Interview With Anton Anfalov About UFOs In Crimea - Alternative View

Interview With Anton Anfalov About UFOs In Crimea - Alternative View
Interview With Anton Anfalov About UFOs In Crimea - Alternative View

Video: Interview With Anton Anfalov About UFOs In Crimea - Alternative View

Video: Interview With Anton Anfalov About UFOs In Crimea - Alternative View
Video: Astronaut Tim Peake’s ‘UFO Sighting’ in Space 🛸 The Graham Norton Show | Fri 11/10c | BBC America 2024, September

Interview with Anton Aleksandrovich Anfalov, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor and ufologist-researcher. The interview was conducted in preparation for the conference "Unknown" (September 29-30, Moscow), devoted to the topic of unidentified flying and underwater objects recorded on the territory of the Crimean peninsula by both the military and ordinary people - local residents and tourists.

- Hello, Anton! For many, Crimea is a place of concentration of historical and mystical objects. Reports of UFOs in Crimea are rare in the media. Is it really a rare occurrence, or is the information classified?

- Reports of UFOs in Crimea are quite rare in the all-Russian media for several reasons. First, the media that are far from this topic themselves do not want to often print or broadcast such news, only on rare occasions (for example, the annual International Day of the Ufologist).

Secondly, the overwhelming number of reports about UFOs simply do not reach the media: apart from the newspaper Taynaya Doctrina, which is published in the capital of Crimea, there are practically no specialized publications and journalists keen on this topic.

Most of the eyewitnesses simply do not report their observations in the media, because they simply don’t know who and where to report, and do not want to waste time on it. Sometimes someone uploads their videos to YouTube, but rarely. There is no centralized collection and analysis of such information.

UFOs in Crimea are not rare, but rather frequent: every year, at least several dozen UFO sightings by different people take place on our peninsula. But even I hear isolated (including the most resonant) cases, which have to be collected “all over the world”, because the witnesses of these objects are afraid to become the subject of ridicule because of the extremely unhealthy attitude towards this problem.

Let's just distinguish: there is a broad, obscure term "UFO" (when something unidentified and flying is seen by some illiterate observer: an airplane, satellite, ISS, LED balloons with LEDs, "Chinese lanterns", inflatable advertising balloons, balloons), but there is a more correct term "alien moving object" (DOP), introduced by the famous ufologist V. G. Azazhey.

Why moving? Because these objects not only fly, but also float above and under water, dive and surface in the Black Sea and other bodies of water. Why exactly aliens? Because not all aliens are aliens, that is, representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Promotional video:

There are also chronauts and visitors from parallel and underground worlds. And all these hypotheses, I think, are supported by facts, have the right to exist. DOP is a very complex and multifaceted phenomenon that cannot be reduced to a single denominator.

In addition, the term "aliens" is also not always correct: sometimes (although rarely) there are devices made by people, within the framework of top-secret, so-called "black" projects, including items under the Secret Space Program (SSP), moreover, there are several such programs and some are carried out internationally.

By the way, I assume (and there is such information) that a couple of times, in 1995 and 2000, I saw low over Simferopol a diamond-shaped aircraft of the TKP, an American assembly. Although, of course, I personally was not inside these devices and did not communicate with the crews.

This information, and all of it, of course, is classified by government agencies. This was the case in the Crimea and in the Ukraine, and this is the case in Russia. Literally everything is classified: observations of military personnel, numerous and many years of radar data on these objects, and much more.

Even worse, responsible and literate people in the public service are simply afraid to report such observations up to the top out of fear of being the object of ridicule, and even worse, because of possible suspicions of mental health. At best, they gossip among themselves at the level of confidential, kitchen conversations with friends and gossip.

For example, a civilian pilot for an official report of such observation can easily be sent to a medical-flight expert commission (VLEK), doubting his professional suitability, and a military pilot - to a hospital for examination, because of which one can simply fly out of flight work.

This is certainly not normal, but this is what happens in most cases. Therefore, the same pilots are often silent, like fish. And if some serious incident occurs, then the special officers simply intervene and seize evidence, take non-disclosure subscriptions.

And all this then drowns in some kind of archives, where none of ordinary mortals have ever had access, never had, and never will, or even easier - they go to recycling. Not everything even reaches the special officers: the military is in no hurry to report on their observations. Tell me, who wants to have an extra headache? After all, you need to spend time drawing up reports, explanatory notes, documenting what you see.

This situation has lasted for decades, since the days of the USSR. The public is not informed of anything, or it is reported that the relevant services and authorities did not record anything. Sometimes this is true, and sometimes it is a lie so as not to disturb the masses. Thus, the masses are artificially kept in a state of complete ignorance, this is a real conspiracy of silence.

- A large number of tourists come to Crimea every year with modern technology: smartphones, tablets, cameras. Why aren't high quality UFO photos and videos published?

- They are published, I attach examples of genuine photos in high quality. Only not all and not always published. Many people just accidentally take pictures of the DOP, and then do not pay special attention to these records and delete them.

In addition, there is a targeted protection of information by the aliens themselves, who usually try not to get caught in the frame. This protection sometimes works even at the level of simple observation.

For example, one of my acquaintances, having seen a cigar-shaped ship in 2013, simply could not say about it, although he and his companions were traveling in the same car. The psychotronic influence from this ship was so powerful that he simply could not open his mouth to tell them: "Look, there is a UFO!" The most powerful and massive hypnosis of ordinary people, suggestions, zombies, psychotronics at the highest level are widely used by aliens.

DOP, filmed on May 1, 1995 at the airport "Simferopol", pos. Aeroflot. Photo by V. M. Nekrasov
DOP, filmed on May 1, 1995 at the airport "Simferopol", pos. Aeroflot. Photo by V. M. Nekrasov

DOP, filmed on May 1, 1995 at the airport "Simferopol", pos. Aeroflot. Photo by V. M. Nekrasov.

Winter is about 2008, the area of the Darsan hill in Yalta. Photos were taken on a mobile phone
Winter is about 2008, the area of the Darsan hill in Yalta. Photos were taken on a mobile phone

Winter is about 2008, the area of the Darsan hill in Yalta. Photos were taken on a mobile phone.


- Have you ever encountered unidentified floating / underwater objects (NGOs)?

- I had to personally encounter other people's flying objects (vehicles) in Crimea many times, especially in the period from 1995 to the beginning of the 2000s. Last seen DOP in November 2017. I have seen objects in the shape of a barrel, a diamond with lights, in the form of an elongated body.

But I personally did not see floating vehicles, but many other people saw them, with whom I personally spoke and whom I interrogated, recording their testimonies. I regularly publish articles about this in the local newspaper Taynaya Doctrina.

- Are there areas of Crimea where UFOs are most common? If yes, what are these areas?

- Of course have. Just let's, first of all, use the correct term: DOP, not UFO. Secondly, most often they are found where there are more witnesses: these are large cities and the southern coast of Crimea, where there are many vacationers, tourists and other public. It is also necessary to take into account the time of day and season of the year, when and which people spend more time on the street and look at the sky: of course, then more often than not, DOP and see.

Thirdly, there are areas of increased activity of DPOs, which is associated with their bases and / or with research missions to some places. "Home Areas" are where they usually dive underwater or fly out of their dungeons through hidden, camouflaged passages.

Such places in Crimea are located in the Black Sea near the Bear Mountain (Ayu-Dag), at Cape Aya, at Cape Meganom. There are similar places in the mountains - in a little-visited area of the Crimean Nature Reserve near the top of Mount Chernaya, in the rocks of the Ai-Petrinskaya Yayla (plateau), Chatyr-Dag, on the vast and deserted mountain plateau Karabi (Karabi-Yaila).

This is all a very complex, vast, deep and ramified system, carefully hidden from people's eyes and equipment. In some places (Chatyr-Dag, near the Chuvash-Kaya mountain in the western part of the Ai-Petrinskaya yayla, near Foros), individual eyewitnesses managed to accidentally see how the rocks directly moved apart or opened like a window, and flew into the ground (or from the ground flew out) discs, glowing white balls, elongated DOP.

A photo of a disc-shaped DOP, taken at the end of July 2011 in the village of Gurzuf, opposite the Dzhevenez-Kaya cliff, towards the Ayu-Dag (Copper Mountain) mountain. Photo by Yuri Apostol
A photo of a disc-shaped DOP, taken at the end of July 2011 in the village of Gurzuf, opposite the Dzhevenez-Kaya cliff, towards the Ayu-Dag (Copper Mountain) mountain. Photo by Yuri Apostol

A photo of a disc-shaped DOP, taken at the end of July 2011 in the village of Gurzuf, opposite the Dzhevenez-Kaya cliff, towards the Ayu-Dag (Copper Mountain) mountain. Photo by Yuri Apostol.

- In your opinion, what are the chances of an ordinary person to witness a DOP in Crimea?

The chances are very slim. However, personally, until 1995, I also never thought that I would have to see the DOP, moreover, even several times. And not just somewhere in the mountains, but right here in Simferopol, where I have been living since 1973, moreover, four times - right from my balcony!

UFOs are often mistaken for helium LED balloons with LEDs, the planet Mars during the confrontation, quadrocopters (which are now in large numbers) and even the ISS (International Space Station). For many people, these are all unidentified objects that are easily identified by experts during a basic check. Sometimes even beetles, dragonflies and other insects that fall into the frame of the lens are mistaken for alien ships.

Ask yourself the question: when and why can you see the DOP? Firstly, when for some reason they have a failure, a failure in the optical cloaking system, and therefore they come into view. Sometimes this optical protection flies off under a lightning strike during a thunderstorm (if the lightning hits the DOP).

Secondly, they can be seen when they are absolutely sure of their invulnerability and they are frankly indifferent to whether they are visible visually or on the radar screen. Or when the mode and task of their flight do not imply the inclusion of optical protection. As a rule, these are rare visits by extraterrestrials - local, that is, forces based on Earth and often visiting us, including those with bases and infrastructure under the Crimea, try to carefully disguise themselves.

Third, they can be seen when they make conscious demonstrations of their presence. In all other cases, they will never be seen, although they may be very close. It can be not only manned, but also unmanned reconnaissance vehicles, telemetric small probes and micro-probes, humanoid beings themselves. Crews can consist of both biorobots (cyborgs) and living unique entities.

- What are the dangers of encountering a UFO?

The dangers are many, and they are diverse. First of all, it is EMF - the electromotive force due to which the DOPs fly. The voltages on the case there reach millions of volts, they get very hot in flight and they are perfectly visible using infrared technology, if protection is not turned on.

By the way, this is why, in the event of a refusal or failure in protection, their small unmanned disk-probes sometimes managed to shoot down with modified R-40T / TD missiles with heat guidance and a special warhead used on MiG-25 fighters. For example, in 1978 - on the eastern shore of Lake Baikal, in 1981 - in the north-east of the Moscow region.

Around the aircraft there is strong electrification and ionization, and when the power plant of the aircraft is operating at power, a plasma field is created. I have repeatedly seen flights of these devices in plasma fields on the territory of Crimea, and this is documented in the photo, video.

Why strong electric fields and plasma are dangerous - it is easy to understand and search in the public domain on the Internet. Therefore, it is impossible to come close to the apparatus during the launch or when it hovers low, during takeoff. However, they themselves understand this and do not let people close to them, flying in such modes.

But it's not just technology. There are civilizations and aliens, dangerous for earthlings, who have far from peaceful research intentions. Or they are just busy with their own business, and sometimes they do not care about the safety of people. In any case, it is not worth "asking for trouble."

Having seen the DOP, it is better to observe from afar or from cover, hide, try to covertly document the object and its actions (as well as the actions of aliens) by filming a mobile phone camera. However, the aliens perfectly understand who can see them and from where.

Here are just some facts about Crimea. In the report of the Control and Rescue Service (KSS) of the Bakhchisarai region for 1966, it was recorded that in October two tourists disappeared in the Mangup region. Three days later they were found: one - in the area of the village of Ternovka, four kilometers from Mangup, the other - outside the village of Kuibyshevo, which is five kilometers away, and both are alive.

They were taken to the regional hospital with a diagnosis of "mental disorder due to a severe nervous shock." They did not remember what happened to them, but how they got there, where they were found, they could not explain.

It is only known that when, two days after the unfortunate rainy night, the inhabitants of the village of Zalesnoye climbed to Mangup for hay, they found a tent covered with the first snow, in which a completely gray-haired young man was sitting and repeating: "He cries, he cries all the time!"

Another story. In the 1950s, there was an incident with the exposure of an eyewitness from DOP in the Sudak area, this is what his grandson said:

- Rumor has it that in the Crimea there is a certain base of aliens from an underground or extraterrestrial civilization parallel to us. How do you feel about this information?

- I know and I am sure that such a “base” really exists. Although, tell me who about it even 15-20 years ago, I would have twisted my finger at my temple. After all, Crimea is not Antarctica, there is a high population density here.

Why, after years of collecting information and talking with a wide variety of people, have I gained such confidence? The fact is that I have been living in Crimea for 45 years, of which I have been doing research in the field of ufology for 15 years, interviewing people. I have interviewed hundreds of people and too many different people have testified about it.

Numerous observations of DOPs diving underground and under water, as well as those flying out from there, is an undoubted fact. There are photos and videos confirming these dives and dives. In 2006, they even filmed an underwater UFO (or NGO) with a trace at Ayu-Dag on the echo sounder screen. That is, it is documented.

But speaking about the "bases", we should speak not only about Crimea, but also about the Caucasus mountains, about the undergrounds of the Urals, Siberia (Altai Mountains, Novosibirsk region, Putorana plateau, Khakassia, Baikal), about Kazakhstan, about the North.

There are many indications of man-made noise from underground in different regions of Crimea, and not always these noises can be attributed to the sound of underground rivers or waterfalls. Often the noise is low-frequency, metallic. Such technogenic noises are not constant, but from time to time they were recorded and recorded under the Ayu-Dag (Bear), Chatyr-Dag (Shater-mountain) mountains, at the junction of the Nikitskaya and Gurzufskaya yayl (yayla - as they call the plateau in Crimea), in the mountains over Yalta (under the Dolossy sanatorium, under the Uch-Kosh or Three Mountains gorge), and so on.

These noises often appear at night - obviously, the owners of the underground complexes carefully observe the masking regime. In the daytime, the noises do not last very long (such a low-frequency powerful hum, like from a transformer, has been heard more than once, for example, under Ayu-Dag). Nothing earthly can hum like that, all the more so powerfully, especially high in the mountains, where there are no buildings or man-made (anthropogenic) activity.

Strange, clearly man-made short-term vibrations were observed under the Karabi plateau, as well as in the area of the Mangup massif (by me and my colleague personally). But in order to scientifically study and document all this, expensive equipment is needed (electromagnetic radiation detectors, powerful magnetometers, infrared cameras and thermal imagers, other video cameras), a lot of free time and money.

Nevertheless, the collected array of data from a wide variety of people allows us to draw the following well-grounded, in my opinion, conclusions:

1. The word “base” should be understood as an extensive network of deep underground structures, stretching for many kilometers both under the mountainous and steppe Crimea, and under the bottom of the Black Sea. These structures include: hangars for aircraft and complexes for their repair, maintenance; facilities for rest and recuperation of crew members; all the necessary equipment with the appropriate infrastructure to ensure the long life of humanoids; underground factories for the production and synthesis of substances, structures and elements necessary for humanoids.

The synthesized crystals and the produced thorium (fuel for power plants), along with the mass of rare earth elements (REE) formed in this process, are exported from our planet. It seems that all this is being exploited at once by several extraterrestrial civilizations (EC), which have access to underground complexes near the Crimea.

These underground complexes of the exhibition center are well protected by multi-level protection and security systems (psychotronics, hypnosis, holograms, etc.), camouflaged and guarded. The density of the Crimean population is not a hindrance to them, especially since the entrances there are not located in crowded places.

VTS bases are built, as a rule, in solid rocks. Locations of bases and entrances: Ayu-Dag (Bear Mountain), Mount Chernaya in the Crimean Natural Reserve (vertical tunnel-mine for DOP - not far from the summit), a mountain range on top of Yalta, buried Mountain Crimean volcano (a powerful magmatic body from intrusive rocks). The depths of underground bases and tunnels range from hundreds of meters to several kilometers.

2. In addition to this underground system, there are also ancient underground enclaves, or, if you can call them that, habitats, where, it seems, the remnants of ancient races - civilizations that in ancient times lived on the surface of the Earth live. And not only. There, apparently, there are huge dungeons and deep caves with relict flora and fauna that have long disappeared from our surface world. Including the intelligent so-called "Blackie", or the Black Sea sea snake, of which 3 species are known: from short brown-brown individuals 10-15 meters long to huge silvery-scaly serpentoids 30-40 meters long (longer than a passenger pleasure boat, there is a video filming in Yalta from the Darsan hill).

Approximate scheme of underground tunnels under the Crimea
Approximate scheme of underground tunnels under the Crimea

Approximate scheme of underground tunnels under the Crimea.

This is not just about bases and undergrounds, but about a huge system of underground waters and rivers that form caves and tunnels, flowing under the Crimea for tens and hundreds of kilometers. It has been scientifically proven that underground fresh water flows into the Black Sea under Cape Aya. Experiments with water staining also show that underground waters move tens of kilometers under the Crimea.

More about the race of humanoids: this is the race of Giants growing from 3 to 5 meters (their children are from 2 meters in height), which, due to the change in gravity on planet Earth after cataclysms, can no longer walk freely and easily on surface, so the surviving individuals of their population switched to an underwater lifestyle, having adapted to new conditions - something like Ichthyander, an amphibian man. They swim under water without any visible scuba gear or masks, but they have webbed fins. It is possible, of course, that they constantly live on some other planet, and visit their Crimean underground bases on their vehicles from time to time, on a rotational basis. Perhaps some of their limited population lives in huge dungeons under the Crimea all the time.

Places of entrances and bases: mountains near Cape Aya behind Balaklava (where they are most often found); Ayu-Dag; Chatyr-Dag; Karabi-yayla; the area of Cape Meganom, mountains near Sudak near the village of Morskoye; paleovolcano Kara-Dag (the creature "Blackie" is most often found there).

In the area of the village of Morskoye, a few years ago there was a case when these Amphibious Giants rescued a drowning man and brought him to their underwater base, to their underwater world. By the way, the tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin about Tsar Saltan, where there are 33 sea heroes and "Uncle Chernomor" with them - all this was not born out of an empty place and not out of pure fantasy, but has been known to people since ancient times.

One of the entrances to their communications system is located in the underwater rocks near Cape Aya at a shallow depth of about 40 meters. Once scuba divers noticed how these amphibious giants dive there.

They also saw (and even photographed) them diving into the water and emerging from under the water aircraft. Moreover, they are not at all afraid of the so-called "sea serpent" of the Black Sea. It seems that these giants, like the alien humanoids, have been living with an intelligent race of underground-underwater serpentoids (snakes) under the Crimea "side by side" for hundreds and thousands, maybe millions of years.

Moreover, this is the same race of Giant humanoids-amphibians, the observations of which were recorded not only here near the Crimea, but also on Lake Baikal, in some other water bodies of Asia, in particular, in the Caspian Sea, in Lake Issyk-Kul. Because in all of these places they have an underground underwater infrastructure and a long network of tunnels, places where they hide from our surface civilization.

In 1982, there was a real attempt to catch these giant "swimmers" on Lake Baikal in a net, which ended in failure: the divers were thrown to the surface with a powerful impulse, suffered from barotrauma and were taken to the Irkutsk hospital. I have always thought for years (and they wrote about it) that this was a bike, until a person who personally knew from the hospital workers about this reliable case came to me.

The appearance of the heads of giant swimmers, often seen in the area of Cape Aya, is a drawing by a witness, a diesel operator, a recreation center "Cape Aya" Vasily Ivanovich
The appearance of the heads of giant swimmers, often seen in the area of Cape Aya, is a drawing by a witness, a diesel operator, a recreation center "Cape Aya" Vasily Ivanovich

The appearance of the heads of giant swimmers, often seen in the area of Cape Aya, is a drawing by a witness, a diesel operator, a recreation center "Cape Aya" Vasily Ivanovich.

In August-September 1978, a successful special operation was carried out on Lake Baikal, during which it was possible to shoot down one of their unmanned aerial vehicles with rockets. Vyacheslav K., a physicist, a former employee of the secret organization of the military-industrial complex-department-"box" at the Kiev Research Institute of Electric Welding named after E. O. Patona, who lives in the Crimea, in Simferopol and personally examined the wreckage of the downed disk.

For this purpose, a pair of MiG-25PD interceptors specially equipped for hunting UFOs, which were the fastest in the world at that time, were brought to the Ulan-Ude-Vostochny airfield specially from the Sokol airfield of the Gorky aircraft plant.

The disk, which was shot down near the coastline in the area of the village of Ust-Barguzin (by the way, the deepest point of Lake Baikal is nearby), was doing a strange thing: it was sowing blue-green algae in Baikal (I wonder why they need it?).

The debris of the shattered disk collapsed into Baikal and was lifted ashore by divers, no ordinary radiation was recorded from them (it was immediately measured), but still people who were near the debris and participated in their transportation suffered from unknown radiation, up to fatal outcomes for some.

After the fall, foam remained on the surface of the water, samples of which were also collected and sent for analysis. The disk drive was based on a powerful toroidal superconductor and a ferromagnet alloy, which we do not have. The bodies of the crew members were not found, as it was an automatic probe.

All these debris were sealed into metal barrels, and what was larger was loaded with a crane, and on KRAZ they were taken to the railway station in the Ulan-Ude region, and from there - into a closed "box" - p / box A-1645 of the Ministry of General Machine Building (IOM) to the secret island of Gorodomlya in the Kalinin (now Tver) region, to the so-called Ostashkov-3 (now the ZATO "Solnechny" with NPO Zvezda and a research center).

There, the wreckage was examined for some time with special precautions in an underground laboratory, and then they were preserved - they were buried out of harm's way due to radiation in the undergrounds of the Degelen mountain massif at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site in Kazakhstan - where there are a lot of tunnels for underground nuclear tests. It is very convenient to hide incomprehensible radiation among the already known and massive radioactive emissions from hundreds of nuclear explosions. The nuclear test site, with its radiation, is an ideal cover from foreign technical intelligence.

Gorodomlya Island, closed administrative-territorial unit (ZATO) "Solnechny", former PO Box A-1645 IOM, now NPO Zvezda
Gorodomlya Island, closed administrative-territorial unit (ZATO) "Solnechny", former PO Box A-1645 IOM, now NPO Zvezda

Gorodomlya Island, closed administrative-territorial unit (ZATO) "Solnechny", former PO Box A-1645 IOM, now NPO Zvezda.

A satellite photo in the northeastern part of the Zvezda NPO on Gorodomlya Island shows a clear entrance to underground structures, a small square ventilation shaft (air duct) and a large round ventilation shaft with a diameter of about 8 meters. Clear signs of large underground structures.

In general, you can’t even imagine how many things about UFOs and aliens are classified in our country, and even more in the Americans, and throughout the world. Most likely, all this information, alas, will never become the property of the general public, which is very sad!

So, the military, the KGB and special services even in the Soviet years knew very well about the activity of UFOs, NGOs and these newcomers both in the Black Sea, off the coast of Crimea near Ayu-Dag (Bear Mountain), and on Lake Baikal. And there, and there in 1978, within the framework of the secret program "Setka-MO / AN", places were equipped on the territory of military units to monitor these objects. In particular, special powerful searchlights with special arcs were delivered to these units to illuminate the aliens diving and emerging from the water.

In Crimea, it was part of the border guards near the village of Frunzenskoe (now Partenit), and on Lake Baikal - the coastal part in the village of Ust-Barguzin. Do not forget that all border units belonged to the USSR KGB system! A real UFO hunt was organized, which was the real, main goal of the "Grid" project, which ended in a very successful operation to intercept and shoot down an unmanned disk on Lake Baikal. And not only there.

Officially, however, nothing fell into the hands of our specialists. From the rank and file performers and participants of the "Grid" project (even the majority of high-ranking scientists, generals and colonels) they concealed everything! Horrible, and still as horrible! There were quite a few cases of accidents of DOP. And they shot them down more than once, both in the USSR, since the end of the summer of 1978, and in the USA, as well as in a number of other countries. The resulting whole devices and fragments with fragments were taken out for research in different places, for example, to research centers in the European part of Russia, including in the Moscow region (Dubna, Zhukovsky), as well as to the Urals (Mount Yamantau).

I perceive hiding information as a conspiracy of a narrow corporate elite, hiding alien technologies and all information about them, against the rest of humanity. To "skim the cream" from these technologies (although they are not always understood, deciphered and copied-reproduced). Secret space programs have existed for a long time, and what we are shown and told about the official space exploration thanks to NASA and Roskosmos is a cover for the public and a diversion.

- Do you have any documented cases of contacts of Crimean residents with aliens?

- Of course there is, and not only with aliens. Just how can they be “documented”, and what is “documented”?

An acquaintance of mine, Tatiana from Simferopol, in 1996 tried to “document” her story. After her long prayers to the aliens for help, the milky-skinned humanoids flew in and healed of a hopeless stroke. She hid parts of the medical instruments used to treat her in her apartment. The "dish", which looked like a beautiful device in the form of a disc with lights, hung right in front of its windows at night.

Only the aliens turned out to be not so naive and competently cleaned out all this material evidence - once Tatyana simply did not find the hidden artifacts. I can't help but believe her: she swore by her granddaughter that all this was true, and asked for complete anonymity. An absolutely sane woman, absolutely not inclined to seek fame and to write.

Through the implant inserted by Tatiana, she was "shown" stunning views of underground bases, how they work and how they work, underground and underwater structures and humanoid factories near Crimea! They also demonstrated films, as we say, about the "achievements of their national economy", namely: types of various ships of cigar-shaped, disc-shaped and other forms, types of opening hatches into dungeons and tunnels, through which they descend to underground bases under the Crimean peninsula and from "plates". They showed how humanoid creatures of gigantic stature float out of disguised doors in the rocks into the Black Sea. Once they even showed an underground plant with an automated line, which assembles disc-shaped apparatus (DOP). They showed how these discs penetrate directly into the ground, loosening the soil under them.

I am also well acquainted with Anastasia A. living in Simferopol, who, in the late 1990s and the very early 2000s, according to her, tall humanoids with bald heads, large faceted eyes and extremely pale skin were taken to their underground bases under mountains Chatyr-Dag, Ayu-Dag.

They entered there aboard the vehicle through sliding rocks and underwater entrances. Moreover, one of the abductions of Anastasia (abductions) took place in a crowded place, right near Moskovskaya Square in Simferopol. The time, however, was late, and there were few people on the street.

Anastasia's memory of her contacts (were repeated) was erased by about 60%. The woman also absolutely does not seek fame, she is afraid to talk about it out of fear that she will be mistaken for a madman and put in a psychiatric hospital.

I managed to talk to her in detail: no signs of writing, no search for fame, everything is exactly the opposite. My colleagues also met with her separately, and she gave the impression of an absolutely sincere woman. In her testimonies, she described in detail the base under Bear Mountain (Ayu-Dag) and its structure: inside the mountain there are underground lakes, an extensive and long system of dungeons, grottoes and tunnels, a hangar for "plates" that stand on 3 pillars, and humanoids walked along the outer rim of the disks, performing some kind of repair or adjustment work.

Nearby, in those caves, a monster crawled - the "sea serpent" we know. It was so scary there that she almost got a heart attack. She was also taken to some other planet, with a different composition of soil. The ship on which it was transported seemed to dive "into the Sun", apparently passing through a portal or some kind of spatial tunnel - the so-called "worm" passage in space.

In August 2004, another friend of mine, Maria Sorokoumova from Simferopol, was taken aboard the DOP by creatures in the form of tall upright reptiles, assisted by undersized biorobots of the "Gray" type. She underwent a medical examination, had implants inserted, and an egg was removed. Then they brought me to the wall, where there were many small children in the flasks. These reptiles create hybrids and massively populate planets with them, including ours. And there are already quite a lot of such hybrids among earthlings.

Maria was not chosen for contact by chance: she is from an orphanage, she has neither a dad nor a mother. Even if she were missing, no one would really miss her.

Maria told and drew everything very convincingly, she did not look for fame and fame, which she immediately said. Nevertheless, I insisted that in 2013 take her to Moscow on the Russia-1 TV channel and take part in the filming of the “Delo-X” program, where she was tested by a professional with a polygraph - to what extent her testimony can be believed. The check showed that she believed in what she was saying: no signs of deliberate deception or hoax were found. And I quite believe her too.

Reptilians with Maria Sorokoumova on board
Reptilians with Maria Sorokoumova on board

Reptilians with Maria Sorokoumova on board.

In the image on the left - reptilians and their biorobots, gray humanoids. In the photo on the right - Lidia Velizheva and Maria Sorokoumova, host of the Delo-X program on the Russia-1 TV channel. Photo of the author, taken in the building of the Russia-1 TV channel, Moscow, st. Sergei Eisenstein, 8, 2013
In the image on the left - reptilians and their biorobots, gray humanoids. In the photo on the right - Lidia Velizheva and Maria Sorokoumova, host of the Delo-X program on the Russia-1 TV channel. Photo of the author, taken in the building of the Russia-1 TV channel, Moscow, st. Sergei Eisenstein, 8, 2013

In the image on the left - reptilians and their biorobots, gray humanoids. In the photo on the right - Lidia Velizheva and Maria Sorokoumova, host of the Delo-X program on the Russia-1 TV channel. Photo of the author, taken in the building of the Russia-1 TV channel, Moscow, st. Sergei Eisenstein, 8, 2013.

In 2006, another friend of mine, Vladimir Petrovich S., born in 1975, from the Krasnoperekopsky district of the Crimean peninsula, according to him, flew a UFO and visited a planet with two suns, orange and red, located in the Pleiades star cluster in the constellation Taurus and inhabited by creatures of tall stature, more than 2 meters.

He described his visit and stay on the planet in every detail, with detailed physical sensations (less oxygen, reduced gravity). He was offered to stay there, but he refused. Now he regrets it and says that now he would definitely agree. But alas, they flew to him only once.

These aliens are taller than ours because their planet has much less gravity. Classic "Nordic" type - there are many descriptions of contact with such humanoids. Their skin is pale whitish in color, since there is no such solar radiation as ours, and you can even look at their main sun without squinting (similar to the spectral type K0V or a red dwarf).

Their blood is also red, like ours. I also asked Vladimir:

To my repeated requests to confess to a fiction, he stubbornly stands on his own: "Fir-trees, sticks, I'm not inventing anything, everything was exactly like that!"

This person is also not looking for any fame, and at the first meeting he immediately asked for anonymity (no television and all that). He lives in a village where there are few people and everyone knows each other, and there is a completely different attitude towards eccentrics than in the city. He found no motives for writing. He is an absolutely sober man, does not drink and has a stable psyche (he served in an airborne company in the army).

I have been interviewing him for years, periodically calling and visiting, clarifying the details. The dreamer would have been lying long ago. I explored the Pleiades region using the RedShift computer program and the SolStation website. According to the location and characteristics of Vladimir, only one binary star system is suitable: HD 24844 (according to the catalog of Henry Draper), but it is a very long distance to it: 117 light years, or 36 parsecs.

It is hard to imagine that from such a huge distance someone flies to us, and, moreover, as they stated, protects us from other, dangerous and hostile civilizations. Nevertheless, it seems that this is exactly the case (unless, of course, this "contact" was originally implanted into Vladimir's consciousness in the form of a "matrix" to hide a completely different contact without any pleasant excursion to another planet).

Something like this looked like the aliens in contact with Vladimir S. in 2006
Something like this looked like the aliens in contact with Vladimir S. in 2006

Something like this looked like the aliens in contact with Vladimir S. in 2006.

There is another interesting case that happened in the 1990s. Then I was shocked by the honest and convincing story of a completely ingenuous former shepherd Alexei Romanovich Bodnya, who lived in the village of Molodyozhnoye near Simferopol. While smoking a cigar, he quite calmly told how, back in 1947 (when the famous panic around the "plates" just began in the USA), at the age of 14, in the Krasnoarmeisky district of the Kokchetav region of Kazakhstan, he witnessed an emergency landing of a beautiful "plate" for repairs, which I described in all technical details.

The crew of the "saucer" consisted of four very tall humanoids - about 3 meters. Three of them went outside, and the fourth remained inside the apparatus. The repair lasted all night, and the shepherd communicated directly with the crew, they even took him in their arms and showed the insides of their ship.

And then an implant was inserted into him, and since 1990 these contacts have continued, but at a telepathic level. Moreover, the shepherd described his entire experience in verse: he wrote the entire notebook in verse form. Here, for example, what he wrote about the "plate":

The most offensive thing is that we could have physical evidence of this emergency landing and this unique, outstanding contact for all of Humanity! After all, after the repair, there was a small part, unnecessary for humanoids, from their disc, which the shepherd buried in a forest belt near the field. He remembered this place well and rushed to Kazakhstan to find and dig it up, presenting it as evidence. But neither we nor Alexei Romanovich, a simple pensioner with a meager pension, in the 1990s did not have enough funds to travel to Kazakhstan.

And then, at the very beginning of the 2000s, the old man died, and the thread was cut off. This is how the artifact, invaluable to mankind, was lost! So the fragment from an alien disc still lies somewhere in the area of the villages of Bakhmut and Multicolor in the Krasnoarmeisky district of the Kokchetav region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. If anyone wants - let him comb the forest belts with a mine detector, maybe he will find this "needle in a haystack."

I was greatly impressed by Lyubov Fedorovna Skripkina, who moved to the village of Molochnoe near Yevpatoria from the Kherson region, and previously lived in Northern Kazakhstan. She literally became a "laboratory mouse" and the object of constant experiments by UFO-navs.

Starting in 1957, she was abducted 2-3 times every year on board a disk-shaped aircraft. I emphasize: every year! She writes down each contact in detail in her diaries. I happened to see a thick pile of these diaries, read them, copy and study them. To come up with what is written there, in my opinion, is simply impossible.

There are other witnesses who confirm the abductions of Lyubov Fedorovna: for example, her brother also saw the "plate" and UFO-Navts. I also took Lyubov Fedorovna to Moscow, where she was tested on a polygraph. Result: no signs of deception were found, she absolutely believes in what she said and wrote.

The crew of the device in the form of a disk, where she was taken, consisted of creatures dressed in tight black overalls and outwardly absolutely identical to people. At the same time, her memory was completely erased, at times the aliens left only separate pieces in her memory, sometimes they narrowed her field of view when they took her aboard the ship: for example, she could hardly see directly, and there was fog on the sides.

The attitude of the newcomers to her was absolutely unceremonious: they used psychozombification, suggestion (suggestion), hypnosis with might and main, completely subordinate to their will. Most likely, this cannot be considered alien contacts: there are too many cases of rotational abductions.

It is quite obvious that it is not an alien civilization that is involved here, but some kind of parallel world of the planet Earth or chronauts - guests from the future. Moreover, their behavior, their entire appearance (no signs of mimicry were found) and psyche are similar to ours.

Probably, in the distant future, people will have some kind of problems with genetics, and they will need such travel back in time to adjust their gene pool. By the way, Lyubov Fyodorovna gave birth to a son to the newcomers, whom they took from her forever!

There was another case in 1976, when the driver of the Kerch glass container plant named Nikolai was taken, according to him, on a ship in the form of a thick washer to the lunar base. Moreover, humanoids also outwardly did not differ in any way from people. This case was studied by my colleagues in 1981. The meeting was attended by a psychiatrist who, after listening to the narrator, immediately diagnosed him with Kondinsky-Clerambault syndrome. But this is hardly the case: the story is very convincing and replete with such details that it was difficult to come up with a person with secondary education in the late 1970s and at the very beginning of the 1980s (the dimensions of the ship are larger inside than outside; a sharp border between light and shadow in a vacuum, a strange ray - the so-called "solid light").

Nikolai also claims that they are among us and go unnoticed. Who are they? People hired forever by aliens, originally born in their midst and already belonging to their culture, and not to ours? Complex humanoid cyborg biorobots? Or is it just such a humanoid civilization, genetically related to us? It is hard to say.

There are, of course, deceivers, dreamers caught in a lie: we quickly figure out such. But Baron Munchausen simply "rests" when compared with modern myth-makers! Sometimes it comes to serious mental disorders and frankly psychiatric, clinical cases.

- Are you aware of the artifacts found in the Crimea, presumably of alien origin?

- Information about such artifacts is known, although I myself am not a witness to this myself, and I cannot 100% confirm its reliability. For example, there is information that on the top of Mount Svyataya of the ancient paleovolcano Kara-Dag there was allegedly a plate that healed people from ancient times. In 1974, it was dismantled by the KGB of the USSR and taken away by helicopter in an unknown direction. After that, a substitution was made for an already ordinary, earthly, and unremarkable slab.

Although, of course, there are many fictions. For example, completely fictitious by "yellow" journalists (and got on many Internet sites) frankly false information that the USSR air defense allegedly shot down a "saucer" in the Crimea near Cape Meganom, after which some debris allegedly remained from it.

Such events actually took place, but not in Crimea, but in completely different places of the USSR: Baikal (1978), eastern Kazakhstan (1978), Moscow region (1981). The attitude towards aliens and such Crimean pseudo-“artifacts” as cave drawings allegedly with UFOs (remakes), stone “butterflies” on the Karabi plateau (remnants of the marking of an old artillery range), “runestone” from Opuk (forgery of the 19th century) is completely far-fetched. … Be careful! There are a lot of fakes and complete nonsense on the Internet!

- I would like to know your opinion about the skeletons with elongated skulls found in the Crimea.

- They were found not only in Crimea, but also in many regions of the planet Earth. My opinion is unambiguous and similar to the opinion of other researchers: earthlings tried to imitate aliens and artificially deformed, disfigured the skulls of babies, pulling their skulls off. A small proportion of these skulls belong to hybrids.

Who did you imitate? There is such a race - a civilization in the system of the star HD 38858 (according to the catalog of Henry Draper) in the constellation Orion, 50 light years away, a solar-type star, spectral class - G4V. This is just in the region of Orion's belt, slightly to the left and below the extreme left star of the belt - Alnitak. Remember that the three pyramids in Egypt on the Giza plateau show the reflection of the "Orion belt" on the earth. And one of the mines of the main pyramid in Giza is oriented precisely towards the Alnitaka region.

So, they are tall, elongated skulls and bluish skin with a lot of copper (blood on hemocyanin). In ancient times, they actively visited the Earth and were shown to people (ancient Egypt, India, South America and other regions), there is a lot of evidence for this in the form of drawings of humanoids with elongated skulls and bluish skin (for example, ancient Egyptian frescoes and legends of ancient India about blue-skinned gods) …

Now they are conducting covert surveillance of our civilization. I got this information from various sources. There are even their reincarnants - representatives on Earth among people, with one such representative, now in the body of an ordinary earthly woman, I know, and she does not hide it! If this theory and information are incorrect, I would be grateful for a detailed, competent and well-grounded refutation.

- Are there any recorded facts of crop circles appearing on the territory of the peninsula?

- Alas, but I do not know such facts specifically in Crimea. I am not a fan of sensations and I will not embellish anything: what I don’t know, I don’t know. And I try to be very responsible in presenting information. For, as the famous ufologist B. A. Shurinov: "The most difficult thing in ufology is to stay honest."

For example, there was one case when an acquaintance of mine allegedly found such "circles" in the area of the village of Krasny Mak, Bakhchisarai district. We quickly arrived there and it turned out that it was just a downpour of cereals, but there really were no "circles". But my good friend, a well-known researcher from Sevastopol, hydronaut Anatoly Tarasovich Tanygin-Tavrichesky, published the following on this occasion:

The story is, of course, interesting. But whether it was so, or not quite so, I cannot confirm. It is quite possible that something from what Anatoly Tarasovich took for drawings from the side would look differently, more prosaically from above. But it was not possible to look at and photograph them from above, so without photographs it is not a fact for me.

- Thank you for your openness and this amazing, interesting interview.

Interview by Elena Krumbo