red power sockets for the red wallpaper. But the stores only sold black or white. I was looking for a whole year. And then friends asked to give their father a lift to the garden (by that time I had a car). I agreed. On the outskirts of the city, I noticed a red spot on the concrete, but did not focus on it. On the way back I noticed him again. She stopped, and this is a brand new red outlet - just the one I dreamed of. Well, isn't it a miracle?"

“I bought myself a watch for 60 rubles. On Trinity I took relatives to the cemetery. We made three flights. Everyone gathered at my mother's grave, brought pancakes, wine with them … But I didn't take anything, hoping that everything would be enough without me. Then we went to rest on the river. The children played and I started washing the car. She took the watch off her hand, put it on the trunk, and forgot about it. The watch is lost. Upon learning of this, the relatives said that God punished me for being greedy, without taking anything with me to the cemetery. About a year passed. During all this time I did a lot of good, looked after the ownerless graves. Once I look at the lottery table - I won a watch for 40 rubles. Eh, I think the lost were worth 60. Another 20 are missing! And what do you think,in the evening I was walking home in the rain and suddenly I noticed on the road a dry spot the size of a child's palm, and in the center there were two ducats folded in a square. So fate compensated me for the lost hours a penny to a penny”.

“They say that accidents happen most often on the 13th,” writes a resident of the city of Azov, Rostov Region. V. Manchuzhnikov. - But for some reason this omen does not apply to me. The most unlucky day of the year for me is February 21st. This day is not complete without troubles (and not small ones that you can spit and forget, but large ones).

Judge for yourself:

1992, February 21 - I was going to work, and a giant icicle fell on me, breaking my collarbone.

1993, February 21 - unknown people stole a car from my house. She was later found smashed to smithereens.

1994, February 21 - at lunch in a piece of black bread, I came across a metal nut, on which I broke two front teeth.

This list could be started at an earlier age. Believe me, it's the same there. I'm looking forward to next February with horror. What has fate in store for me this time?"

Some of the people show a lot of resourcefulness to win the favor of Fortune. Here is the testimony of Sergei Kostromin from Moscow:

“I read somewhere that Fortune doesn't like the greedy. Now, when I know in advance that I will face difficulties, I perform the same ritual - I go to the subway and give money to the poor. And you know it helps! Once there was such a curiosity. At work, I remembered that I had forgotten the switched on electric iron at home. I asked for permission from the authorities and rushed home - and this is on the other side of Moscow. On the way, he gave almost all the available cash to the beggar he met and made a plan that everything would turn out well. And so it happened. At home, I discovered that the ironing board's upholstery had already begun to smolder from the iron, but then, obviously, the miracle I had begged from fate happened. The upstairs neighbor's bathroom was flooded. Water flowed towards me, and a huge layer of plaster fell from the ceiling - just on the iron. And the fire struck, and the cord was pulled out of the socket. Someone might say, “Wow luck,sheer trouble!” Don't tell! Minus gave a plus. It would be much worse if these events happened separately, say, with an interval of one day …"

Vyacheslav Zamyatin from Tula says:

“This strange story happened to me in Samara, when I was there on a business trip for the company. I myself am a software engineer, and the next day I had an important meeting, for which it was impossible to be late. And then, as luck would have it, in the evening I discovered at the hotel that my wrist electronic watch had failed, probably the battery had run out. What to do? I mentally complained about fate, and suddenly I heard something bang on the balcony of the hotel room. I go out, and on a narrow metal railings there is a watch “Slava” (coincided with my name!) With a leather strap.

At first I was delighted, so, I think, the problem was resolved, and then I decided to give them to the floor duty officer - someone dropped it, she will look for it … However, soon the duty officer returned the clock back - said that none of the upper numbers was nothing did not drop, and there are no more Muscovites in the hotel. I glanced, and indeed - the arrows show Moscow time, with Samara, hour difference. This was the second hint that the watch was meant for me.

And after that, “Glory”, which fell from the sky, threw out a surprise at all. For some unknown reason, the clock has advanced significantly during the night. But I did not pay attention to this and went to the meeting according to their testimony. And everything turned out just fine. The person who was supposed to sign my papers in 20 minutes. got on the car and drove to another city. If the clock ticked right and I arrived at the appointed time, I would no longer be able to catch him. And this threatened the firm and me personally with steep troubles. And so everything worked out.

I now wear this watch without taking it off (like a talisman), and, by the way, they were never in a hurry again, although I never gave them for repairs …

In all these events, there seems to be no logic - a set of random coincidences. From the point of view of mathematics, the probability of such coincidences, although extremely small (if their chain is long enough), is always different from zero. Therefore, any statements about "higher justice" or the existence of any regularities meet with at first glance justified objections of the supporters of the traditional worldview.

This is also facilitated by the inability to carry out any special experiments to implement what is called “luck”, since such events should be fundamentally spontaneous.

Doom haunts the Kennedy family. (Chronicle of tragedies)

On the night of July 17, 1999, the Kennedy family suffered another tragedy. The plane crash killed John F. Kennedy Jr., the son of a former American president. His wife Caroline Bissett and her sister were on the same plane, the Piper Saratoga. They were all on their way to the wedding of John-Rory's cousin, daughter of former Senator Robert Kennedy.

In this regard, we recall some of the sad events that haunted the Kennedy clan for many years.

The family of Joseph Patrick (1888 - 1969) and Rose Fitzgerald (1890 - 1995) Kennedy had 4 sons and 5 daughters.

The eldest son Joseph (1915 - 1944), a naval pilot, was killed during the Second World War. His plane was shot down over the English Channel on 12 August 1944.

Second son John Fiegerald (1917 - 1963), 35th President of the United States, was assassinated on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas.

Third son Robert Francis (1925-1968), a former senator and presidential candidate, died on June 6, 1968 in an assassination attempt on his life in Los Angeles, California.

Daughter Kathleen (1920-1948) died in a plane crash on May 14, 1948.

The tragic fate of Kennedy's older generation, unfortunately, was continued by their children.

Robert Kennedy's son David died in 1984 of a drug overdose.

His other son, Michael, died on New Year's Eve, 1998 at a ski resort in Aspen, Colorado at the age of 39.

John F. Kennedy Jr. (1960-1999) died in a plane crash on July 17, 1999.

The fatal chain of deaths in the Kennedy family looks unusual in reality. But it is extremely difficult to find the true reasons (the ratio of accidents and patterns) in this picture.

Author: M. Sarychev
