In New York, Traces Of An Ancient Slavic Civilization Were Found - Alternative View

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In New York, Traces Of An Ancient Slavic Civilization Were Found - Alternative View
In New York, Traces Of An Ancient Slavic Civilization Were Found - Alternative View

By order of the world behind the scenes, prehistoric artifacts were piled by Ernst Unknown ?!

The fragments of the ancient civilization "surfaced" after a violent storm. A lot of sand washed away from the Atlantic coast. Where earlier only the surface of basalt blocks could be seen, at low tide stone idols and monoliths with inscriptions in Old Slavic appeared. A mass of well-preserved artifacts are now just lying underfoot on the famous Brighton Beach in New York.

There are dozens of stones with bizarre faces, intricate patterns and hardly distinguishable inscriptions on Brighton Beach, and maybe more. Embankments of basalt boulders with traces of mechanical processing go into the sea. What else is hidden under the water, one can only guess. However, for a superficial analysis, there are enough artifacts lying within reach. All images are made in the same style. In bearded men, you can easily recognize Perun, Veles and other members of the "pagan politburo". Their hairy faces are completely uncharacteristic of Native American culture. The craftsmanship with which the stone work is done is also far superior to the examples of local ancient handicrafts. Curiosities are clearly from another world.

Amazingly, American scientists do not provide a sensational explanation for the sensation. The stones do not fit into the official history of the States. Accordingly, grants for their study are not issued, and archaeologists, together with historians, simply ignore their existence.

The inhabitants of Brighton Beach believe …
The inhabitants of Brighton Beach believe …

The inhabitants of Brighton Beach believe …

Fortunately, a stronghold of Soviet immigration, Brighton Beach is full of our inquisitive ex-compatriots. It was they who sent the photo of the artifacts to the director of the Institute of Ancient Slavic and Ancient Eurasian Civilization of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Academician Valery Chudinov.

- Similar images have already been sent to me from the other coast of the United States - from Los Angeles, - said the scientist. - The inscriptions that I managed to decipher are also identical. The translation into modern Russian gave the following texts: “Rus Yar”, “Temple of Yar”, “Temple of Mary”, “Mima Mary”, “Temple of the Sort”. In other words, before us is a former Russian sanctuary, which consisted of a complex of temples. By the way, for the natives, the place where New York was built was considered sacred.

When the Slavs sailed to America and at what point they left, Chudinov does not undertake to assert. Need a radiocarbon analysis of crafts.

Promotional video:

… that stepping on a stone idol is unfortunately
… that stepping on a stone idol is unfortunately

… that stepping on a stone idol is unfortunately

UFO did not fly close

Russian researchers agree that before us are traces of an antediluvian megalithic civilization - contemporaries of Cusco, Machu Picchu, Egyptian pyramids and Stonehenge. Contrary to the opinion accepted by official science, now more and more supporters are gaining a version that no one has carved or transported huge blocks. Megaliths - cast geo-concrete. This explains much better how ancient civilizations managed to build such huge structures. In addition, this version cuts off all nonsense such as the intervention of UFOs and priests, who, using the recitation of mantras, are capable of making multi-ton blocks weightless.

Who broke all this? Why is there no evidence of immigrants about the Cyclopean structures they met on the North American continent? The stones give the answer again. Their sinuous texture tells specialists about the effects of high temperatures. These are the case with a volcanic eruption and with the use of nuclear weapons. There were no volcanoes near New York. Is it a nuclear explosion after all? In many ancient Indian texts such as the "Mahabharata" and "Ramayana", it is described in detail about the wars that demigods, people and various mythical creatures waged with each other. They used weapons that destroyed cities and made large areas uninhabitable. It is as difficult to believe in this as in the ancient Slavs who colonized America.

The faces of the ancient gods …
The faces of the ancient gods …

The faces of the ancient gods …

Profitable hack

However, this is what Express Gazeta managed to dig through the bottom of the barrel. The first mention of faces on the rubble of granite appeared in 2010. Photographer Bruce Handy stumbled upon two images on the beach. And, surprised, he tried to find out the authorship from the New Yorkers. Even campaigned online.

People speculated that the granite scrap in Brighton Beach was most likely the remains of a city water reservoir, which was broken in 1903 and taken to the beach to build breakwaters. That is why holes from mounting elements are found on the blocks. Leakey, according to the locals, appeared there between 1976 and 1979. And they were whipped by an allegedly elderly eccentric foreigner.

Russian researcher Anton Sizykh made a sensational assumption: this man is the world famous sculptor Ernst Unknown! And indeed, a certain similarity in the manner is visible. Sizykh sees confirmation of his version in the biography of the master.

… executed in an abstract manner
… executed in an abstract manner

… executed in an abstract manner

Ernst came to New York in 1976 from Switzerland, where he emigrated after waiting for a three-year visa to Israel. In the United States, they were not familiar with his work. He became a great genius in Russia during perestroika, and in the States of these avant-garde geniuses there has always been a whole darkness. What Unknown did in New York from 1976 to 1979 is unknown. The sculptor himself never spoke about this period, always recalling only one episode of his New York biography:

- Slava Rostropovich made me a member of the American elite, which the richest and most famous people have been trying to get into all their lives, but not everyone succeeds. And he did it on the third day of my stay in America. We opened my bust of Shostakovich at the Kennedy Center, and Slava introduced me to everyone he had “worked out” over the 30 years that he was associated with America. I went straight into this Wednesday. Andy Warhol, Henry Kissinger, Arthur Miller, Rockefeller - I can throw names as much as I want. I was like one of the most fashionable social snobs. But! This social life has slowed down my creativity for many years! I realized that being a social person there is a second profession. And I have no time for a second profession. And then I left this club of the elite. He took all the business cards and burned them - so that there was no temptation to return.

In front of the entrance to the New York workshop of Ernst the UNKNOWN …
In front of the entrance to the New York workshop of Ernst the UNKNOWN …

In front of the entrance to the New York workshop of Ernst the UNKNOWN …

Art critic Anton Sizykh considers the motivation that Unknown is talking about unconvincing:

- First, with Rockefeller by the handle - and suddenly he threw it, burned business cards, went to the bottom. And all because the hangout in high society interferes with creativity! At the same time, in his work for the next three years he has zero. And about where, on what he lived, not a word at all. He came to America "with 60 dollars in his pocket," vouched with "high society" - and disappeared. Nonsense!

Sizykh believes that the sculptor Unknown for money participated in one of the projects of the world behind the scenes. I sculpted these "ancient artifacts" anonymously!

… there was a flag with its trademark symbol - a hand with a raised finger, at the tip of which was depicted the Masonic all-seeing eye
… there was a flag with its trademark symbol - a hand with a raised finger, at the tip of which was depicted the Masonic all-seeing eye

… there was a flag with its trademark symbol - a hand with a raised finger, at the tip of which was depicted the Masonic all-seeing eye

We are not slaves?

In near-historical circles, a theory has long been discussed, which has a mass of supporters. It concerns the global substitution of the history of civilization. We are deliberately slipped into a past that never happened!

In recent decades, researchers have begun to frequently find wild inconsistencies in the explanation of most major historical events. And they came to the conclusion that most of them are invented or specially perverted beyond recognition. For example, some argue that Stonehenge, giant drawings of the Nazca desert, masterpieces of Ancient Egypt, sculptures of the Sumerian civilization are a remake, passed off as antiquity by hoaxers. For example, the militants of the "Islamic State" (banned in Russia) broke stone statues that were allegedly two thousand years old, and they turned out to be plaster sculptures with modern fittings inside. By the way, UNESCO, under whose protection were the masterpieces of "ancient" architecture, did not comment on the problem.

Why are these things done?

This is just an element of control, the global task of which is to powder the brain as much as possible, to distract people from reality. Take on nonsense such as a dispute about the benefits and dangers of water charged in front of the TV, same-sex marriages, summer and winter time. While people delve into ancient civilizations, the other world and the causes of poltergeist, they have no time to think about the flagrant social injustice that is happening all over the world. After all, as you know, the best slave is the one who considers himself free. Moreover, he has the opportunity to express his opinion.