How To Reconcile The Theory Of Aliens And The Theory Of Reptilians? Part 1 - Alternative View

How To Reconcile The Theory Of Aliens And The Theory Of Reptilians? Part 1 - Alternative View
How To Reconcile The Theory Of Aliens And The Theory Of Reptilians? Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: How To Reconcile The Theory Of Aliens And The Theory Of Reptilians? Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: How To Reconcile The Theory Of Aliens And The Theory Of Reptilians? Part 1 - Alternative View
Video: Justin Bieber's Reptilian Roots Conspiracy Theory, Explained 2024, July

Controversial but interesting material, in several parts, began to appear periodically on the insider site with floating news Above Top Secret. We don't know, maybe some of you have already read it before, but we just got acquainted with it:

“How to combine the theory of aliens (aliens) and the theory of reptilians?

Consider the Mayan religion of the pre-Columbian American civilization. There the main god of the Maya was the god Kukulkan (Kukul-Kan, Quetzal-couatl) who descended from heaven, whom the Indians portrayed as … a feathered Serpent!


Now let's see the image on the ancient Mayan sarcophagus (reprint):


If you turn the picture horizontally, you can clearly see the diagram of the Alien ship, which is controlled by Someone, bent over the dashboard and his posture leaves no doubt - this is exactly the pilot of an aircraft. The ancient sculptors, of course, did not know how the apparatus was arranged, but the appearance was schematically conveyed with maximum accuracy. And even on the head? Antediluvian headphones with a microphone?


Promotional video:

And here is a fragment of a map belonging to the Turkish admiral Piri Reis, dated 1519 (This is before Magellan). Moreover, this is a copy of copies from copies of ancient maps. The original is in the darkness of millennia. And according to some scientists, this is a prehistoric aerial photo from EARTH ORBIT:


Have you noticed how continents “float away” characteristically? Shooting from a very high altitude. For reference - Antarctica was discovered only in 1822. And in the picture it is also without ice, and it seems there are rivers with mountains on it, as even Jewish historians admit. Probably the picture was sooo old.

Here you can also add that Quetzalcoatlus is the name of a pterosaur, a winged lizard, from the Late Cretaceous period, stretching from 100 to 65 million years ago closer to us - which has the same name as the main Mayan god, the Feathered Serpent, - Quetzalcoatl. Here's the layout:


Now let's look at one of the most important Serpents that the Maya worshiped. This Serpent was called "Visual Serpent", that is, "Visual Serpent".

Now let's look at one of the most important Serpents that the Maya worshiped. This Serpent was called "Visual Serpent", that is, "Visual Serpent".


Can you clearly see that this is the Serpent-Man or the Serpent-Man? He has a human head and hands. Now compare it with the above print of the Alien ship on the Mayan sarcophagus, made in the same graphic.

Even the “headphones” are the same, although there is already a humanoid creature in the ship. And now, - what is said about the “Visual Serpent” in the Wiki: “The Serpent-Serpent was a very important social and religious symbol (and we now guess that it was by no means a symbol!). Mayan records describe Serpents as creatures that travel between celestial bodies such as the stars and the sun, across all the heavens (!). When these Serpents changed their scales (skin), it was for the Maya a symbol of Resurrection, rebirth, “restructuring and renewal”. These Serpents (traveling in the heavens between the stars) were so "adored" that one of America's main deities was represented by the "Feathered Serpent" Quetzal-coatl, which means "Serpent Quetzal" (Coe 1992: 79). Or - Kukulkan (Quetzal-coatl). "Couatl" is the Serpent!

Again this word: Koa-Kaa - Ka (n) -Ko (n). “Kan” (Kukul-kan), that is, human international rulers: “Ko-n”, “Ka-gan”, “Ka-nyaz”, Ko-role, Ka-non, etc. Thus, people, that is, humanoid beings of the Earth, seem to have been ruled "in nature" by snake-like aliens, who flew from another place in the Galaxy, but quickly adapted "according to Darwin", making up the international ruling elite.

It is clear that now such a huge number of Aliens have bred, disguising themselves as anything, that many generations of them have already lost touch with the past; and only the very dedicated and Masons know this; and then, only those who have reached the highest degree of 33 rungs of the KNOWLEDGE pyramid ladder.

And remember about the ancient Greek historian Ferekides. What was his name in the history of the creation of the world? If you continue the sound system of this name of our planet, then you will understand the essence and see who the real earthlings are.

The question of how to connect the reptilian theory with the theory of the Aliens is not critical; in the sense that nothing within this theory contradicts anything. Because these hypotheses can easily be linked in so many ways that it will take a long time to enumerate.

For example:

1). More recently; that is, from the moment the "written" human history begins - the Reptoaliens landed on Mount Ararat, adapted according to Darwin, and began their conquest of the Earth.

2). That the Aliens arrived when there were still lizards on Earth, that is, much earlier than "history" teaches us. And here there is more and more evidence that: A). or lizards in one way or another, and not necessarily in a gigantic form, existed until recently; or B). Earthlings have existed on Earth - Gaia for over 65 million years, or both. (In support of this version, the old article: "Black stones of Ica" Cand. Historical Sciences Andrey Zhukov).

“Almost a third of the stones in the Cabrera collection have drawings depicting dinosaurs and mammals, which, according to modern science, became extinct even before the appearance of man in America. Moreover, the number and variety of images of extinct animals was so huge that Dr. Cabrera was able to identify only those animals that he could identify based on his very superficial knowledge of paleontology. The most common are images of triceratops, stegosaurs, various types of sauropod dinosaurs, pterosaurs, iguanodonts and various types of predatory dinosaurs. Most importantly, in most cases, dinosaurs are depicted in close interaction with humans. Scenes of people hunting for brachiosaurs, stegosaurs, tyrannosaurs are depicted on the stones in many ways.

Moreover, the main human tool is a metal ax. The motives of man's struggle with predatory dinosaurs are typical. But the most amazing images are those showing dinosaurs as pets. So on one of the stones is depicted a man riding a Triceratops, and on the back of the lizard there is a blanket, and the rider is holding a smoking pipe in his hands. On another rock, a man flies on a pterodactyl! The air rider holds some kind of stick-like object in his hand, possibly serving to control the lizard. Naturally, such images contradict not only modern ideas about the history of mankind, but also modern common sense. However, these are not sufficient grounds to deny the existing facts. )

- Part 2 -
