Discovered Exoplanets - The Alleged Homeland Of "gray" Aliens And Reptilians? - Alternative View

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Discovered Exoplanets - The Alleged Homeland Of "gray" Aliens And Reptilians? - Alternative View
Discovered Exoplanets - The Alleged Homeland Of "gray" Aliens And Reptilians? - Alternative View

Video: Discovered Exoplanets - The Alleged Homeland Of "gray" Aliens And Reptilians? - Alternative View

Video: Discovered Exoplanets - The Alleged Homeland Of
Video: Cardinal & Gray Society: The Smallest Lights in the Universe 2024, June

In 2008, Australian Indian scientist Ragbir Bhatal studied the Libra constellation and noticed a series of bright flashes that reminded him of the action of a laser. It looked as if some highly developed civilization was sending messages encoded in a light beam towards the Earth.

Then no one believed him. However, two years later, in the same constellation, the exoplanet Gliese 581g was found, belonging to the class of the so-called super-earths - worlds similar to ours, but large in size, with a gravity twice that of Earth.


Preliminary estimates suggested that Gliese 581g was too cold for life, but scientists have recently revised their opinion thanks to new data obtained using the Kepler space telescope, specially designed to study extraterrestrial worlds.

Adjusted models and careful analysis of the data showed that under certain conditions, the heat received from the star will be evenly distributed and create wide zones suitable for living creatures. So, at the equator it may well be up to twenty degrees Celsius.

As is often the case, overly cautious scientists who value their academic titles were afraid to relate one to the other. However, the discovery of astronomers was extremely interested in ufologists, who are not afraid to break the established dogmas.

A number of experts in the field of studying alien civilizations have put forward the assumption: Gliese 581g may turn out to be the birthplace of "gray" - well-known to ufologists stunted humanoids with large eyes, heads and gray skin. There are several fairly weighty arguments in favor of this version.

First, this exoplanet is close enough to Earth - only 20 light years away. Even if for humanity such a distance seems insurmountable, but for highly developed aliens who can fly at the speed of light and even faster, folding space or using wormholes, the flight from Gliese to Earth will hardly seem more difficult than for us a flight from Moscow to London. We can say that on a galactic scale our planets are neighbors, and it is not surprising that the inhabitants of Gliese 581g are interested in humanity.

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Secondly, according to many indirect information, the "Grays" have their bases in the Antarctic and the Arctic Ocean. It was there that unidentified flying objects were most often observed, and it was in the area of the Antarctic continent in 1947 during Operation High Jump that the American fleet under the command of Admiral Richard Byrd was attacked by a UFO. According to experts, this is no coincidence: the grays are accustomed to the cool climate, and therefore chose the polar regions. The discovery in the constellation of Libra of an inhabited world with a fairly low average annual temperature suggests that aliens came from there.

And, finally, the laser flash that Ragbir Bhatal saw - what is this, if not evidence of the existence of intelligent living beings near the solar system?


With the help of the Kepler space telescope, several more amazing worlds have been discovered that may well claim to be inhabited. So, in February 2014, more than 700 exoplanets were found. Of these, KOI-1422.02 is of greatest interest to ufologists.


This world is slightly smaller than the Earth, but is almost completely identical to it - except that it has a drier climate and high average annual temperatures. According to authoritative researchers, the recently discovered planet is ideally suited for the role of the homeland of the civilization of reptilians - cold-blooded creatures accustomed to a hot, dry climate.

KOI-1422.02 is located only thirteen light years from the solar system, and ufologists consider this a very important circumstance. They indicate that, according to modern research, in ancient times it was the Reptilians who were the first to reach the Earth and establish their rule over it under the name of the Anunnaki. And only later, with the appearance of the "grays", the Anunnaki were forced to surrender their former positions.

The fact that the homeland of cold-blooded aliens is as much as seven light-years closer to Earth than Gliese 581g may serve as a good explanation for the later appearance of the "grays" in near-Earth space.

The population of KOI-1422.02 can be evidenced by the ancient legends about the homeland of alien reptilians - the planet Nibiru. So, they say that she is near a small red sun. For a long time it was believed that Nibiru is in the solar system, and the mention of a small red sun just indicates either its remoteness from the sun, or that the homeworld of cold-blooded aliens is located next to Jupiter. In the light of recent discoveries, we can assume that it was just about a star - a red dwarf, next to which "Kepler" and found a new world.

- Of course, - say experts-ufologists, - the data that are received about exoplanets now is still not enough for a 100% statement about the discovery of the home planets of the "gray" and reptilians. Any serious scientist in such a situation will continue his research - and this is exactly what experts on alien civilizations are doing now.

However, they note with satisfaction, the fact that astronomy and ufology this time go hand in hand, agreeing on the existence of life in distant stars, serves as an encouraging signal. Kepler still has a lot of time to spend in space, doing his research. Who knows, perhaps the name of this telescope will go down in human history in the chapter describing the first official contact with aliens.

Vladimir ANTONOV
