Strange Messages From The Stars May Come From Aliens - Alternative View

Strange Messages From The Stars May Come From Aliens - Alternative View
Strange Messages From The Stars May Come From Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Strange Messages From The Stars May Come From Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Strange Messages From The Stars May Come From Aliens - Alternative View
Video: What Is NASA Hiding? | Unveiled 2024, July

Scientists at the University of Laval in Quebec believe that the unusual messages coming from the depths of space are coming from aliens.

In particular, they say that a new analysis of strange modulations coming from a group of stars indicates that they may come from extraterrestrial intelligence, which wants to warn earthlings about its existence, writes The Independent.

It is known that an international group of astronomers reported that they were able to record a signal of unknown origin, which may be evidence of the existence of an extraterrestrial civilization. Note that the radio waves were captured by a super-powerful radio telescope.

Now scientists are trying to figure out the nature of such an unusual message from the star system.

At the same time, they add that it is too early to say that the strange sharp and short radio signals coming from outer space can be attributed to the activities of extraterrestrial civilizations, but such messages are encouraging.

Note that the research results were published in the journal of the Pacific Astronomical Society, in the article "Signals from extraterrestrial intelligence."

In this work, the researchers clarify that the signals were received from a small group of stars, which is in a narrow spectral range. Scientists believe that in order to confirm or deny the hypothesis put forward by them, it is necessary to do a tremendous job.

They are convinced that it is necessary to observe the same signals with the help of powerful modern equipment. We add that the initiative of scientists regarding the search for extraterrestrial life was supported by people such as Stephen Hawking and Mark Zuckerberg.

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