Singing Lights - Alternative View

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Singing Lights - Alternative View
Singing Lights - Alternative View

Video: Singing Lights - Alternative View

Video: Singing Lights - Alternative View
Video: Disturbed - The Light [Official Music Video] 2024, July

Since the 1930s, the Alexandria Station, located in Queensland in southwestern Australia and covering an area of 11,000 square kilometers, has increasingly seen an unusual phenomenon - wandering yellow and brown lights, accompanied by a faint, barely audible hum of the earth …

Attempts to explain what is happening on a scientific and pseudoscientific level have generated two mutually exclusive hypotheses. Academic scientists, who were in the minority, agreed that the light and sound effects are the result of either tectonic shifts in subsoil rocks, or some chemical reactions in deposits of radioactive minerals. Followers of the mystical cultures of ancestors, the aborigines, of whom there are one and a half percent in the country, had no doubt that the slowly moving balls, sometimes collected in the likeness of grape bunches, were in fact the restless souls of offended ancestors or victims of tragic accidents. The last version was confirmed by the fact that the "flights of lights and the singing of the earth" were especially intense in the section of the narrow-gauge railway, where the track worker was hit by a train, in the prison cemetery,where for half a century, executed criminals were buried, on the graveyards of abandoned villages deprived of care.

In 1932, journalist Mark Brouhrer shared his personal impressions:

- The places to which the expansion of the singing lights were attributed, in order to understand the essence, I went on foot, of course, only in the dark. Above the rails where the lineman died, for three evenings in a row I watched flickering, oval, the size of an average melon, moving in pairs yellow spots. It was like the beams of lanterns sweeping the embankment. When I entered the area of the phenomenon, large spots of light disappeared. They were replaced by specks, indistinguishable from the tongues of the flame of candles carried by stumbling, now and then stopping people. At the same time, I clearly heard sounds that could well be mistaken for loud whispers or buzzing.

At the Alkonsor cemetery, which is quite respectable and well-groomed, there were no less light emissions. Moreover, they had a completely different character in terms of fiery effects. At the moment I expected, the tombstones were filled with swirling smoke, only red, illuminated from within. I walked through this smoke, immersed in it up to my waist. He smelled like mold. Was harmless. But again, plasma lights were visible above him, sticking to clothing and exposed parts of the body when touched. All this did not last long. At most, one and a half minutes. The smoke merged with the ground, bursting brightly in farewell. The grass, despite the dry weather, became wet. Flames burst between its fibers. Gurgling, gurgling, murmuring sounds painfully drilled into the ear membranes.

The local pastor Kad Moraski said that the light on the graveyards is a common phenomenon, an ancient order of things, that the cemetery earth miraculously amplifies the voices of those lying in it. Local Indians assured that if I wanted, with the help of a local sorcerer, I could hear what the souls were talking about, that they themselves, when they wanted to learn something important, resort to magical tricks using simple devices - auditory tubes made of eucalyptus wood. I should have at least superstitiously understood what a singing light is. And I willingly accepted the offer of the Indians.

The fact that the earth can “speak”, transmit some information, was repeatedly mentioned by the notorious mystic writer, expert in occultism and magic Alan Kardek, who claims that “sacred soils sing when they are forced to do so by the residual thinking energies of yesterday living, today dead people”, and that the phenomenon is possible only“where the fallen in love and suffering lie”. Regardless of when and on what continent they lived. Kardek also assures that the soils of Australia are ideal for communicating with luminous talkative souls. The mystic is silent about why the phenomenon is especially active on this continent, offering to go there and see and hear on the spot. Which we do, resorting to eyewitness testimony - all the same journalist Mark Brouhrer, gleaned from his essay "Magicians see and hear."

Brourer writes: “So that I would not suspect the sorcerers of fraud, they offered me to independently choose any abandoned churchyard, any burial place. I chose a not very old, active cemetery in the vicinity of Canberra, where the burial began in 1913, on the bypass road of which, with increasing intensity, not only wandering lights appear, but spontaneous combustion of hearses during funeral ceremonies is noted. The sorcerers - there were five of them from the provinces - my choice, although it was planned to act in a place corrupted by civilization, did not bother me. I myself have scheduled the night, calling at random July 16. Arranged with the police patrolling nearby that they would not obstruct the experiment. Out of curiosity, beneficial to me, because it added objectivity and impartiality,Police sergeant Vili Pichner asked to observe what was happening.

The preparations of the sorcerers were straightforward. Having pulled out long pipes, about four meters each, from the bags, they sat down on the grave of some vagrant, put the pipes vertically and began to howl. The situation from the outside looked comical, gave off madness. After spending an hour among the exotic group, the sergeant signaled to me that he intended to leave. But I changed my mind as soon as something hung over all of us that I was not too surprised at, something that could pass for a hundred burning candles. Out of curiosity, I stepped to the left. The lights swarmed my movement. Pichner took a decisive step forward. The lights switched on and surrounded him. The sorcerers, having shown displeasure with our disrespectful attitude towards the souls who came out of the earth, stopped howling.

Then what happened was what I expected, but doubted what exactly would happen now. The trumpets, stuck in the ground, began to sing in different voices, in different tonalities, with different timbre colors, with different degrees of modulation. They just sang - they didn't speak. The show ended with the fact that the sorcerers, picking up the pipes, hurried out of the cemetery, where they applied pipes to stones, to asphalt, to the soil. The trumpets began to sound much quieter. The singing changed to sobbing until it died down completely. The longest pipe, twisted into a ram's horn, was leaned against a poplar. A shudder hit me as a cold, lazy flame engulfed the tree, and the tree began to crackle and burn. Demonstrating that they can stop the combustion process, the pipe was removed from the poplar. The flame, having subsided, slipped by a snake, disappeared into the pipe. At my request, the pipe was returned to the tree. The fire now flared up decisively. Neither sorcerers nor police could put it out. The powerful tree has burnt out at the root.

After asking the leader of the sorcerers for clarification, I heard in response that eucalyptus pipes take into themselves the “universal soul of the Earth”, which in everyday life is nothing more than a fire familiar to us, serving us everywhere and everywhere. Any fire, it turns out, can be subordinated to the thought of a knowledgeable person, that is, a sorcerer. “So what are the voices of the earth?” I asked. They answered me that everything that exists - souls, spirits, earth, objects - contains the "main fire". Because of this, anything can spontaneously ignite and burn, not excluding a person. “Well, sorcerers kill by setting fire?” - I did not stop. The leader nodded and agreed, adding: "When the voices of the earth permit, any magician can do it."

Feeling mistrust, the sorcerers again turned to their pipes, and then, pointing in the direction of the far alley, they said that I would immediately observe seven fires at once. And so it happened. I saw in a fair distance exactly seven bright bursts of flame erupting from the ground. At the same time, the earth was not silent. The pipes, stuck in it, sang loudly and, as it seemed, snooty.

The experiment ended at this point. Sergeant Pichner left, crushed and dumbfounded. What have I achieved? Fixing the reality of the phenomenon of practical magic. I cannot explain the miracle of human interaction with nature. It is unlikely that in the foreseeable future anyone, even the smartest, will be able to.

The earth sings everywhere and throws out plasma balls everywhere. A modern researcher of this mysterious phenomenon, the Swiss Konrad Bislavski has compiled an extensive catalog of countries where the phenomenon has been observed for centuries. In addition to Australia, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Burma, Belarus with its famous Pinsk swamps and Russian Karelia entered here. There the phenomenon was called “candles of the dead” and was reflected in folklore excursions.

A. Dmitriev “Interesting newspaper. Magic and mysticism №15 2008