Will Solar Energy Be Able To Replace Oil And Gas For Mankind? Scientists At St. Petersburg State University Will Tell - Alternative View

Will Solar Energy Be Able To Replace Oil And Gas For Mankind? Scientists At St. Petersburg State University Will Tell - Alternative View
Will Solar Energy Be Able To Replace Oil And Gas For Mankind? Scientists At St. Petersburg State University Will Tell - Alternative View

Video: Will Solar Energy Be Able To Replace Oil And Gas For Mankind? Scientists At St. Petersburg State University Will Tell - Alternative View

Video: Will Solar Energy Be Able To Replace Oil And Gas For Mankind? Scientists At St. Petersburg State University Will Tell - Alternative View
Video: The Biggest Lie About Renewable Energy 2024, July

On July 27, St. Petersburg State University will host a press conference dedicated to the XXI International Conference on the Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy (IPS-21), which is being held for the first time in Russia from 25 to 29 July. During the event, the world's leading experts in the field of solar energy will talk about their research, as well as answer questions from journalists.

For decades, solar energy has been pinned on as the most sustainable way to generate electricity. However, its development is held back by economic, technological and “weather” barriers. What alternatives to solar panels are there today, and how could the picture change in 10-15 years with the help of research in the field of converting and storing solar energy? Work in this area is carried out by specialists from more than 40 countries of the world. Scientists talk about their research during the international conference IPS-21, which is being held in Russia for the first time in its history.

During the press conference, the leading speakers of the forum will answer questions about the production and use of solar energy, work on "solar fuel" and new technologies in this area:

Alexey Emelin, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor of St. Petersburg State University;

Detlef Banemann, head of the laboratory of St. Petersburg State University "Photoactive nanocomposite materials", professor at the University. G. Leibniz in Hannover (Germany);

Gary Hoads, professor of materials science and surface phenomena, Institute. Weizmann (Rehovot, Israel);

Prashant Kamat, professor at the University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame, Indiana, USA);

Jinhua Ye, Professor at Hokkaido University, Chief Researcher, Team Leader of the Research Center of the National Institute of Materials Science (NIMS, Japan).

Promotional video:

Experts will talk about how the sun helps to build environmentally friendly buildings, purify water, air and even glass, as well as how solar radiation is used in Russia and when these technologies will enter the life of every person.

Zevyakina Alena
