UFO Over Canada - Alternative View

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UFO Over Canada - Alternative View
UFO Over Canada - Alternative View

A team of Canadian UFO researchers from Manitoba have never been able to identify the recent appearance of a mysterious UFO in the skies over Prince Edward Island

“More than 730 UFOs were seen in the skies over Canada last year, say Canadian ufologists. Flying saucers were most commonly observed in Ontario and British Columbia. These are the findings of the annual Canadian UFO Survey report, "prepared by the UFO Research Institute, headquartered in Winnipeg."

Over the 18 years during which the report was published, the largest number of observations of unidentified flying objects - 882 - fell on 2004. Most of the witnesses spoke about incomprehensible lights in the sky. The reports of classic flying saucers are now much less frequent than before.

The long, smoking spiral was captured on video by Tony and Marie Quigley from North Tryon. Researchers in Manitoba used digital equipment to enlarge the images, were able to isolate meteors, satellites and airplanes, but found no explanation for the object that was captured on film.

Specialists from Environment Canada and the Transportation Security Administration also scrupulously studied the video, but they could not explain the phenomenon.

Chris Rutkowski, head of the Winnipeg UFO Research Center, says Quigleys are one of hundreds of Canadians who see something in the sky every year that defies explanation. “Quigley witnessed a very interesting phenomenon. They were lucky to capture something really impressive."

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“More than 730 UFOs were seen in the skies over Canada last year, say Canadian ufologists. Flying saucers were most commonly observed in Ontario and British Columbia. These are the findings of the annual Canadian UFO Survey report, "prepared by the UFO Research Institute, headquartered in Winnipeg."

Over the 18 years during which the report was published, the largest number of observations of unidentified flying objects - 882 - fell on 2004. Most of the witnesses spoke about incomprehensible lights in the sky. The reports of classic flying saucers are now much less frequent than before.

But nevertheless they do. So, in early 2002, L'Acadie Nouvelle reported that dozens of people saw the same object over Inkerman. The UFO flew soundlessly, carried three bright lights on board and periodically hovered motionless.

Promotional video:

“Usually people who witnessed UFOs never tell anyone about this,” said UFO researcher Stanton Friedman. “In this case, these people mutually confirmed what they said, that is, the observation was a group. From the point of view of the scientist, this is very important circumstance. We can only guess what they saw. They did not see aliens

Somewhat earlier, an even more surprising phenomenon was recorded over Lake St. Louis, located west of Montreal.

Several tourists vacationing on the shore of the lake witnessed how first two disc-shaped UFOs swept over the lake. They flew noiselessly at an altitude of only a few tens of meters. When the "plates" disappeared from sight, the tourists noticed three helicopters, which were ordinary at first sight, in black color, moving in the same direction, almost above the water itself. They did not have any identification marks and, most importantly, flew just as completely silently, like ghosts.

As representatives of the military base located in those places later reported, the Air Force did not conduct any exercises in the indicated area at that time. In turn, experts from the Quebec UFO Association said that tourists witnessed the flight of alien vehicles disguised as terrestrial helicopters.

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Every year the problem of UFOs in society is discussed more and more actively. In addition to ufologists, traditionalist scientists, military men, and politicians are involved in the discussion. Last year, ex-Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellier, who personally saw the aliens in 2005, called on all countries in the world to disclose the technologies obtained from the fall of UFOs to protect the Earth from global warming.

"I want alien technology to be used, for example, to eliminate the effects of burning fossil fuels, which can save our planet," said Paul Hellier."

According to the ex-minister, alien ships move over vast distances using engines much more advanced than internal combustion engines. Therefore, countries that have been able to study such technologies based on the fragments of flying saucers should share them with the whole world.

The ex-minister believes that alternative energy sources from alien ships can replace oil and gas.

“We have to convince governments to release everything they know. Some of us suspect that we know technologies that could save our planet if they are used right now,”says Paul Hellier.

"Earlier, Hellier proposed to hold public hearings on the topic Contact with extraterrestrial civilizations in the Canadian parliament, but the deputies did not agree with the military's demand."