The Butterfly That Instilled Fear - Alternative View

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The Butterfly That Instilled Fear - Alternative View
The Butterfly That Instilled Fear - Alternative View

Video: The Butterfly That Instilled Fear - Alternative View

Video: The Butterfly That Instilled Fear - Alternative View
Video: Olivia Faces Her Fear of Butterflies 2024, October

February 18, 1989

Kommunist newspaper, Baksan, Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, report from the scene.

Got the attention of … aliens?

What calls do not come to the duty department of the district department of internal affairs (ROVD), but none of the employees will remember this. In the journal, which is kept here, it is written that on February 13, 1989 at 21.55 pm, the inhabitants of Baksan … reported that they saw in the sky over the city something similar to an airplane in distress …

Almost simultaneously with this call, the policemen of the patrol and guard service transmitted the same thing over the radio to the duty unit.

Artur Lyubov, junior sergeant: “My post is at the bus station. It was about ten in the evening when a taxi driver standing in the parking lot called me: look up! Looking up, I saw something fantastic. An object of unusual shape was moving in the sky directly overhead. The first impression was that the plane was on fire. However, it moved rather slowly, completely silently, emitting a rather bright light, similar to the light of several bright searchlights, leaving behind a kind of tail of bright red flame. No, it doesn't look like a burning plane.

It was.

Promotional video:

The same thing was observed in different parts of the city by police guards. They, like the officers of the police patrol car, accompanied the flying object along the road until it disappeared from sight somewhere in the area of the Psikhureya-Krem-Konstantinovka settlements. The residents also witnessed the unusual spectacle …

Eyewitnesses describe the unidentified flying object in different ways. It seemed to some that he had wings of a huge size, enveloped in a fiery red glow. Others argue that there were no wings at all. One dreamed of spotlights located around the perimeter. It seemed to another that these same searchlights, of which there were supposedly at least a dozen, were located in front in one straight row.

But today we know for sure: on the evening of Monday, February 13, no plane crashes in our region were registered, and no traces of fallen celestial bodies were found. And the officers of the ROVD on duty, having contacted their colleagues from the neighboring republics, found out that that evening a similar celestial body was observed in Nalchik, Dagestan, Checheno-Ingushetia …

Eyewitness reports:

Valery Kagermazov, a resident of Nalchik:

- It was ten o'clock in the evening. Me and three of my comrades were sitting in the car. The motor was running. It stood clear, harmless

lacquer night. Suddenly we saw a cigar-shaped body of unusually large size overhead. It's kind of how

zilo down at an angle close to forty-five degrees. We didn't hear the sound. We did not hear him even after

how the car engine was turned off. What was the cigar-shaped body like? It was silver in color

with a row of brightly glowing windows, the size of which decreased from nose to tail. The nose was

(lightly lowered, a searchlight was shining in front. The tail was poorly lit and poorly visible.

We observed all this for two or three minutes. Then the body (covered over the hill.

Nikolay Rylov, driver of motor transport company No. 2 in Nalchik:

- After nine o'clock in the evening I was driving along Gagarin Street. 11 suddenly in the sky I saw a strange object that

moved perpendicular to the street at a low altitude. Then I turned onto another street - Suvorov. Those

feathers moved with the object in one direction. I was driving at a speed of 60-65 kilometers per hour. The object was overtaking me. Then he made a turn and disappeared behind the houses. Despite the fact that there are radar stations in the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic - at the airport, in the high-mountainous geographical institute - none of them recorded an unidentified object.

February 19, 1989

The newspaper Trud, the message of its own correspondent in Washington V. Sisnev.

"Banana" over Alabama

On the evening of February 14, residents of northwestern Alabama began to call their sheriff, as police chiefs are called in the countryside. The first was a call from the Lixkillet village, recorded by the duty officer: “Send your man urgently. I don't know what this thing is, but it scared my hunting dogs to death."

Sheriff Fred Works and his deputy, Junior Grmaney, drove to the scene and, according to the latter, personally saw the UFO. According to his description, it has the shape of a banana flying with the curved side up.

The UFO is larger than the airbus, and its entire body is completely covered with green, white and red lights.

Residents of Lixkillet, Grove Oak and other Alabama townships who witnessed this strange phenomenon are at a loss. Is this really a UFO, or maybe the Pentagon is testing a new aircraft?

And the local wits started a joke: apparently, the space aliens are changing their fleet of "flying saucers" to ships of a new generation - "flying bananas".

February 22, 1989

"LiteraturnayaTazeta", a report by its own correspondent in Damascus S. Medvedko.

UFO again

"The luminous object of an elongated shape resembled a cigar in outline and emitted light like a neon lamp" - this is how the inhabitants of the Israeli city of Haifa described an unidentified flying object that they saw recently over the sea. According to the unanimous opinion of one and a half dozen people, they observed it on January 25 of this year from 17 to 17 hours 15 minutes. UFO researcher Adassa Arbel, a resident of Haifa, who interviewed witnesses to this phenomenon, said in the pages of the Tel Aviv newspaper Yediot Ahronot that the new data is clear evidence of the existence of unidentified flying objects *:

The same newspaper cites the story of a responsible employee of the Hevrat Hashmal company, who, apparently, hesitated to give his name, fearing that he would be mistaken for a frivolous person.

That evening, he was driving along the coastal highway and noticed a UFO shaped like a cigar. Having stopped the car, he went to the seashore and watched the outlandish aircraft for seven to eight minutes.

Another eyewitness, secretary Ilina Gants, said that on that Wednesday, at about the same time, she saw an unidentified flying cigar-shaped object in the sky near the Dan Carmen Hotel.

Ldassa Arbel received another confirmation of the UFO appearance that day during a lecture she read at a military base in the north of the country. After she informed the soldiers about the recent sightings in Haifa, about ten people jumped up from their seats and shouted excitedly, "We saw this too!"

“I'm sure,” said the Israeli researcher; - that sooner or later we will all have to admit the existence of civilizations other than ours."

These messages are commented by the head of the laboratory of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University, head of the UFO flyby group I. I. ALTUKHOV:

- In all three messages received from different (gran, there is a lot in common. Apparently, we can conclude that the inhabitants of the USSR, America and Israel observed the same object. All eyewitnesses note the completely silent movement of the apparatus, its large size, small flight altitude and low speed Despite the fact that there are many Radar stations in the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, none of them recorded the object. It is difficult now to talk about the purpose of the flight of the 11LO. We are collecting additional information. The special attention of our group was attracted by the rather long hovering of the UFO over Elbrus. As you know, there are many unsolved natural phenomena. 6 There are many places in the Elbrus area where no man has set foot. According to one of the bold assumptions, there may be a parking lot for aircraft of the emissaries of other civilizations.

From the book: "SECRETS OF THE TWENTY CENTURY". I. I. Mosin