More About Safety Rules When Meeting With UFOs - Alternative View

More About Safety Rules When Meeting With UFOs - Alternative View
More About Safety Rules When Meeting With UFOs - Alternative View

Video: More About Safety Rules When Meeting With UFOs - Alternative View

Video: More About Safety Rules When Meeting With UFOs - Alternative View
Video: Classified UFO report to be released to U.S. Congress 2024, September

Continuing the article: "How to behave when encountering a UFO?"

If it seems to you that you hear and see “something” inviting you to leave the Earth, firstly, sit down, take a calm posture, head, neck, back - in one line. Breathe deeply, evenly, close your eyes, relax. Place your hands on your knees, palms up. Secondly, slowly three times repeat to yourself: "I am here and now, I am an earthly man." Thirdly, say the Russian prayer "Our Father" or chant the Indian "Mantra om" as you exhale ("Oh-oh-oh-oh-m"), If you are going to visit anomalous zones, then remember that you must be accompanied by specialists who have the practice of using quartz watches to control time anomalies, a Geiger counter, and other devices for checking the state of the environment. Don't risk it yourself. We consider it necessary to warn adventurers against a frivolous attitude towards staying in an

The development of life on Earth has been controlled by highly developed civilizations for many thousands of years. We have to agree with the brilliant Kaluga teacher K. E. Tsiolkovsky that earthly mankind is as far in its development from more perfect planetary beings as the lower animals are from people.

The evolution of life on Earth continues, but our earthly science still does not have a single point of view on the formation of the solar system, and, as a result, it is impossible, accordingly, to predict its further fate. According to K. E. Tsiolkovsky, our conditional place among other developed civilizations is one two hundred and five thousandth. As you can see, we are in a relatively infancy.

In general, the general data on UFOs is minuscule in comparison with the giant iceberg, many facets of which are still hidden from human sight. The ongoing processes associated with unidentified flying objects become understandable if you accept the doctrine of Eastern philosophy that a person, like the entire Cosmos, is a complex energy system, and his consciousness is a kind of subtle energy.

So, we are children of the Cosmos. And this means that you need to be friends with all imaginable and inconceivable forms of life, be friends with various forms of mind, and not try to deny their existence or, even worse, fight them in any way. Humanity needs to look for brothers in reason.

First of all, we must know the laws of the universe. We were given good ethical commandments both in the Bible and in the Koran, and in the "Teaching of Living Ethics" ("Agni Yoga"), written by Helena Roerich.

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By the way, E. Blavatsky in "The Secret Doctrine", considering the structure of the Universe and the place of man in it, names seven stages of civilization development, gives them not in the form of energy levels, but a more capacious theory "The planetary chain, or seven races." It is noteworthy that they are based on a seven-fold code. And isn't it the key to understanding the evolution of earthly and other civilizations, the formation of planets, as well as explaining the appearance of UFOs at our guests?

An interesting hypothesis about the nine ancient rapids of the Dnieper. Scientists suggest that extraterrestrial civilizations laid information on the nine planets of the solar system in the Dnieper rapids.

Thus, the recognition of the superhuman nature of thinking behind the UFO phenomenon does not mean the defeat of our ideas about the world, but, on the contrary, indicates a realistic approach to it. It is better to know who you are dealing with than to refuse to see the truth.