NRO - Unidentified Missile Objects - Alternative View

NRO - Unidentified Missile Objects - Alternative View
NRO - Unidentified Missile Objects - Alternative View

Video: NRO - Unidentified Missile Objects - Alternative View

Video: NRO - Unidentified Missile Objects - Alternative View
Video: The Deadliest Being on Planet Earth – The Bacteriophage 2024, July

Not all UFOs are shaped like plates or triangles. Among them are objects of small size, similar to missiles.

Take, for example, the declassified document dated October 17, 1947. It describes the crash of an unidentified rocket. In 2001, this report (and all the papers associated with it) was reviewed by ufologists Nick Redfern and Ryan Wood at the National Archives and Records Administration, Maryland. The document was addressed to Roddy, Director of Research and Development, and states the following:

“An attempt to investigate an unidentified rocket that fell on October 11, 1947 near Guadeloupe was unsuccessful, so it is not possible to identify it as a V-2, GAPA or any other type of guided missile. A thorough inspection by the US Air Force and Navy revealed that no exercises took place at the Alamogordo and White Sands proving grounds that day. The artillery also denied the possibility of hitting an anti-aircraft target."

The report goes on to state that “negotiations between the State Department and the Mexican government over guided missiles allegedly fired from the Long Range test site could be in jeopardy if Mexico were unhappy with the investigation. Understandably, newspaper reports about the identified V-2 fragments are of concern to the Mexican government.”


Despite the mention of the V-2, during thorough checks of military bases located in the southwestern United States, not a single loss was found. Nothing at all. The type and origin of the rocket still remain a mystery.

On July 11, the US Embassy in Stockholm (Sweden) prepared a secret note, which included the following information: “Over the past several weeks, there have been numerous reports of strange missile-like objects seen in the skies over Sweden and Finland.

Over the past few days, the number of such reports has increased … The Defense Attache is conducting an investigation through his own channels in Sweden, he was promised to provide the results. The Swedes find it difficult to answer the question about the origin and purpose of these missiles, but they argue that the objects were not launched by the Swedish side.

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In September 1987, the Conolly family from Ireland informed the local police that while walking through the green hills, they saw a "ten feet (3 meters) long rocket" flying slowly twenty meters away. The report was taken very seriously, but there was no response. The military did not lose any vehicles. The object was not similar to what we today call a typical drone. In addition, the strange aircraft was never seen again, and nothing unexpected happened. The secret remained a secret.

Move on. On April 21, 1991, the term "close contact" took on special meaning for the crew and passengers of the British airliner. At about 9 pm, the vehicle was in the Kent County area at an altitude of 22,000 feet (6,705 kilometers). Captain Achille Zagetti, who was flying the McDonnell MD-80 aircraft, was very surprised to see an unidentified missile-like object that flew near the airliner.

The UFO approached the aircraft from above at a distance of 300 meters, so the incident was classified as a "close proximity" and the civil aviation authorities began an investigation into the case. About two weeks later, the CAA issued a statement to the media: "According to the pilot, the object was light brown, rounded, 3 meters long, and does not fit the description of any vehicle." The case was never fully investigated.


Similar objects are still observed. On September 29, 2015, while vacationing in North Carolina, Englishwoman Don Todd saw a "rocket" slowly flying along the Brown Mountains. Despite the fact that the rocket was moving absolutely silently, Todd felt fear, and this feeling forced her to look up. A three-meter-high object hovered above it, similar to a telegraph pole. He remained in sight for 20 seconds, after which he jerked to the side at great speed and disappeared from sight. Was it a secret warship, an off-course missile, or something else? The questions remained unanswered.


Translation by Elena Muravyova for