Extraterrestrial Base Under Ayudag - Alternative View

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Extraterrestrial Base Under Ayudag - Alternative View
Extraterrestrial Base Under Ayudag - Alternative View

Video: Extraterrestrial Base Under Ayudag - Alternative View

Video: Extraterrestrial Base Under Ayudag - Alternative View
Video: Neil deGrasse Tyson Weighs in on Pentagon UFO Report and Alien Life | The View 2024, October

When one or two people or a small group of people see something incomprehensible in the sky, it can still be attributed to a mistake, a joke or a visual-figurative delusion. But when from one and the same area, located around the Bear Mountain, similar or similar testimonies come from year to year, over the course of many years from various citizens ?!

And not only observations of incomprehensible aircraft in the sky of a clearly unearthly civilization, but also reports of other anomalies - luminous bodies under water, a strange rumble from the bowels of the mountain, incomprehensible glow on its slope overlooking Partenit. There is already a serious reason to think about it!

Is it possible that a significant number of residents of Partenit and Gurzuf, people of all ages and professions, as well as guests of these and other adjacent resorts of Crimea, compose stories or suffer from massive hallucinations? Is it really possible, being a sane and sober-minded person, to just take - and close our eyes to all this ?!

It is hard to believe that space aliens can simply be based here - near very populated places: after all, our small and densely populated Crimea, and even with many vacationers in summer and winter, is not Antarctica! In addition, the International Children's Center is nearby, and children are the most curious creatures in the world, there is hardly anything you can hide from their eyes! But below I will present only a few, hushed up by the press and the Internet, messages that have become known to me as a result of many years of research on the mysteries of Ayudag, including from themselves.

In fact, there are many more such facts. But many are simply afraid or do not want to talk about what they have seen and experienced, fearing ridicule. I know from personal experience: even just walking through Gurzuf and Partenit, despite the general atmosphere of ignorance, indifference, total skepticism and mistrust that surrounds the UFO phenomenon in our society (as it is said in the New Testament:), you can still talk with many local residents, learn a lot of similar stories! Some are already accustomed to these phenomena there and, not being surprised, say:

October-December 2010. A resident of Partenit Valentina (has lived in the village since 1969) recently told the author of these lines the following:

2010, night from 10 to 11 September. Witness Alexander writes, commenting on the long-standing hypothesis about the presence of an underground alien base under Bear Mountain:

Promotional video:

(From the website).

September 2010, around 17.30-18 hours. Oksana Fedorovna, a guide from Partenit, along with people at the boat station and other witnesses on the embankment saw strange lights over the sea, hanging over the horizon. It was clearly not a passing ship - the ships go there all the time, and they got used to them. In this case, the lights were clearly arranged in a circle, and from the object also rays emanated at an angle downward. Unfortunately, it was not possible to observe the object for a long time. The witness added that she was interested in the boatmen and had long heard from them talk about UFOs. Oksana added that in 2006 or 2007 she saw the same thing there (information received personally from an eyewitness on 4.12.2010).

Autumn 2010. A resident of Partenit Valery late in the evening (22-23 hours) watched a strange phenomenon from the beach near the sanatorium: a bright one hung in the sky, which suddenly began to move abruptly along strange trajectories, - an eyewitness assured (recorded during a personal conversation on 4.12.2010).

2010, October-November. Several people on the embankment in Yalta saw a clear glowing circle under the water, which was spinning and then also left underwater towards Ayudag (according to Gennady Prokudin, Simferopol).

A similar observation took place in 2009, writes witness Artem (comment to the article? Website):

In the same place, on July 11, 2009, another local eyewitness with the pseudonym Vetal wrote:

2010, July, the height of summer … Vacationers near Ayudag bring home not only souvenirs, memorable photos and tanned faces, but also … videos that capture objects in flight that are unusual for the sky. In general, such a vacation will be remembered for a long time. As it happened with one witness - her son-in-law Aleksey from Donetsk told about her:

The video was analyzed by Crimean ufologists, and it is clearly not an airplane or a helicopter, and not luminous aerial bombs (SABs), which were massively observed along the entire southern coast of Crimea on the evening of September 12, 2006.

Mid-summer 2009. Vacationers in Partenit (husband and wife), as well as a group of local residents watched as a luminous body rose over the nearby Sharha Mountain and abruptly went to a point in the direction between Simferopol and Alushta. This was reported by a local resident, Andrei, adding that his mother regularly sees luminous UFOs - above the Bear Mountain hump, when she goes to work in the morning (recorded from an eyewitness on 4.12.2010).

December 2009. Ruslan, a resident of Partenit (born in 1974), was walking with his wife Inna and a small child along the Partenit embankment near the Bear Mountain, when suddenly they all saw a rounded object, glowing like the moon, entered the water at an angle of 30-40 degrees, without any splashes. It was clearly visible. It is clear that it was a UFO, not a meteorite, the object was without a plume.

Prior to that, in the winter of 2008 or 2009, Ruslan had a chance to observe in the late evening, about half past ten, another strange thing: the back of the Bear Mountain was all in phosphorescent dots - about 20 strange luminous dots mysteriously appeared and just like mysteriously disappeared right on the back ! (Recorded on December 4, 2010 during a personal conversation in Partenit).

Surprisingly, but true: in the winter of 2001, the author of these lines also had a chance to see three luminous points, lined up by a triangle elongated towards Ayudag's nose, on the back facing Partenit. And this - in cloudy weather! It seems that on the side of the mountain three lights slowly lit up, like beacons, and then they went out just as slowly!

According to Anna Sigalchik, a resident of Gurzuf (head of the material part of the sanatorium), in 2007-2008 she also heard several times stories about how a luminous ball flew and then disappeared under water in the area of Bear Mountain.

2008 year. Residents of Partenit Kovalik, Erokhin and others watched as a red-fireball descended into a grape beam in the RBU (mortar-concrete unit) near Ayudag and disappeared. Unfortunately, the attempt to remove the ball with a mobile phone failed.

Another UFO sighting in the Ayudag area - 2006, early July, approximately 22.20-22.30. Witness - Pavel Ivanovich Polotskiy from Krasnogvardeyskoye town (Crimea), deputy of the local village council. An eyewitness was walking along the embankment in Partenit when he saw in the sky an object in the form of a whirligig with lights and a dome on top. The UFO moved quietly, absolutely without any noise. The bottom of the round apparatus was convex. Along the rim, multicolored lights glittered - golden, white and green (green like bright green grass). The lights, apparently, highlighted the shape of the object, which was also highlighted by the lights of the village from below., - noted P. I. Polotsk. It is noteworthy that the object moved in zigzags. Alas, the people on the embankment (according to the impression of the witness) did not pay attention to the UFO. flew south-southeast towards the sea, then left, hiding behind houses,and our eyewitness lost sight of the object (but the general impression is that it went, apparently, behind Mount Ayudag, where quite this UFO could dive into the sea further from the coast and go into an underground base under the mountain).

It is clear that it was not an airplane (although airplanes fly there often - there is an air corridor over Yalta). Airplanes do not fly silently (especially when different colors of lights are distinguishable, which means that the object was flying close) and do not move in zigzags. I have known the witness for a long time and interviewed him personally. He is an honest man, he will not write stories.

2006, the night of September 14-15. The village of Gurzuf, a sanatorium. A vacationer from Kiev, watching the sea at night, suddenly saw an object in the form of a disk illuminated by different lights, which swept over the sea at high speed and dived under the water near Bear Mountain, raising a beautiful fountain of colorful splashes! (I spoke with the eyewitness personally, the woman was shocked by what she saw). Together with her, several more people watched UFO flights in this area.

In September 2004 V. Legotaev, V. Sapegin and Victor, residents of the city of Mariupol, dived with scuba diving in the area of the underwater cape, not far from Gurzuf. The guys slowly floated above the ground at a depth of 7 meters. Suddenly they saw three creatures floating out from behind the underwater rock. These creatures were dressed in silver-gray costumes. They were without masks and scuba gear. One of the humanoids, swimming in front, extended his hand to the guys, which had three fingers. The other two were looking at something at the bottom. The first humanoid pressed a button on his chest with his left hand. All the creatures gathered together and quickly disappeared into the depths. Victor examined them clearly. Height 3-4 meters, almond-shaped, very large, widely spaced eyes. A small round hole instead of a nose. No ears. There are three grooves on the neck, similar to the gills of a shark.

Friends questioned local fishermen. They were not at all surprised (!!!) They said that the big-eyed beasts have been living here for a long time (?!) They call them polyphemies. One fisherman even recalled that he once hit his father in the back when he swam too close to them.

In August 2004, D. Zagorodov and his friends spent the night at Cape Ayudag. After midnight Dmitry sat near the tent and admired the full moon. Suddenly, on a rock 10 meters away from him, he saw an unusual creature. Growth 1.4-1.6 m. The skin is greenish, the limbs are similar to human. The eyes were large, round, and glowed with a phosphorescent light. The creature saw him, and Dmitry heard a hiss. He averted his eyes and heard a whistle. The creature ran away at a gallop behind the rock. Zagorodov woke up his friend Anatoly. They approached the stone on which the creature was sitting. Friends smelled like carbide. The next day, three more guys came to the parking lot. They said that they had repeatedly seen this creature and did not recommend approaching it at a distance of less than three meters.

The guys also repeatedly saw a UFO that flew into a cave located on an impregnable peak. (Evidence of the presence of a hidden underground passage to the base deep into the Ayudag mountain?)

So there are still many secrets and mysteries in the Black Sea, says the former hydronaut-researcher Anatoly Tarasovich Tynygin-Tavrichesky, who interviewed these eyewitnesses.

The reliability of the stated facts, of course, is on the conscience of the storytellers. But the fact is, there are other amazing UFO sightings from that area as well.

So, for example, in the fall of 2002, a resident of Simferopol, Andrei Anatolyevich Trukhin, born in 1969 (I personally interviewed him in detail) spent the night with a friend on Mount Kastel, and watched about 23 hours as a brightly glowing brightly shone from the sea (!) the object is a ball that then flew north. At first, the sea lit up with a yellow-orange light, it was the water itself that lit up in circles: - said an eyewitness. The ball is yellow, closer to orange - it was most likely a plasma field around the apparatus. The very shape of the apparatus could not be spherical, but different. The movement was fairly steady. The observation was carried out for no more than 8-10 minutes. The object rose slowly from the sea, approximately abeam the Small Mayak.

August 27, 2002. Time - 22.27-22.32. Meteorological conditions - cloudless night sky. The place is the sky, north of Mount Ayudag. The observation point is the school. Observers - three cadets of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Puppies, Gorbatenko, Telichko) from one point, through an open window. Features of the UFO flight: the object was observed from the moment of hovering and was visible in the sky in the size of 5 kopecks. The central part is not visible. Lights shone along the contour of the object, after one minute of observation, the opposite lights glowed brighter, and then the brightness of the light moved from one light source to another (as if 12 were given to a 6-volt bulb). After 3 minutes, the object began to move away, remaining in the same place. A plane was flying next to him, about 5 km from the object.

(Source:, UFODOS database). year 2000. Another eyewitness story:

(Narrated on the UFO chat on January 25, 2001 by a person with the nickname Alex Kutik. Supplemented by data sent by e-mail on January 26, 2001).

Another stunning message from Vladimir Svyatny from Yalta:

What I want to tell you happened on August 19 or 20, 1997 … At that time I worked as an operator of the sanatorium's sewage station, located on the very coast of the sea. There is a good view of Ayudag from there. It was 23 o'clock in the morning. I went out to get some fresh air. Suddenly, from the point where the nose touches the water, approximately at an angle of 30 degrees, a beam of light hit the sky, as if it were a searchlight. The beam swayed slightly (it swayed, as if inviting attention to it), then gradually decreased in length, out of the water and took a position parallel to the sea surface towards Cape Martyan. It was no longer a ray, but an object glowing with the light of a neon lamp, 8-10 meters in length and about a meter in diameter. Around him was a halo from the same light as the ray that originally shone from the water. He flew as fast as an airplane, but without a sound. In front of me, he disappeared with a light cotton.

Only here the light was weaker, and I saw that it was a pipe. She did not reach me about fifty meters and turned towards the coast. I saw a distinctly curved bend of the pipe, how it straightened out at speed and immediately extinguished with a quiet pop.

1997, December 31. Shortly before midnight, Elena, a resident of Partenit, saw a bright dazzling light hitting the windows (the area of the so-called "Camus Houses" is practically the center of the village). Going out to the balcony (4th floor), she saw a yellow-fiery circle or ball, shining like expensive gold. The object initially stood still, then began to move. It seemed that the ball was moving all over. The light was so bright that it hurt the eyes, especially during the flashes coming from the object - it looks like it was a plasma field around the aircraft. A few minutes before the onset of 1998, the object disappeared.

Another UFO sighting at Ayudag - 1998:

“Late in the evening, against the background of a lilac sky, a bright star suddenly appeared, which was moving at an incredibly high speed from the direction of Ayudag to Mount Parahelmen. It was much larger in size and brighter than other stars, and it was precisely by this, as well as by the swiftness of its flight, that it attracted our attention. "Diving" from top to bottom for the mountain, she appeared a moment later in another place and froze motionless. And then it again swept across the sky and, approaching the place where we were standing, suddenly changed course and disappeared … This is the second time in my life when I saw the so-called unidentified flying object. Moreover, both the first and the second time I observed these phenomena more than one, so this cannot be called a deception or hallucinations. In addition, I know people who have also seen UFOs more than once …"

Unfortunately, the note does not indicate the exact date of observation (Viktor Mekhontsev in Krymskaya Gazeta, Yalta, August 26, 2000). Observation details such as:

1) the object froze motionlessly in place for a while;

2) a sudden change in trajectory - they say that it could not have been the Shuttle, the Mir space station, the ISS or a bright satellite …

1995, October. On a warm evening, a group of pioneers from "Artek" set off with an overnight stay from the ICC on skiffs to the other side of Ayudag, which is closer to Partenit - to the Panair beach. Late in the evening in the dark, they suddenly saw five luminous objects (obviously, not planes) flying in formation, which approached from the sea - to the "head" of Ayudag and disappeared behind the mountain. It seems that the objects entered directly into the mountain! What he saw made an indelible impression (recorded from the words of an eyewitness brother, who works at the Artek ICC, directly in Artek).

1991 year. An amazing phenomenon was observed in August 1991 in Crimea by a resident of Donetsk, Valentina Mikhailovna Tatulova, who was then working at Artek:

“That evening my friend and I walked around the territory of the Morskoy camp. Children prepared for a performance on a campfire site, sat on long wooden seats arranged in an amphitheater. On the left, the outline of the Bear Mountain was visible, and to the right, two small islands of Adalary protruded into the sea. It was already getting dark, the full moon had risen, and suddenly the children rushed to the sea shouting: “UFO! UFO! " Indeed, a sphere of golden hue, similar to the Moon, but smaller in diameter, sparkled above the Adalars. Two paths were reflected on the water: silvery from the Moon and golden from the ball-disk … Every 10 minutes the ball disappeared and then reappeared in the same place. This lasted about an hour, and the children gradually lost interest in him. And at about 22.00, another ball appeared, lower than the first. The balls began to alternately turn on and off, but with a large interval. Then the lower ball turned off, and stars with fiery tails began to fly out of the upper one, like fireworks, disappearing at a short distance from the ball-disk. After a while, these stars began to fly into the ball again. And finally, two discs appeared again and at one moment turned from a vertical position simultaneously to a horizontal position. As if two eyes began to look at us. Here we felt some kind of fear, a trembling went through the body from everything unnatural … The eyes-balls looked at us for half an hour, and then disappeared. And later, the original ball-disk sparkled again. Tired of the long observation, at about midnight I went to bed. The impression from what he saw was indelible. "After a while, these stars began to fly into the ball again. And finally, two discs appeared again and at one moment turned from a vertical position simultaneously to a horizontal position. As if two eyes began to look at us. Here we felt some kind of fear, a trembling went through the body from everything unnatural … The eyes-balls looked at us for half an hour, and then disappeared. And later, the original ball-disk sparkled again. Tired of the long observation, at about midnight I went to bed. The impression from what he saw was indelible. "After a while, these stars began to fly into the ball again. And finally, two discs appeared again and at one moment turned from a vertical position simultaneously to a horizontal position. As if two eyes began to look at us. Here we felt some kind of fear, a trembling went through the body from everything unnatural … The eyes-balls looked at us for half an hour, and then disappeared. And later, the original ball-disk sparkled again. Tired of the long observation, at about midnight I went to bed. The impression from what he saw was indelible. "a shiver went through my body from everything unnatural … The eyes-balls looked at us for half an hour and then disappeared. And later, the original ball-disk sparkled again. Tired of the long observation, at about midnight I went to bed. The impression from what he saw was indelible. "a shiver went through my body from everything unnatural … The eyes-balls looked at us for half an hour and then disappeared. And later, the original ball-disk sparkled again. Tired of the long observation, at about midnight I went to bed. The impression from what he saw was indelible."

Many facts are collected, on the basis of which it is already possible to write a whole book about the riddles of Ayudag. UFOs in the area of the mountain were repeatedly observed in the 90s, 80s, 70s of the XX century, and even earlier.

Anatoly Tarasovich Tanygin-Tavrichesky from Sevastopol, a former sailor and hydronaut-researcher of the USSR with extensive experience, told me about an interesting case that occurred in the fall of 1976. The auxiliary fleet vessel (support of military operations of the Black Sea Fleet) "KIL-33" (measuring line ship) was sailing from the port of Poti, where the sailors were looking for a military aircraft that disappeared on the high seas, to Sevastopol:

“The weather was stormy, and from Sukhumi to Cape Sarych we walked in continuous fog. Traverse of the port of Yalta, more precisely, the Ayudag mountains. I am on the navigator's watch. Time - two in the morning. Suddenly, a target appeared on the screen of the Don radar at a bearing of 210 degrees and a distance of 10 miles. After three minutes I take a few more bearings, I see that the bearing does not change, which means that the object is heading for a collision. I go out onto the bridge, silence, nothing is heard. The distance was reduced to two miles. Stop the car, back up In the fog, at a height of 50 meters above the water, I see the blurry outlines of a dark object in the form of a disk, a classic "saucer" with a diameter of thirty meters, which at high speed completely silently flew along the bow of the ship towards Ayudag. I am calling Captain Victor Djalo to the bridge. We discuss what we saw. I write in the log of the UFO sighting,according to the Instruction to the secret "Notice of the navigator" received in 1976. I move forward, continue to observe the object on the radar. The speed of the unidentified object is 160 knots, the course is 12 degrees, it was flying towards Bear Mountain."

In 2009, I conducted an Internet survey of local residents of Gurzuf and Partenit. We managed to find out something. For example, here is a message from Galina Verbitskaya, a resident of Gurzuf:

“Hello, Anton. The fact of the presence of UFOs in the Ayudag area is obvious to me. I believe in underground civilization. Annual Glow - Sprite is celebrated in the night sky in summer."

According to updated data, the strange glow has been observed for about four years by her, her family and friends at the end of August and at the beginning of September at 21-22 hours. The nature of the glow is iridescent.

Here is what the witness also said:

“The source of the glow is not known to me, but the fact that its nature is unearthly is obvious. Observed at the nose of the Bear Mountain and slightly to the west. The duration is about an hour. The glow is a scattering of several luminous spherical objects concentrating in a certain spherical space."

How can this be explained? It is completely incomprehensible where such a glow, observed from Gurzuf, comes from …

On the morning of July 4, 2009, a man from Boryspil called me, his name is Sergei Nikolaevich, who in 1966, as a pioneer, was resting at Artek, the Morskoy camp, and when he went to Mount Ayudag, he heard from its depths … a low-frequency hum !

I think a hallucination is ruled out, since he assured me that there were no transformers nearby, and besides, he had lived all his life at the Borispol electrical substation, and therefore he clearly heard and felt this hum! He said that the hum was precisely from the depths, here is his literal phrase: "I grew up at a substation - I understand these hums!" Thoughts flashed in his head that there might be a secret submarine base … "After reading your note about the UFO base near Ayudag, I received confirmation" … And also: "Like an electrical substation - it has a low-frequency sound … And this sound from Ayudag there was more … a solemn hum. " In addition, at the same time, the witness talked there with a local fisherman, who told him: "Probably, this is some kind of secret underground plant built …" Sergei Nikolayevich was then 13 years old, it doesn't look like a joke!

It seems that the mountain is buzzing not constantly, but periodically. If someone assures that something else is buzzing and for many kilometers is transmitted underground to the Ayudag region, then this is not serious: there are no large factories in that area, the Alushta-Yalta highway cannot hum so low frequency, the railway from there is also extremely far and beyond the Crimean mountains …

I also consider the version that the 12-year-old pioneer from Artek was just buzzing in his head as frivolous. The psychic Gennady Prokudin from Simferopol also spoke about the strange buzz. Many people, including the pioneers of "Artek", heard the mysterious drone from the depths of Mount Ayudag. In particular, another witness - Fyodor Shevchenko, 46 years old, a resident of the Omsk region, in 1976 had a rest in "Artek" and wrote the following:

“In 1976 I went on an excursion with my detachment to the Hot Stone on Ayudag, I personally heard the rumble inside the mountain. There was some kind of legend, but there was no question of UFOs. And about the base under the mountain - everything is possible, since we do not know anything about it in real life …"

In addition, about the strange hum reported:

“… Everyone heard the hum - the pioneer leader once commented on this hum and told the legend about it. But I don't remember what. And it was somewhere from 11 to 12 noon, when we walked from the Hot Stone - we moved away, but not much. In my opinion, they have already begun to descend. What was the nature of the hum? In my opinion, deaf, someone said that he even felt the vibration of the mountain … I personally did not feel it. But it seems that even the stones fell off a little."

The mysterious buzz from the bowels of Ayudag can hardly be caused by natural causes.

documentary evidence was also obtained about unidentified underwater objects (NGOs) from Ayudag. A seaman from Sevastopol, Nikolai Sadovnichy, witnessed that in the fall of 2006, an underwater flying saucer was seen from the board of the Ukrainian Navy ship "Balta", not just at Cape Ayudag. This happened during an expedition to search for the vessel "Armenia", which sank during the Second World War. The Department of Underwater Heritage of the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine confirmed that experts have indeed spotted a mysterious object off the coast of Crimea. Moreover, they even have a snapshot of this anomalous phenomenon!

Here is what N. Sadovnichy said in an interview with the Fakty newspaper:

"I was overwhelmed with a feeling of unreality of what is happening: I am sure that UFO does not exist, nevertheless, here it is, on the screen …"

“We were looking for the remains of the vessel“Armenia”at the bottom of the sea, but we came across … an unidentified underwater object,” noted Sergey Voronov, Director of the Department of Underwater Heritage of Ukraine. - However, about everything in order. The death of "Armenia", which occurred in 1941 as a result of an attack by a German torpedo plane, became one of the largest sea disasters, claiming the lives of about seven thousand people. For comparison, the Titanic killed 1,513 passengers and sailors. Last autumn, from the Balta, we explored the water area at Cape Ayudag - one of the likely crash sites of the Armenia. It was a joint expedition with the Russians. They provided equipment capable of scanning the bottom at great depths. She also "sees" objects in the water column. And on one of my watch, a Russian engineer exclaimed: "We seem to have spotted a Ukrainian submarine!" I look at the screenand there really is some object and a contrail coming from it, indicating that the mysterious submarine is moving (visually, it resembles a trail in the sky from an aircraft). I didn’t tell the Russian expert that the only Ukrainian submarine, Zaporozhye, had not been sailing for a long time. He only stated that this submarine has unusual outlines, it is very much like a "flying saucer". In fact, I do not believe in UFOs and such miracles, so I was seized by a feeling of unreality of what was happening. I'm sure nothing like this exists. He assumed it was a Russian submarine. Returning to Sevastopol, he told about the strange submarine to familiar officers of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. They unanimously declared: their submarines had not gone out to sea for several months … (Only one submarine of Project 877, Alrosa, remained on the move,and she was at the pier!).

- Did you experience any unusual sensations? The correspondent asked. - Perhaps the underwater saucer influenced you?

- Not. It was different - fatigue, lack of sleep … That is why I thought: "Didn't we imagine an unidentified object?" We scrolled through the recording of the bottom scan and made sure: the device really fixed some kind of "plate". They began to figure out what is remarkable about this place. It turned out there are three mud volcanoes. But there are quite a few of them in the Black Sea …

However, the fact is that mud volcanoes in the Black Sea are located at a distance of many kilometers from Ayudag, and a strange underwater object was detected and photographed from the screen on the device exactly near the Bear Mountain!

Another person wrote about this:

“… Believe it or not, in 2006, after a hike to Ayudag, the time and dates on watches and mobile phones were rearranged. Time an hour ago and the date of the previous day … There is one more thing: everyone who went to Mishka in a small company or alone felt someone's presence. More than once I caught myself thinking that someone was watching."

There are many riches on Ayudag: from the mineral pyrite, which ancient people used as the first matches and made fire from it, to rare trees. Today it is a geological, natural and archaeological monument. But the main thing, as experts say, the treasure of the mountain - the concentration of the Earth's energy - is a consequence of a failed eruption. Adherents of esotericism argue that there is a special concentration of cosmic energy flows. This attracts a wide variety of people to Ayudag like a magnet: from ordinary tourists to fanatics of alternative religions.

In general, experts in Ayudag divide the mountain into two parts: an inhospitable top and an energetic foot.

Here is what the deputy chief physician of the Artek ICC Heinrich Rat said:

- From experience I can say: here people can be seized by a feeling of anxiety, and they go to actions that they would never have done below. During my life, I saved 24 people. And how many of those who every year unmotivated wander, climb the cliffs and die! Somehow I had to drag my friend away from the cliff. In a dream, he was torn to pieces by a monster, and he jumped up with shouts and ran to the rocks - I managed to catch him five meters before the cliff. I myself have spent the night on Ayudag 25 times and 20 of them were accompanied by terrible dreams. Downstairs I usually sleep like a dead man and do not dream. On the plateau, the opposite is true. And, most importantly, all dreams were suffocating.

According to Rath, the negative impact on people does not occur everywhere, but only at the top of the mountain, which is called the plateau.

People find different explanations for such phenomena.

- Infrasonic fluctuations and elevation changes have an effect, - the doctor is sure. - The mountain goes into the sea like an iron, and all the energy of the elements flows around the mountain, making an infrasonic impact on the plateau. It is known that infrasound causes fear in all living things. Therefore, you will not find either animals or birds there. It is possible to calmly rest on Ayudag only in the second half of August, when it is completely calm and there is no wind.

Rath's words are confirmed by the discovery made by academician Shuleikin back in 1935. The physicist proved that the passage of the wind over the crests of waves excites low-frequency oscillations - infrasound. Normal sounds quickly dissipate in the air, and low-frequency sounds are transmitted over great distances with almost no loss. Moreover, they spread in water seven times faster than in the air, and can cover coastal areas. In our case, the top of Ayudag can serve as a point of convergence of infrasonic waves. For a person, this is an adverse effect on the psyche, which gives rise to feelings of anxiety and fear.

But the question is: is this explanation correct? Or is the concern of the people at the top of Ayudag caused by other reasons? For example, what is UNDER Ayudag himself ?!

The clouds form and behave in a strange way around Ayudag. Here is just one piece of evidence:

“… Soon after our arrival in Gurzuf, an interesting-looking cloud began to gather around the mountain. Its size and density began to increase, and soon it formed a ring around the mountain, dividing it exactly in half and beginning to spin around it. After some time, the cloud increased to a size that covered the mountain from the middle to the very top. At the same time, it slowly rotated in a circle, and the rest of the sky was clear!"

There are two things worth paying attention to:

1. The rest of the sky remained clear.

2. The cloud slowly rotated in a circle. The eyewitness is Vlad Bulgakov from Simferopol. The phenomenon was observed on June 16, 2004, captured in the photo.

Another unusual phenomenon is the strange hot air currents on Ayudag with the general cool air and wind. The same V. Bulgakov reports:

“… In the afternoon of March 22 (2004) we moved to Mount Ayudag, conducted a reconnaissance in the area, chose a place, and the rest of the time we got to it. Along the slope with falling stones, we got to the back of the Bear Mountain, to an area that can only be overcome by climbers with appropriate equipment … When we went down, we felt hot air gusts several times, although the air and wind were cool. We noted this unusual fact."

Question: what strange hot gusts of wind on Ayudaga, with the general cool air and wind ?! And this is in March, when the stones from the sun could not get very hot in any way! This is not summer for you, but early spring! It seems that periodically there is an artificial release from there - removal of excess heat from the underground complex under the mountain - through some hidden holes or mines.

Another confirmation message. Witness Tatiana writes (who regularly comes to Partenit):

“Guys, I have been resting in Partenit for 4 years in a row. Every year I climb to the very top! This year (in 2009), from the sanatorium entrance to Ayudag, we reached Cape Monastyrsky, and walked along the lower path from the "energy" meadow. Indescribable beauty! Cliff, extreme! Before reaching Cape Monastyrsky, we found another clearing. It is round, the earth is reddish, and, most surprisingly, not a single blade of grass grows! And next to the clearing there is some kind of well, such as a sewer hatch, only the bottom is not visible at all!

Regarding the sensations that someone was watching you, I didn't. And the clock is in place. But the inexplicable energy after the descent from the mountain … It was always present! Five hours without stopping up and down, not a single muscle hurts, the legs support themselves, and after the descent we are always either to a nightclub or by car to Yalta until late. And in the morning - rise at 6 am, and to the sea. The mountain is just a miracle! So mesmerizing. I always ask on the 13th floor to watch her."


1. Why does not a single blade of grass grow in the meadow, and what is the strange round shape of the meadows?

2. What is this strange well next to the "sewer type"?

Another confirmation of the reality of the UFO base near Ayudag was received by esotericists from the Radigash group, here is an excerpt from their experience:

“… Carefully, stealthily we enter the clearing, and the flow of information passes on the move - the UFO base. Underground on this site is an alien base for the restoration of ships and the alien beings themselves. You can't stay here for a long time, the sole on the sneakers melts, and it's dangerous for the human mind. We approach this pyramid, the stones are, in principle, ordinary, but they have clearly undergone high-temperature heat treatment. We leave, but the place is unforgettable…. "Until next time!" - the mountain tells us. The feeling of joy and endless happiness from touching antiquity, the world of spirits envelops us and does not let go of this place until home. Holy Mountain - Ayudag."

Donetsk ufologist Sergei Osadchiy agrees with the opinion of a number of Crimean researchers that a kind of UFO base exists right in the thickness of Mount Ayudag:

“The entrance is most likely under water, from the sea, in a rocky slope of laccolith (a tectonic structure formed by the intrusion of magma into the sedimentary rocks, which dome-shapedly rise above the frozen igneous geological body). Until now, it has not been possible to find it for several reasons: both the depth there is decent, and the technologies, presumably, are far from earthly ones. Presumably, the rock moves apart-moves at the atomic-molecular level. If you listen, you can hear the faint hum of the working mechanisms. It would be nice to send there an expedition equipped with supersensitive equipment!"

Esoteric writers Natalia Glazkova and Ville Landa note:

“UFOs often appear over this mountain, for ten years we have photographed several times visible in reality, but more often UFOs are not visible in reality, and the camera records them. This mountain often forms strange clouds above it, very much like a UFO. Andrey Yarkov, a resident of Partenit, has collected a whole collection of photographs of strangely shaped clouds over Mount Ayudag."

In general, the mysteries of Ayudag beckon and await researchers …

Anton Anfalov, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, ONAPOS Coordinator

(Society of Environmental Observers)