The Power Of A Word Or To Influence The Future Mentally - Alternative View

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The Power Of A Word Or To Influence The Future Mentally - Alternative View
The Power Of A Word Or To Influence The Future Mentally - Alternative View

Video: The Power Of A Word Or To Influence The Future Mentally - Alternative View

Video: The Power Of A Word Or To Influence The Future Mentally - Alternative View
Video: The Power of Words | Taylor Bertolini | TEDxNSU 2024, October

The power of thought is the most powerful factor that is able to control actions, life, and even the future. Parapsychologists say that a person who knows how to control his thoughts is also able to control the most difficult life situation.

The quality of our life is determined by how we feel and what we think about. Positive thinking can have a huge impact on the general condition and future of a person, this also applies to negative thoughts. Scientists say that even in the most difficult moments, you should lather positively. And this is far from mysticism, with the right attitude, the human brain works more efficiently.

The power of a word. Alena's eyewitness account

It was June 2004. A graduation party, fun, joy and an endless ocean of the most positive emotions. Me and four of my best classmates, Alina, Rita, Ivan and Roman, decided to conduct a simple experiment. Each of us wrote on a piece of paper about who he wants to become in the future. We hid five pieces of paper in a glass beer bottle, sealed them securely and buried them outside the village.

Ten years have passed. Meeting of graduates. However, our company thinned out, Ivan did not come. Everyone knew the reason for his absence. After school, he went to the army, and after the army decided to pursue a military career. Ivan became a contract peacekeeper. In doing his duty, he was killed either in Somalia or in Nigeria. Ivana was very sorry, always cheerful with a sense of humor, he was the soul of our company.


We unearthed the bottle and began reading the notes aloud. I dreamed of becoming a translator, and I work as a sales assistant for household appliances. Alina dreamed of becoming a primary school teacher, and her dream came true, however, during the prom, she knew that she would enter the pedagogical faculty. We all laughed loudly when we read Rita's note - she dreamed of becoming the head of a bank, it didn't work out, she got pregnant while still at the institute, and now her job is a housewife! Roman wanted to become a policeman, but he remained to live in the village and now works as a tractor driver for a local farmer. It was the turn of Ivan's note, we all read with horror the terrible phrase: "And I will be gone" …

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Specialist comment

There is no mysticism here. If a person constantly thinks about death, she will definitely overtake him. As a rule, such people do not monitor their health and behave carelessly in life-threatening situations.

Ivan's death on the battlefield is a vivid example of this. War requires maximum attention and positive emotions. Constantly thinking about death, the instinct of self-preservation disappears, and death is inevitable.