220 Years Ago, A UFO Visit Was Documented In Karelia - Alternative View

220 Years Ago, A UFO Visit Was Documented In Karelia - Alternative View
220 Years Ago, A UFO Visit Was Documented In Karelia - Alternative View

Video: 220 Years Ago, A UFO Visit Was Documented In Karelia - Alternative View

Video: 220 Years Ago, A UFO Visit Was Documented In Karelia - Alternative View
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The famous Karelian scientist-historian Mikhail Dankov submitted for publication to the Internet magazine "Respublika" a drawn image of a mysterious celestial phenomenon that took place in the Olonets province in the 80s of the 18th century.

According to him, about ten years ago, in 2003, while working in the department of manuscripts at the Russian National Library of St. document.

First, it is an undated report to the provincial board of the Vytegorsk police captain (the city of Vytegra, now part of the Vologda region, was then the district center of the Olonets province).

The head of the local police informs the governor that in his subordinate district on the Belozersky churchyard on April 10, an unknown year, at about 1:00 am, “there was a vision of four stripes and four suns … between the east (sunrise) a real evening sun with large stripes appeared and its smaller two circles even vanishing, three suns below the middle sun … at the very circle there is a half moon (?) sun."


“To my happiness,” recalls Mikhail Yuryevich, “a second document was also attached to this confused description - a drawing of a heavenly phenomenon carefully made in colored paints on a sheet of excellent“Alexandrian”paper of approximately modern A3 format. An unknown author has depicted an indescribably marvelous picture of several iridescent ellipses, suns, round and triangular light sources intertwining in the sky, emitting rays. At the same time, the ellipses were not rainbow, but of a special gamut - blue-yellow-red-green. Frankly, I was shocked, I realized that I had a sensation in my hands. I copied the image of the vision as best I could.

Upon returning home, I posted a note about this in the newspaper "Petrozavodsk", one ufologist from St. Petersburg called me about this, questioned, clarified. On this, as they say, all the hype ended. True, my acquaintances later told me that allegedly “in that area, near Vytegra, such phenomena are constantly observed, which are attributed to the traces of missile launches from the Plesetsk cosmodrome”. But what kind of rockets could have been in Derzhavin's time?"

Mikhail Dankov has no doubts: the Olonets governor got acquainted with the news of the Vytegorsk vision, because he was a lover of everything unusual. And it is not at all by chance that in Derzhavin's ode of 1784 “God” there appeared the lines: “As the sparks are streaming down, striving, so the suns will be born from You …” When reading the ode, it sometimes seems that the poet, a deeply religious person, was fascinated and inspired by a heavenly divine sign.

Promotional video:

“Almost ten years have passed since the discovery at the Derzhavin Foundation, a kind of anniversary. It is a pity if this story at the junction of ufology and poetry sinks into the archival oblivion. Using the possibilities of the Internet, I would like, with the help of the "Respublika", to awaken public attention to the topic again, to hear the comments of specialists, ufologists, to invite all interested and informed persons, including Vytegorsk and Vologda residents, to the discussion. How, interestingly, are they doing now with unidentified flying objects and celestial visions? " - the historian shared.