Beautiful Good Wizards: The Mystery Of The Ancient Tribe Toda, Lost In The Blue Mountains - Alternative View

Beautiful Good Wizards: The Mystery Of The Ancient Tribe Toda, Lost In The Blue Mountains - Alternative View
Beautiful Good Wizards: The Mystery Of The Ancient Tribe Toda, Lost In The Blue Mountains - Alternative View

Video: Beautiful Good Wizards: The Mystery Of The Ancient Tribe Toda, Lost In The Blue Mountains - Alternative View

Video: Beautiful Good Wizards: The Mystery Of The Ancient Tribe Toda, Lost In The Blue Mountains - Alternative View
Video: 10 Signs You're Actually Normal.. 2024, October

They say that according to statistics there are 9 guys for 10 girls. But in the mysterious Toda tribe, the opposite is true - there are a hundred men for 20 women. An amazing people live in the Blue Mountains in the south of India. Its origin, language and culture have not yet been solved by anthropologists. The Toda themselves believe that their distant ancestors arrived on Earth from the constellation of the Bull, worship buffaloes, keep magical knowledge and still preach the cult of women.

The Toda tribe lives in the Blue Mountains of India, has about a thousand people
The Toda tribe lives in the Blue Mountains of India, has about a thousand people

The Toda tribe lives in the Blue Mountains of India, has about a thousand people

For the first time, the Toda tribe became known in the 17th century; Portuguese navigators were their pioneers. The second time they were discovered by the British already in the 19th century, and since then scientists have begun to solve the mysteries associated with the origin of this unusual ethnic group. Toda's appearance is not typical for India, their skin is lighter in color, and their eyes are often green or brown. The blood formula is also different and indicates that this people is alien. Anthropologists have several versions regarding their origin: the ancestors of the Todas could have been the ancient Sumerians, who once founded a "colony" in India, the Dravidians, Scythians, and even the Lemurians, whose mainland sank to the bottom of the ocean in prehistoric times. During ritual acts, the Toda use a special language, "kvorzha", which could not be attributed to any of the linguistic groups known to science. Colloquial speech is close to Tamil and Malayal (Dravidian family).

Mysterious Toda tribe
Mysterious Toda tribe

Mysterious Toda tribe

The buffalo is considered a sacred animal in the Toda tribe. The animals are bred solely for the sake of milk (the Toda are vegetarians), each person has his own buffalo, which is kept in a special tiriri pen. On the territory of the corral there is a secret temple, which can only be entered by priests, here they take turns conducting services (each service lasts about three months, during which time the priest does not leave the temple). Toda believe that at birth, the soul of a person settles in his body, and the spirit in the body of a buffalo. After the death of the owner of the buffalo, the animal is also killed, the head is cut off, the carcass is buried in the ground, and the body of the deceased is burned above it. It is believed that the spirit of the buffalo will take the soul of the deceased to the constellation of the Bull. The ashes are collected in a special pot, which is then kept in the house, and at the cremation site they leave the head of a buffalo and never come here again.

Toda women
Toda women

Toda women

Toda women
Toda women

Toda women

Toda have a special attitude towards women. Before marriage, girls are given complete freedom, before polygamous marriages were commonplace, when several brothers had one wife. It is noteworthy that the decision on marriage is made when the woman is pregnant, but if the child's father does not meet the criteria for an ideal husband, then at the 7th month of pregnancy the young lady can change her chosen one, while the man does not dare to refuse her marriage. Girls "in position" are considered the most enviable brides. A husband can ask for a divorce only in two cases: if the wife is stupid or lazy, although the stronger sex does most of the housework. Divorce proceedings are simple: if the wife leaves for another, the "lucky man" pays compensation in the amount of 6 buffaloes to the abandoned husband.

Traditionally, the house is decorated with the image of buffalo horns
Traditionally, the house is decorated with the image of buffalo horns

Traditionally, the house is decorated with the image of buffalo horns

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Home construction
Home construction

Home construction

It is believed that representatives of the Toda tribe have special healing abilities, they can heal with a touch of the hand or with charmed milk. In their community, there are isolated cases of theft, there is practically no self-interest and envy, and they do not know weapons. In short, these are "beautiful good wizards", as the writer Helena Blavatskaya called them, who visited the Blue Mountains in 1852.

Toda women
Toda women

Toda women