Verbal Impact - What The Word - Alternative View

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Verbal Impact - What The Word - Alternative View
Verbal Impact - What The Word - Alternative View

Video: Verbal Impact - What The Word - Alternative View

Video: Verbal Impact - What The Word - Alternative View
Video: How to discuss a topic in a group 2024, October

Some time ago, scientists from different countries decided to find out what effect a word has on a person, moreover, not only spoken by others, but also by himself. The power of the word was known in ancient times. Our ancestors took their promises very seriously, they tried not to "throw words down the drain." Great importance was attached to ritual wishes (for example, wedding toasts) and no one had any doubts about the power of a verbal curse.

The ancients believed that a word can kill or heal. However, the development of technical progress has pushed such ideas into the realm of superstition. And only quite recently scientists again began to show interest in the "myths and fairy tales" of antiquity.

Researchers from different countries conducted experiments with plants, some of which were scolded or allowed to listen to aggressive music, while others, on the contrary, were praised or "accustomed to the classics." Those plants, which were constantly praised, began to grow rapidly, bloomed profusely. Flowers exposed to negative effects withered over time. All this indicates that the word can have a certain effect not only on plants, but also on any living organism.


That is why wise people recommend that you carefully monitor every word spoken, since a person's speech can affect his future life in a certain way. For example, if a person often says the phrase “I have no time,” then he programs himself to be in an eternal rush. Troubles begin to happen to him, taking time and effort.

An unfulfilled promise damages more than just a person's reputation. The energy structures of the subtle body suffer. A negative impact is caused by deliberate lies, slander, the desire to gossip. Perpetual complaints and discontent with the surrounding world can be attributed to the same category. A person who concentrates exclusively on the negative aspects of life attracts even more trouble. There is only one remedy for this - more positive!

Karmic impact

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People who often use negative words in relation to loved ones engage in criticism, spoil their karma. Specialists in the field of esotericism warn that any negative words that will be said to the opponent will then return in the opposite direction, and this will happen without fail. It should also be noted that a person who often uses negative words in relation to others charges himself with destructive energy, which does not allow him to develop, settles down as a heavy burden in the subconscious.


It is completely wrong for those people who scold their children and tell them that they will not achieve anything in life, that they will not succeed. All of these phrases, even those spoken with a “didactic” purpose, can lead to future failures in the lives of children, who will form the wrong idea about their abilities from a young age. This “loser program” will be very difficult to fight.

Abusive words also have an extremely negative effect on a person, moreover, they destroy not only the soul, but also the appearance. Swear words have a particularly strong influence on women, who often use them in everyday speech. The face of such women becomes coarser, more masculine, signs of premature aging appear.